Forms Data Controls :: How To Update A DataTable And Update Multiple Rows Due Sorting

Jan 17, 2010

i want to build a datagrid bound to a datatable with several columns. One column has only a dropdownlist with the number of the rows in the datatable.

Here a samplescreenshot:


I know how to bind the columns to a grid and its no problem to create such a dropdown list with the content for me, too. But i dont know how to sort the complete datatabl after changing one value of one dropdown listbox.

So, how can i resort the values of a datatable column based on a given value and the datarow id?

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Forms Data Controls :: Update Multiple Rows Of Gridview On Click Of Update Button?

Jul 10, 2010

I want to update multiple rows of gridview (only price field. for that i have added textbox) on click of update button which is outside of gridview.I have done following way

<asp:LinkButton ID="lnkUpdate" CssClass="BlueButton" runat="server" OnClick="lnkUpdate_Click">Update</asp:LinkButton>


Up to this its working fine but when no textbox updated then no need to go in for loop so i am looking for confiramtion before updating rows please help me how to do that becausei am less aware with javascript. another problem is textbox value disappear when page index changed how i can retain that values.

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Forms Data Controls :: Update Multiple Rows Of Gidview By One Click

Aug 15, 2010

I want to add multiple rows of a gridview if the data for multiple fields are same.Idea for this is that a user may search a record with some parameter e.g. Sector, plot.For example 15 records being displayed in gridview.There should be checkbox before every row and if user wants to update Plot and Flat No that is same for 10 rows out of 15 so he will check the rows and update.For this a dialog box should appear asking for the parameter i.e. Plot and Flat or something else next time may be it will be City or country. Moreover, there is already an Edit button to update records, when user click it another page open for the record to be updated and whatever he wants to update, it updates.

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DataSource Controls :: Update Datatable Changed Rows Only?

May 24, 2010

I am using untyped database bind to gridview in an edit form. Now user makes some changes to that datatable (update, delete, insert). How do I detect which rows he changes and which rows he deleted (so I drop them from DB). I know it can be done easily via table adapters but I am supporting a previously built app using untyped datatables/datasets.

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DataSource Controls :: How To Add Rows To Datatable And Use Sqldataadapter Update Method

Jan 24, 2010

I'm trying to add new rows to a data table and then use the sqldataadapter update method bu fund some problems. First, I written this code:


Excuse me but the most part of variable are in italian, however I think it is possible to understand how does it work. If I execute this code I obtain this error:

System.InvalidOperationException: Update requires a valid InsertCommand when passed DataRow collection with new rows.

After this I added these lines of code just above the last line:

SqlCommandBuilder cb = new SqlCommandBuilder(adapter);
adapter.InsertCommand = cb.GetInsertCommand;

and I obtained this error:

Cannot convert method group 'GetInsertCommand' to non-delegate type 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand'. Did you intend to invoke the method?

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DataSource Controls :: Update Only Changed Or Insert New Rows In Datatable?

Mar 4, 2010

Existing records can be updatedNew records can be insertedAll existing records can be deleted & new ones can be insertedExisting records have a primary key field
New ones are just blank inserts

All this detail is stored in a data table. On form update I only want to update existing (only modified rows) & insert new rows. I have gone about loading the changed records in a new data table

DataTable changedRecordsTable = dataTable_old.GetChanges();

How do I compare it with all the records in the old datatable and pass them to the save query ?

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Data Controls :: Update Multiple GridView Rows On Single Button Click?

Jun 16, 2015

how can we update all rows without click on update link button,

or can we update all rows of gridview on click single "update" button instead of mutiple for everey row

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Update Multiple Row In One Update Button Click

Sep 14, 2010

im having a gridview in which im displaying records and status.....this gridview shows employee applied leave waiting for approvals..

so in gridview i have chabged the status button as radio button list and giving two choices as approve/reject HOD seect relevant button and update the grid...

how to do this?

1) do i need to place a button on footer and do some write code behind?

2) or any other easier way?

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Forms Data Controls :: Trying To Update A Single Table Using Multiple Tab Panels - Incomplete Update?

Sep 20, 2010

I've got a single table, with project information and schedule information. To make the data easier to present, I created a tab control with two panels (a detailsview in each). The first tab is for project info, the second tab is for schedule info (again, all fields in the same table). The problem is, if i change info in both tabs, and then hit the update button, only the data from one tab is added to the table. I think this problem is simple to fix, and boils down to the way I have the page organized, but I can't quite figure it out.

I've boiled my code down to the following conceptualized structure:


When you click the update button, you return to the listview, but with only the information from your current tab saved. How can I get it to update from both detailsviews?

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DataSource Controls :: Update Multiple Rows In Directory Table?

