Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Add Dynamic Rows And Maintain Their State?

Jan 14, 2010

I need the following functionality in gridview1). Dynamic add rows2). facility to delete any row (mainly when add new row a link button shd appear with remove text)3). when we add or delete a row the state of other rows should be maintainedeg:- we have a gridivew with 3 textboxwhen we click add button a new row with three textboxes are generated along with remove link buttonnow after creating 3 4 rows i add text in all textboxes , then again i add or remove the row the textboxes must not get cleared

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Data Controls :: How To Add Dynamic Rows Together With Non-Dynamic To Single GridView Table

Dec 11, 2013

I have a Webform with a TextBox (Static) and 3 TextBox (Dynamic - based on the following article: [URL].... )

How to use this scenario with a single GridView table?

Based on the User input, the GridView might have (1 + 3) columns; (1 + 6) columns; (1 + 9) columns; ...etc.

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Forms Data Controls :: Maintain DIVs Open State When Sorting One Open GridView?

Feb 10, 2010

In code below, when I have more than one DIV open and I choose to sort one of the GridViews, all the other Open Div's will close automatically. How can i keep the DIV's in the state they are in when I sort any GridView?


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C# - Maintain The Checkbox State In The Header Rows Across The Page?

Nov 12, 2010

I know how to keep track of the checkbox in a datarow, but I got no idea on keep tracking the checkbox state in the header rows.

For example, assume my gridview have 3 pages, after I check the checkbox in the header rows in 1st page, I click on 2nd or 3rd pages, and click back to my 1st page, my checkbox status in 1st page still remains checked.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Filter Item Of Database In Dynamic Rows In GridView

Aug 19, 2010

I have used this gridview in my project nad its working fine.

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Data Controls :: Set Initial Row For Dynamic Rows In GridView

May 7, 2015 the page loads is displays 1 row intitially...I want around 4 rows initially. So, what parameter should i change.

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Data Controls :: Add Dynamic Rows In GridView With TextBox And Keep Edited GridView Row Data On Post Back

May 7, 2015

I have 3 textboxes , 1 dropdown , 1 Button and 1 gridview .

Textboxes ID are :ACode , ADesc , ASeq
DropDown ID is :CPhase
Button ID is :AddRowBTN
GridView ID is :PhasesTempGrid

Now whats the story is ?After adding some data into textboxes , when a user clicks ADDRow BTN , that data gets saved into datatable , then that datatable gets binded to gridview and it shows my textboxes data in it .

What i want to achieve ?In my gridview i am use templateField and inside that template field there are textboxes ( Let the users edit the row without clicking any button ) .

Take an example of dummy data and problem persisting in there :for e.g i put some data in textboxes :ACode = "ABCD"ADesc = "EFGH"ASeq = "HIJK"Then i click Add BTN , it saves the data in datatable and show in gridview , now if i do this in gridview :ACode = "Edited ABCD"ADesc = "Edited EFGH too"ASeq = "WoW There"Then i click Add BTN , it removes the edited record in gridview and shows original data which had came earlier from textboxes :ACode = "ABCD"ADesc = "EFGH"ASeq = "HIJK"I don't want that to be done ... Simple is that user can enter data from textboxes , click the btn to submit into grid then he can edit the data like he want ... data must not get flashed , here's my coding i have done so far : 

public void AddNewData()
var dt = new DataTable();
if (ViewState["myDatatable"] != null)
dt = (DataTable) ViewState["myDatatable"];


here i havent added dropdown combo in gridview but you can do it so that it will save my time (Bind it just the way PhaseDropDown have bind)...

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Data Controls :: Dynamic Rows In GridView With Remove Button?

May 7, 2015

I am using below article provided by you:


I need to provide Remove button with every row added to grid. So that only the current row get removed on remove button clicked of that row.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Maintain Checkbox State In Paging

Sep 17, 2010

I am using dot net 3.5.

I have a grid in which there are text box and check box as template column.

But when I move from one page to another the value of checked check box is lost.

How to maintain the value through all the pages in grid.

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Data Controls :: Using JQuery AutoComplete For TextBox In GridView With Dynamic Rows

Aug 18, 2015

I am using autocomplete jquery textbox in gridview , for first time when grid view is binded autocomplete jquery textbox works , when new row is dynamically added with textbox, the code is not working 

<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$("*[id$=Gridview1] input[id$=txtHead]").autocomplete('Search_CS.ashx');

[Code] .....

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Data Controls :: Adding Dynamic Rows In GridView Control With Database Value

Nov 28, 2012

i have read and used this script.Adding Dynamic Rows in ASP.Net GridView Control with is very usful to me but i want to fetch data from sqll database and fill the newest row with it. the past row data hav to be remain same. becoz of the same name of textbox it happens. whenever i  try to fetch data from database and fill textbox all rows get updated with the same data.

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Data Controls :: Add Dynamic Rows With TextBox And DropDownList In GridView Control

Sep 11, 2013

I want to add inputs from textboxes, ddl to datagridview without saving it to database by clicking on add button as many rows i want and later save it to database when clicked on save button....

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Forms Data Controls :: Maintain Page State On Postback From Other Webpages?

May 3, 2010

I have a abc.aspx page having some control like (drop downs, text boxes), i am filling a grid based on selected items in the drop downs and date selected from the ajax calender extender control attached to the from data and to date text boxes.

Inside grid there is a link which redirects to bcd.aspx, this page (bcd.aspx) is having a back button to redirect abc.aspx.

Now what i want is, abc.aspx should main its state like grid, drop downs and text boxes should be shown as it was earlier, i.e. all should have same values as it was at the time of redirecting to bcd.aspx.

Yes, there is a way to maintain the state by passing all values from query string and than get all values back and rebind all controls. But i don't want to go this way because i will have pass so many values in query string.

