Forms Data Controls :: How To Set Selected Value Of Dropdown In Gridview After Gridview Databound

Nov 30, 2010

I have a gridview with dropdown boxes. As soon as the complete gridview is databound, I want to loop through ALL the rows and set the values of the dropdown boxe in a row based on the value of another column in the same row. The gridview is databound, all data shows up. The condition "If ddl.Items(j).Value = searchstring Then" evaluates as true, but somehow the selected item in the dropdownbox is NOT changed and remains "<ignore>"


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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Databound - Not Found On Selected Source

Jul 8, 2010

I put a sql statement into the textbox,then the result will be bound to the gridview in the page. first time,sql statement is "selecte * from A(B)",and the gridview is ok. second time,sql statement is "selecte * from B(A)",then the gridview will throw a exception the exception is "A field or property with the name 'aa' was not found on the selected data source. i have two tables A and B."

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Get The Selected Valueof A Dropdown In A Gridview

Apr 5, 2010

how I get the selectedvalue of a dropdown list in a gridview?

cmdInsert.Parameters("@Cost_ID").Value = gvItems.Rows(i).Cells(0).FindControl("ddCostID").


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Forms Data Controls :: Editing A GridView, Dropdown Boxes Do Not Show The Selected Value?

Jul 13, 2010

My dropdown boxes in my GridView just show the top item in the list when I select edit.


Do I need to do something in the CS file to make these show the selected value when you hit edit?

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Forms Data Controls :: Dropdown List In Gridview - Selected Index While Saving The Record

Oct 22, 2010

I am developing page for maintaing employee record using Visual Studio 2008, MS SQL server 2005. I am able to fetch and display all the employee information in gridview, the gridview have the dropdown list to display the employee type [ Part Time, Full Time, Permanent , Contract ], in the item template i am having dropdown list. IN the dropdown list i am displaying this. But While saving the record in gridview the droppdown selected index are changed to 0 of other dropdown list.

the user may be change the dropdown value from permanent to contract, or so. but while click on the save button in gridview, all the previous selection are gone, and always showing the first record of dropdown list. I know this is happening because we are doing dropdown list bind on onRowDataBound.

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Forms Data Controls :: Getting A Non-key Field From A Gridview Selected Rown To Use To Populate A Dropdown In A Formview?

Jul 22, 2010

I have a gridview that had a field called "GenericNameHepDrug" within the row. It's not the key field. I have an insert button that opens a formview in insertmode. How can I get the selected value of generichepdrug into the formview that opens when the button is clicked? I am using VB.NET 2.0.

here is some code from the source:


Here is what I tried to do in the code nehind of the button3_click:



CLearly I am lost. I have been working with ASP.NET VB for 2 months. I'm in over my head with figuring this one out - I've been at it for days.

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Data Controls :: Display Selected Item In Dropdown And Textbox In GridView

Apr 14, 2012

i am making a web page in which there is a dropdown list and a text box.i want to display the selected item in dropdown and textbox in a Gridview.

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Data Controls :: Display Data In GridView On DropDown Selected Index Change

Dec 18, 2013

I have a drop down which contain dealer name..i want to do when i select name in dropdown it show releated item list how we can perform.

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Forms Data Controls :: Populate Dropdownlist In A Gridview By Selecting Another Dropdown In Same Gridview

Oct 9, 2010

How to populate dropdownlist in a gridview by selecting another dropdown in same gridview

i tried the code in driiopdownlist selectedchanged

dropdownlist d=(dropdownlist)gridview.findcontrol("dropdownlist1") but it gives null

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Forms Data Controls :: Insert A Non Databound Row In A Gridview

Sep 23, 2010

i have to a grid view and the datasource for it is a table coming from the database the table containing sequence numbers for example if the sequence number is 1 then i want to add a row just above this saying it is the start , the entire row should give some information .

i tried to find related thing but no luck, waiting for some replies to move further

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Forms Data Controls :: Getting The First Row Of The GridView After Databound Display?

Nov 12, 2010

I need to be able to get the value in the "first" row of a Gridview as its getting or right after it is displayed.

I thought this would work but its coming up null.

I'm using the DataBound event to get the value of the control of a selected row...assuming the selected row is the first row which is probably the error of my ways. Any ideas how to get at this value easily?


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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Populate Dropdown Based On Another Dropdown?

Mar 4, 2011

I have a gridview where i have two fields. one is product and second is sub category.

I need to do 2 things.

1. I need to populate the two combos from the database. But depending what is selected in dropdown 1 this will determine what needs to be populated in drop down 2?

how can i achieve this?

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Forms Data Controls :: ArrayList And Gridview Row Databound Event

Nov 7, 2010

How can i do the following:

I already have an ArrayList populated from an Oracle table using SQL Select statement.


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Forms Data Controls :: Selected Checkbox In Gridview Should Be Added From One To Other Gridview Using Objectdatasource

Aug 2, 2010

table a
a1 a
1 qw
2 asa

i have two grid views

gridview1 has check box[a1] and one value[a](in total two columns) with objectdatasource1 for datareferencing from database

another gridview2 has to select only the selected/checked value of gridview1 of checkbox1

View 3 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Assign Value Of Internal Field Of Gridview's Selected Row To Textbox Outside The Gridview?

Jan 7, 2010

I have a Gridview with ID "GVSeasonsOfResort" which has selectable rows.

