Forms Data Controls :: Set A Tooltip For Command Buttons In Gridview?

Apr 20, 2010

I have two command buttons in my gridview that I need to set tooltips for. Both buttons show as an image and I need to fix it so it show a message like 'Click here to edit'. The gridview control is databound and I have the all of the functionality of it working, I just need to be able to do this.

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Forms Data Controls :: Dynamic Link Buttons In External Gridview Pager User Control Don't Fire Command

Nov 16, 2010

I'm customizing a NopCommerce store, and am using a gridview to display and sort the products. All that works well. I like how the external pager (user control) works with the gridview, with one exception -- it uses the hyperlink control, so I lost viewstate, which I need to retain for both the search page and to retain the gridview sort options. Based on the page selected (from the pager control), I query the database and rebind the gridview. So, I switched the user control to use LinkButtons instead of Hyperlinks. This is the sample code for one of the buttons:


I set a breakpoint inside the lbCommandClick method, but it never gets hit. Reading other posts tells me that I would have to add the dynamic controls in the OnLoad method, but since this all happens based on other data on the page (say search results), I don't think I can do it onLoad. However, the link buttons do work to cause a postback, and my viewstate is saved correctly. The only problem is that I do not know which button was clicked. I could check Request.Params["__EVENTTARGET"] onLoad, but that is kind of a hack -- I'd much rather be able to set the event handler in the user control and use the CommandArgument property. But, what I have tried so far fails.

Especially one that would allow me to set the EventHandler in the User Control? (e.g. OnlbCommand="PagerLBPageChange" )

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Hide Gridview Command Buttons?

Feb 11, 2010

I have a gridview which has rows of 'tickets'. A user has the ability to 'claim' a ticket, this is all set up and works. What i need is to be able to change/hide the 'claim' button and replace it with a 'release' or 'open' command button. Can i achieve this at a rowdatabound level? What i do not want is to query the db everytime to see if the ticket is claimed.

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Forms Data Controls :: Dynamic Tooltip For Gridview Cell

Feb 24, 2010

My GridView rows have a field for a server timestamp when a person entered in a particular state(like idle). I want to show the time elapsed since the person has been in that particular state. That I want to show as a tooltip when mouse is hovered over the cell and time elapsed calculation I want to do on client side only without a roundtrip to the server. In RowDataBound event of the GridView I add functions to the show and hide the tooltip by following some examples on the web. In the JavaScipt function, I calculate the time elapsed. But it works first time but not after that somehow and I get a JScript error "Microsoft JScript runtime error: Function expected." on this line:

document.getElementById("td0").innerText = elapsedpretty(timeInState);

My GridView is inside a user control which is used as a ASP.NET web part and my web part zones are inside ASP.NET UpdatePanel. Could it cause a problem?

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Update / Delete Command Like A Update Command?

Apr 26, 2010

how would i do my Gridview delete command like a update command?

im using a datasource... and my delete command is like my update command... so i can change the status into "INACTIVE"...

DeleteCommand="UPDATE ACCOUNT_MAINTENANCE SET am_status = 'INACTIVE' WHERE (accmain_no = @accmain_no)"

UpdateCommand="UPDATE [ACCOUNT_MAINTENANCE] SET [account_type] = UPPER(@account_type), [min_deposit] = @min_deposit, [min_capital] = @min_capital WHERE [accmain_no] = @accmain_no"

when i press my delete command at gridview... the status changed into "INACTIVE" but when i refresh or press f5... it automatically update the status into "INACTIVE" also...

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Forms Data Controls :: Trying To Implement This Vb Codes To Gridview For Showing Fixed Char And With Tooltip?

Feb 7, 2011

i am trying to implement this vb codes to my gridview for showing fixed char and with tooltip.My NewsHeader column property in sql is Text. How can I correct this error?


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Validate - Ensuring That All Controls Have Value And Passing Them Onto Buttons Command Argument

May 20, 2010

I'm looking for the best design solution in relation to the following scenario:

submit button

The user control is a series of 5 buttons (similar to a radio button list) where only the latest button is recorded. I.e. if you click button 3 and then button 5, button 5's value is stored. The repeater can have a number of usercontrols, varying in numbers. The typical number if 5/6. When the submit button is pressed, the form needs to collect information from all user comtrols I.e. the database id of the control and the final value. The values will be processed later. At this point i'm looking at the best way of validating values, ensuring that all controls have a value and passing them onto the buttons command argument.

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Data Controls :: Display ToolTip From Database In GridView

Dec 31, 2013

How Can I Display Data From Database in the Tooltip in the Table cell

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Data Controls :: Display Row Details ToolTip On GridView Row Using JQuery?

Sep 25, 2013

I have a table and I want to display row details ToolTip on GridView row using jQuery in ASP.Net as following

product id  Product   Description

1              Soap       Bathing soap 

I have binded product with gridview. But i want on hove the desccrition should be shown with nice jquery effect.

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Data Controls :: How To Display Information Of GridView Row Records In Tooltip

Oct 3, 2013

how to display records using tooltip?when user mouseover in his id or any unique things, all the records from the database display.

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Data Controls :: Display Image As ToolTip On MouseOver Of GridView Row

Dec 18, 2013

Inside Gridview's particular column's every Row I want to open a pop up "on-mouse over", in which i can show different Image of area (diferent image for different row)

Also, i want same requirement "on-mouse over" of Label.

My GridView is:

Stations State Danger Value

aa subah 3
bb PNG 6.9
cc PNG 4
dd KDH 22
ee Subah 10
ff PNG 7

For every Stations row, I want to display different area image "onmouse over" .. How to achieve?

