Forms Data Controls :: How To Set Tooltip To Empty Cell In Listview

Oct 28, 2010

I have a listview with 5 columns and i will bind the data from database for all these 5 columns. It may have "n" number of rows. But some items may not have values so for the empty cell i need to display some tooltip. How to do this?

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Forms Data Controls :: Getting Text As Empty String When Gridview Cell Is Empty?

Feb 19, 2010

I have a gridview with two bound fields. On clicking a button i want to display the values in first row of gridview in two textboxes. But if gridview cell is empty i am getting the text in textbox to which the value of cell is given as -' 'i know my problem will be solved if i use the template fields instead. But i want a solution while maintaining the bound fields ,if any.

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Forms Data Controls :: Dynamic Tooltip For Gridview Cell

Feb 24, 2010

My GridView rows have a field for a server timestamp when a person entered in a particular state(like idle). I want to show the time elapsed since the person has been in that particular state. That I want to show as a tooltip when mouse is hovered over the cell and time elapsed calculation I want to do on client side only without a roundtrip to the server. In RowDataBound event of the GridView I add functions to the show and hide the tooltip by following some examples on the web. In the JavaScipt function, I calculate the time elapsed. But it works first time but not after that somehow and I get a JScript error "Microsoft JScript runtime error: Function expected." on this line:

document.getElementById("td0").innerText = elapsedpretty(timeInState);

My GridView is inside a user control which is used as a ASP.NET web part and my web part zones are inside ASP.NET UpdatePanel. Could it cause a problem?

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Forms Data Controls :: Display Alternative Text When ListView Is Empty?

May 31, 2010

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I have read the FAQ of this forum. This issue is not there.

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Forms Data Controls :: Autosize Listview Images From Access Datasource To Fit To A Cell In Aspx?

Jul 29, 2010

I am working on setting up an aspx page using access datasource in web eepression. Access Datasource is having image source information from other resources feed. I am using listview to display all the images.
The problem I am facing is that all the images are displaying in different sizes. I tried to customize Layout template by specifying the td height and width but it's not working. Is there any way to autosize the pictures in listview once page is displayed.

<table runat="server">
<tr runat="server">


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Forms Data Controls :: Preventing The Display Of Titles For Data Fields If The Data Field Is Empty In ListView?

Nov 14, 2010

I have a listview control bound to an SqlDataSource. As part of the formatting I want to add a title to the data returned from my database. For instance if the data base returns a phone number I want to add 'Tel.' first. However I do not want to diplay this
title if the datafield is empty. Here is what I have done so far.

<asp:Label ID="BusinessLabel" runat="server" Text='<%# "Tel. "+Eval("Business") %>' CssClass="TeleStyle" />

Or This:Tel.
<asp:Label ID="BusinessLabel" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("Business") %>' CssClass="TeleStyle" />

Business is a phone number. If the data field contains a number I get: Tel. 1234 123456. If the field is empty I get Tel. If Business is null I want nothing dsplayed, how do I do this?

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Forms Data Controls :: Strategies For Removing Empty List Items From A Listview Upon Render?

Sep 29, 2010

using 4 and vs 2010 I have a listview that displays data from a database. I have to configure it to display all column data where present, however, not all columns have data, with the result that blank spaces get rendered where this data would normally be displayed.

The code:


So, for example, some of the individuals that exist in this table might no longer be associated with a specific department, institution or have data in the "Address2" column.

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Mar 4, 2011

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Dec 6, 2010

I have setup my business object to have a create_date and edit_date members both datetime datatypes. My company want to display the create_date and edit_date fields in a gridview for each transaction. The problem i have is that after insterting a record it will have a valid create_date but no edit_date and when displayed in the gridview it defaults to datetime.minvalue (My default). How on earth do i show an empty field in my gridview for a null datetime field in the database?

I am using similar architecture to the Imar Spaanjaars example of a tiered solution. With a few small tweeks it has worked well for me for ages. I am passing a List<Database> to my object datasource which connects to my gridview.