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Forms Data Controls :: Maintain The State Of Options Checked In Detailsview?

Apr 16, 2010

in that i am displaying the questions using details view.I am taking 4 options as radiobuttons(Template field).my problem is i will check one option and move to next page in detailsview & so on.if i go to page 1 option i checked is reset,so how to maintain the state of options checked in detailsview.

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Forms Data Controls :: Maintain Checkbox State On Multiple GridViews With DropDownList?

Jan 20, 2011

I have a multiView control within which I have 3 views as part of building a customer order.

Step 1: Customer is selected from gridView and Customer Name is saved in MultiView Session.

Step 2: Products are chosen from gridView. The grid is re-bound depending on which product category is selected in a dropDownList. The product details are also stored.

Step 3: All of the details required to build the INSERT query are passed to labels on a form to be reviewed before committing to db. The next stage, now that I have managed to select multiple rows, will be to display this data in another gridView.

Everything works fine, except for the paging and dropDownList which is causing the checkbox state to be lost after postBack.

I've read a few articles on this, but I think I have made the task more complicated due to the dropDownList in addition to paging. Essentially the customer will be able to select various product lines, across various bindings of the gridView so I need to persist the checkbox state and retain the data for the INSERT query.

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Data Controls :: Maximum Row Validation When Adding Dynamic Rows To GridView On Button Click

Aug 18, 2015

As per you sample : [URL] ...

How do I add maximum rows that can be added ?

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Data Controls :: Maintain State Of Checkbox In DataList Paging

May 7, 2015

I am using pagination on datalist control. It is working fine without any issues. But I am not able to maintain the checkbox state while doing pagination. Looking for appropriate code for maintaining the state of checkbox.

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Forms Data Controls :: Datagrid With Dynamic Columns & Rows

Dec 6, 2010

I put in my page 1 table like grid with this style:

header of columns are select from table persons(so number of them are dynamic)

header of each row are select from table goods(so number of them are dynamic)

in table , in each cell,show the price & the date ,that this person,buy this goods

for example,in may 2008 ,Jack&sara buy in front of pencil&buttom of jack we write his price and in front of pencil&buttom of sara we write her price.

so this table has 2 column & 1 row

in may 2009,

Jack&sara buy in front of pencil&buttom of jack we write his price and in front of pencil&buttom of sara we write her price.

and jhon buy pen & suzzan buy book so this table has 4 column & 3 row

Price Date

Price Date

Price Date

Price Date




then I want in each cell,I have 1 CHECKBOX that user of my program,checked each on that want. how can I design my page?

is ther any component?or I must create <TABLE> dynamically

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Controls :: Add Dynamic Rows To GridView And Export To Word Document

Mar 6, 2014

I would like to save input values in the session then convert the grid to word. Here is the example: 

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Forms Data Controls :: Creating Dynamic Rows In A Table From List?

Sep 7, 2010

am creating dynamic rows in a table from List<Productos> but this list have repeats same objects depending of quantity for one product.


I like that the products are not repeated but instead that show the quantity in a label.

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Forms Data Controls :: Dynamic Gridview Inside A Dynamic Gridview?

Oct 9, 2010

If there's a better way to accomplish what I'm attempting I haven't found it yet. That being said, I have create a gridview like the one here,[URL]And with some minor tweaking it working great for all my fields, checkboxes, etc. The issue is my last column is another gridview, and I'd like it to function the same. that is, a dynamic gridview inside of a dynamic gridview. I get that I have to create it initially with null values or it won't show up. I guess what I'm having trouble figuring out is instead of go will null data in the parent gridviews column, do I place my blank child gridview. Do I create and bind the child gridview first, or second. Generally just not sure. Also, as far as storing the data from the child gridview goes, will each one need it's own datatable?



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Web Forms :: Adding Dynamic Rows To GridView

Aug 19, 2012

while a new row is adding in gridview, the data is binding only new rows. the old rows are not coming.Data is coming from the profile properties.Add new row command event is listed below

bool isUserAccountCreated = false;
UserProfile profilenew = new UserProfile();

if (e.CommandName == "AddNew")


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Forms Data Controls :: Maintain Gridview Paging And Radiobuttonlist

Apr 7, 2010

Currently i am developing a quiz using gridview. I provided users with multiple choice question using radibuttonlist. Everything was fine but when i navigate to the second page (Gridview paging) and back again to the first page, previous selection on radiobuttonlist was missing. How do i maintain the radiobuttonlist over gridview paging. I have been searching solution for days:(yet, din manage find a proper solution.

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Does Maintain Template Entry In Textbox?

Mar 11, 2010

I have Gridview that is populated from a data table, there are two additional template columns which are not bound (one checkbox and one textbox). I intend for the users to fill data in the unbound textbox and check the checkbox as needed. (there really is a good reason why the data is constructed in this way)

here is the problem, when the user enteres data into the textbox and hits enter, the gridview appears to postback, which wipes out the checkbox and the data in the textbox.

I tried setting the enable view state of the grid to false, that was supposed to stop postback but no luck. I have the enable view state of the textbox and checkbox set to true and autopostback set to false. but still no luck

so I need to either stop the postback or intercept the enter key in the text box and cancel the action, but that is a bit beyond me at this point

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Maintain Gridview Page (paging) While Webpage Get Redirect

Feb 10, 2011

I have a two webpages,in my first webpage i have gridview with 8 pages(paging) and four coloumns.In fourth coloumn i have a link button to redirect tosecond webpage ,now i am in gridview 4 th page(paging) then i clicked the link button and move to second
second webpage.

second webpage contain one button that will redirect to first webpage.if i come from second webpage to first webpage the gridview paging get reset.but i want to be on gridview 4th page(paging).

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