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Forms Data Controls :: Select Command In App So Could Execute The Command And Retrive The Data Into A String Variable?

Apr 9, 2010

i'm trying to issue a select command in my app soi could execute the command and retrive the data into a string variable.the problem is that this command is overloaded with DataSourceSelectArgument and i can't figure out what it is.i'm using sql server express and when issue a n insert command for example sq.Insert(); i have no problems.this the command that's holding me:

SqlDataSource sq = new SqlDataSource();
sq.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["CustomerDatabaseConnectionString1"].ToString();
sq.SelectCommandType = SqlDataSourceCommandType.Text;
sq.SelectCommand = "SELECT * FROM CustomerTable where customerID = 1";
string result = sq.Select(some overload that's stopping me);

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Row Command?

Feb 14, 2011

how i can perform Update Row in Gridview using Template Feild's



what will be next step as i know how to write update statement in databasejust want to know how i can catch the template feilds value and update on click of edit


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Forms Data Controls :: How To Select Buttons In Gridview

Aug 2, 2010

I have a gridview which on the left hand column it will be the Select button, but I think when we did this in Gridview, it will select mulitple button (it's like a checklist). I have made some changes, but I still cannot get the button to select only 1 row instead of multiple.


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Forms Data Controls :: Disable Buttons In Gridview?

Jun 17, 2010

disable an Add button in a gridview when the Edit or Delete button is clicked.?

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Forms Data Controls :: To Get Paging Buttons Into Gridview ?

Dec 27, 2010

We have a page the we have to write where users are shown 'pages' of data from our database they then select the row they want and we take them into another part of the application where they can work with the data.

When we use the built in paging (in the gridview) it is just too slow, as there is too much data.

We have written paging into our stored procedure that gets the data to work around this. The stored procedure works just fine and it is quite fast.

How can I get 'paging' buttons into my gridview when I am not using the built in gridview paging?I can keep it simple if I have to (next and previous only) but it would be better to have a 'first', 'previous', 'next', 'last' type buttons.

I cannot seem to figure out how to get these buttons into the gridview however.

some sample code (preferably vb) that would show this? (or something similar)

Built in paging is not an option.

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Forms Data Controls :: Working With Buttons In GridView?

Mar 11, 2010

i want to add a button to each record, and pull an item ID when the button is clicked.I tried doing it using the RowCommand, but I keep getting errors.Is there a different (better) way of doing this?here is what i have now:


Public Event RowCommand As GridViewCommandEventHandler

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Forms Data Controls :: Command To Get The Value Of A Particular Cell In The GridView

Jan 28, 2010

I am using this command to get the value of a particular cell in the GridView: Question: Do you know why I do not get a value in strValue ?
There is definitely value in the grid.

protected void grid_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e)
//proceed only if the Details button is clicked...
if (e.CommandName.ToLower() == "details")
//Get the row index selected...
int index = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument);
GridViewRow row = grid.Rows[index];
string strValue = grid.Rows[index].Cells[1].Text;

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Forms Data Controls :: Cannot Open Db Con On Gridview Row Command?

Mar 8, 2011

inside row command event of gridview i want to call a function which will open db conectn and run a stored proc to fetch value.but this gives error.

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Forms Data Controls :: Use An Update Command Within GridView?

Sep 26, 2010

I am trying to use an Update Command within my GridView. I need to find the "FindControl" for the Edit Command textboxes.

Ie. When the user clicks the Edit button, the row is populated with dropdown boxes, textboxes, etc for editting. Then when the user clicks on Update (button) and the GridView1_RowCommand function is activated with 'if (e.CommandName == "Update")' statement with my FindControl. etc. and my sql UPDATE command statements are used. How do I convert my FooterRow info to my Edit FINDCONTROL info?

This is what I have:


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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Update Command In C#?

Aug 6, 2010

i am using edit,update,cancel command in gridview, i need to update value in bound field how to retreive that value.

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Forms Data Controls :: SQL Command Via Button In Gridview?

Mar 30, 2010

I have a simple table, ID,Fruit,StockSo, the rows are its primary key (ID), Fruit type (Orange, Apple etc) and Stock (1 is it is in stock, 0 if it is out of stock).I have a grid view on a page which lists the rows.What I would like is a button that executes a SQL command based on the row.(The command is just an update to change the Stock field from 1 to 0).The query i tried was UPDATE [Table] SET [Stock] = 0 WHERE id = @id

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Show Two Buttons In Footer In A Gridview

Feb 20, 2011

i have used gridview to display data from the database and in the gridview i want to add two buttons CONFIRM and CANCEL...the problem is when i am addind two buttons they are added in another columns to align them in the center of the gridview...

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Enable / Disable Buttons In My Gridview

Jul 15, 2010

I'm trying to enable/disable buttons in my gridview according to a value in gridview's field.
But everytime when I try to run my page, it shows me below underlined error and point to my gvTimeSheet.DataBind() in page_load.

"Unable to cast object of type 'System.EventArgs' to type 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewRowEventArgs'."
I also tried to enable / disable button in HTML but it just against from what I need it to be.

Example, sheet_status = true, I do not need to enable the button.


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Forms Data Controls :: Changing Selected Row In Gridview Using Up And Down Buttons

Nov 11, 2010

how i can change the sleected row style in gridview when i click on UP or DOWN buttons

i am using the below code to set the style

<SelectedRowStyle BackColor="Teal" ForeColor="Maroon" Font-Bold="True" />

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