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Web Forms :: Import Data From Excel Returns Empty Cell

Feb 11, 2010

I am trying to import data from excel and Reading Excel sheet from returns empty cell, when the data type is changing from number to text example

AN00 -- reading as empty
BN00 --reading asempty

this is the conncetion string i use with vb.Net

Dim strConn As String = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OleDb.4.0;" _
& "data source= '" & FileName & "';" _
& "Extended Properties=Excel 8.0;"

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview And Sql Bit - Check The Cell With The Bit Value To Change The Cell Color

Apr 30, 2010

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Feb 11, 2010

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Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Set Height And ItemSource (Business Object As DataSource For Cell) For Every Cell

Mar 24, 2010

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I am open to use any control i.e. Grid/ DataGrid provided it allows me to set Cell Height and item source at Cell level. In my requirement, Cell height depends on the Item duration and size of image, which means the height of the cells may not be same across cells in any particular row.

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Data Controls :: Display Empty Message When Data List Is Empty When Working With Alphabet Paging

Jun 27, 2012

When I click on the Alphabets it will show the details of a player...however, when that particular letters has no details of the player..I want to show."No results can be found"..Is there anyway to do it?

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
ViewState["CurrentAlphabet"] = "ALL";


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Forms Data Controls :: ToolTip Manipulation?

Feb 23, 2010

I would like to have more control over how information is presented in my ToolTip. Is it possible to display this:

High value: 90 Low value: 10

Like this:
High value: 90
Low value: 10

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Databases :: Getting Empty Cell Value On Invalid Dates?

Feb 2, 2011

When i load the excel data into dataset using datadapet.fill method, It shows empty cell value where invalid dates are present. I want to show the error of invalid date.

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Detect Grid View Empty Cell?

Apr 8, 2010

how to detect grid view empty cell ? I need it for highlighting. So I made a css

background: FF0000; [code]....

and trying to appear it to empty GV cells this way :

protected virtual GridView1_RowDataBound (_sender : object, e : System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewRowEventArgs) : void [code]...but my it doesn't appears to empty cells , even I've tried Text=="" , Cell[i]==null, Cell[i].ToString()=="" and nothing helped.

recoded to : def IsCellNull(cell : TableCell) : bool
| null => true[code]....

But !!! It even doesn't helped , it works without WHEN, but when (if) can not find empty cells :P
Finally : solved with this code :` e.Row.Cells[0].CssClass = "wide";

def IsCellNull(cell : TableCell) : bool [code]....

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Jul 6, 2010

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Where the higlighted text mean the title for outer datasource.

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Forms Data Controls :: Tooltip For Item In Datalist?

Jun 2, 2010

I have a data list , each row consist only from button , i want to retrive data from data base depending on the item, I mean each button or row have different tooltip , it is possible to do this ?

if the button is enable=false also it is possible ?

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Show A Tooltip With Boundcolumns In Datagrid

Feb 15, 2011

Is it possible, I have the following datagrid, want to show "filename" field info as a tooltip with first column Type in datagrid.


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Forms Data Controls :: How To Put Tooltip In Dropdownlist Bind With Sqldatasource

Mar 4, 2010

I have a dropdownlist that's being populated from a SQL datasource. I would also like to have a tooltip for each dropdownlist list item on mouse over. I found the example below which adds a title attribute for each list item using the listitem text as a tooltip but I want to make the title/tooltip value another field in the database. In other words,

item.Attributes.Add("title", someotherdatabasefield);

The end result would be something like this where the text for 'title' comes from the database

<asp:DropDownList ID="DropDownList1" runat="server" AutoPostBack="True">
<asp:ListItem Text="CompanyName1" Value="1" title="a really great company" />
<asp:ListItem Text="CompanyName2" Value="2" title="a really bad company" />


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Forms Data Controls :: Dynamic Content In Tooltip On Mouseover Of A Row

Jun 17, 2010

i need to show the tooltip which contain the dynamic content like graphs,piechart from the mouseover of a row in gridview.

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Forms Data Controls :: Set A Tooltip For Command Buttons In Gridview?

Apr 20, 2010

I have two command buttons in my gridview that I need to set tooltips for. Both buttons show as an image and I need to fix it so it show a message like 'Click here to edit'. The gridview control is databound and I have the all of the functionality of it working, I just need to be able to do this.

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