One of the fields in that gridview is RSLinkID which is an ID field of the table from which ths SQLDataSource driving the gridview gets its data.

I have a textbox outside the gridview with ID TxtBxRSLinkID and when I select a row of the Gridview, I want to assign the value of the RSLinkID field of the selected row to the TxtBxRSLinkID.


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Forms Data Controls :: Dropdown That Inserts Data Vis Procedure If The Gridview Doesn't Have Value For The Dropdown Selection

Sep 3, 2010

i have a dropdown with month names if the user has data for the month tht is selected then gridview displays the rows with day nos as per the month but if the gridview has no data for the same the dropdown or gridview via some event should call a insert procedure to insert data into the table for tht month with daynos ad rebind the gridview witht the rows just created

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Forms Data Controls :: Position The Second Gridview Next To The First Gridview's Selected Row

Jun 7, 2010

I have 2 gridviews, the first gridview is row-selectable. When selected it displays some details in a second gridview. What I need to do is position the second gridview next to the first gridview's selected row.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Get The Undisplayed Primary Key Info From A Databound Gridview

Jun 17, 2010

I have two gridviews, where the first is databound to a sql table (but does not display the primary key info), and want to filter the data displayed on the second gridview by using the primary key info from the first gridview table, indicated by the selected row in the first gridview - how I could achieve this? its kind of like using the gridviews as a menu and sub menu display!

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Bold Specific Databound Items In Gridview

Jan 10, 2010

I want to created a messaging system and to display the messages. I want to use a gridview. My problem is how can I display the new messages in BOLD rows and the readed messages in normal text.

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Forms Data Controls :: Inserting Image In A Databound Gridview Column?

Apr 6, 2010

I have a data bound column in grid view. When a particular value in a cell is getting processed I want to display an image in the cell.

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Databound Link - Target In Blank?

Jan 11, 2011

I want to make a link in databound data which is stockQtt. How can I do that? and I want target is blank and the link page is AdjStock.aspx below is coding.

<asp:GridView ID="GridSql" runat="server" AllowPaging="True"
AllowSorting="True" AutoGenerateColumns="False" DataKeyNames="itemId"
DataSourceID="StockSql" Width="980px"
<asp:BoundField DataField="itemId" HeaderText="Item ID" ReadOnly="True"
SortExpression="itemId" >
<ItemStyle Width="5%" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="categoryId" HeaderText="categoryId"
SortExpression="categoryId" Visible="false" >
<asp:BoundField DataField="catDesc" HeaderText="Category"
SortExpression="catDesc" >
<ItemStyle Width="13%" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="model" HeaderText="Model" SortExpression="model" >
<ItemStyle Width="13%"/>
<asp:BoundField DataField="itemDesc" HeaderText="Description" ...................................

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Forms Data Controls :: DataBound GridView Checkbox Field Not Updating SQL?

Jan 14, 2011

So I am uding a GridView bound to a SQL data source.

I have a template feild bound to a SQL BIT

<EditItemTemplate <asp:CheckBox ID="chkSelected" runat="server" Checked='<%# Bind("Selected") %>

The original Item Template was Enabled ="false" I changed this so that you did not have to set the row to a state of edit in order to just select a row. I enabled it so that you could "select" any row with out putting it in a state of edit. the only value changing is if its selected or not. What i am trying to do is use the Data Source Update method to update the bit in the database based on the check box. Currently Update() returns 0. I believe this is because the row/feild is not marked as changed so the Data Source does not see it as something that needs to be updated.

What I am hoping for out of this is post is a way that the rows whom check value has changed to be marked as changed/edited so that the data source will update the database with the values of the check boxes. If all rows are updated this is acceptable as well. I know this is a super simple solution but i have been out of the .NET for a little bit.

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview SelectedIndex / Unable To Access The Data In The Gridview's Selected Row

Jul 31, 2010

I am unable to access the data in the gridview's selected row. I have done this lots of times but must be forgetting something.

Here is my gridview:


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Forms Data Controls :: Add An Item To The END Of A Databound Dropdown List?

Jan 20, 2010

I have a simple databound dropdownlist. On top, I have a default selection, '--Please Select--', followed by another default selection, '-- Other --'. Here's the script:


Now, my user wants the '--other--' selection to appear on the BOTTOM of the dropdown as opposed to right sfter '--Please select--'. How do I accomplish this?

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Forms Data Controls :: GridView:Dynamic DataBound Column Creation With Hyperlinks?

May 10, 2010

I have a stored procedure (For Eg: sp_GetAvlData) that accepts a number of parameters, 3 of which are TimeFrom, TimeTo (as varchar) and TimeInterval (as int), formulates a Dynamic query and executes itself. So for instance, if I call the proc as follows:


dtAvl is the datatable containing the results of my stored procedure.

The next step for me is to make each of the cells (except the cells in the first column) as a Hyperlink so that when clicked upon a cell, it populates 2 textboxes with the selected Timeslot and Name or ID (ID field is not displayed in Gridview). The textboxes are located on the same page but outside of the Gridview control.

The Challenge that I'm facing out here are:

1) As you can see, the field names being generated are not fixed and I have no control over them.

2) Because the field names are not fixed I'm not sure I can implement this using the Templatefields or BoundFields of Gridview.

Is there any way to achieve the Hyperlinking of these cells within the Gridview?

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