Sep 22, 2010

I'm trying to figure out how to update multiple rows in my Directory table, when a user changes their Street Number or Street Name in their profile. They can add multiple users to a directory and each user they add to the directory has this primary users UserId in it. So if the primary user changes their address, I want it to update the address for all the users they listed in the directory as well. I'm adding this to the On_Click in the Code Behind, so when they click to update their profile, it fires this function as well. This code may be way off, but here's what I have right now:


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DataSource Controls :: Update Multiple Rows Where UserID = @UserID_ArrayList

Jan 22, 2011

I wrote in subject "Is there any way to UPDATE multiple rows WHERE UserID = @UserID_ArrayList" For example I have an Arraylist like this:

Dim UserID_ArrayList As New ArrayList

Now I have to UPDATE some columns inside those 3 records WHERE UserID = @UserID_ArrayList I'm sure it can be done somehow?

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Web Forms :: Entity Framework Multiple Rows Update

Feb 24, 2013

I am using Entity Framework 4.0. I want To write a query for multiple row update.

Then how to write Query for multiple row update in Entity Framework.

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Data Controls :: Get Multiple Selected Rows From DataTable In C#

Jun 16, 2015

I want to Get multiple selected column from datatable using c#. Below I have added data of datatable and I want red marked rows from datatable. Green marked text is column name of datatable.

Parameter Value
GetTempFilenameResult 0
tempFilename 0
data 0
fid 0
useid 0
filename 0
tempFilename 0
userName 1
pwd 1
LoginResult 1
useid 2
usename 2
address 2
mobileno 2
emailid 2
organization 2
city 2
country 2
password 2

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Forms Data Controls :: DataTable To Update Database?

Sep 8, 2010

DataTable to update database? tbl.Columns.Add("COL1");

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DataSource Controls :: Update 1 Row = 1 And Update All Other Rows = 0?

Apr 12, 2010

I have an update / insert statements. If the user selects the checkbox IsPrestigeFeatured, I want that row to be set to 1 and I want all other rows to be set to 0. E.g. so there is only one row which is "Is prestige Featured"

My update statement:

ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.Update_Property
@propertyId int,
@propertyTypeId int,
@Name ntext,
@Price int,
@DescriptionResultsExcerpt text,
@Description ntext,
@Characteristics ntext,
@IsRenovation int,
@IsCharacter int,
@IsPrestige int,
@IsHomepageFeatured int,
@IsPrestigeFeatured int,
@CityId int,
@DepartmentId int,
@CommuneId int

UPDATE Property
SET Name = @Name, PropertyTypeID = @propertyTypeId, Price = @Price,
DescriptionResultsExcerpt = @DescriptionResultsExcerpt,
Description = @Description, Characteristics = @Characteristics,
IsRenovation = @IsRenovation, IsCharacter = @IsCharacter,
IsPrestige = @IsPrestige, IsHomepageFeatured = @IsHomepageFeatured,
IsPrestigeFeatured = @IsPrestigeFeatured, CityId = @CityId,
DepartmentId = @DepartmentId, CommuneId = @CommuneId
FROM Property
WHERE (PropertyID = @PropertyID)

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Forms Data Controls :: Update All Gridview Rows At Once?

Oct 12, 2010

when I execute this code i get the following error:Incorrect syntax near the keyword When.


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Forms Data Controls :: Update Datatable When User Click Check Box

Jun 3, 2010

I have gridview wich bind with dynamic datatable.

<asp:GridView ID="grdCountries" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" ShowHeader="False" OnRowDeleting="grdCountries_RowDeleting" DataKeyNames="country_id" BorderStyle="None" GridLines="None">

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MVC :: EF Update Multiple Rows In One Form Post?

Dec 14, 2010

I am a seasoned desktop developer but I am new to MVC, EF and web development in general. I have been following the MVC Music Store tutorial but using my own database and project instead of the one from the tutorial.

My project is a web front end to a configuration database that lets us implement new Markets (a.k.a. Customers) for our IVR. For the View that allows the user to modify an existing Market I use a ViewModel class that has two properties. One property (clientData) is an EntityObject populated from a single row of the Client_Data table. The other property (callflowSeq) is a List of EntityObjects populated from about 40 rows of the Callflow_Sequence table.

The "Get" Edit method of the MarketsEditViewModel displays the Edit View fine but when I modify the data only the Client_Data table gets updated.

Here is my ViewModel:


Here are the Edit methods from my Controller:


Here is my View:


It seems that I can't use UpdateModel() to update the Callflow_Sequence table but I can't figure out how to do it manually.

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Forms Data Controls :: Multi Rows Update In SQL Table?

Oct 1, 2010

im tryin to do something without success. I have some SQL table with few columns (fileId(int), fileName, copies, color and finish), the page is build in a way, that the user upload few files (the files uploads to some folder, and the fileId and fileName are write to the above SQL table - so the other columns (copies, color, finish) are stay blank - which is OK!!!) after he finished uploading the files he can see the files names in GridView and in that grid view i put some textbox for copies, and 2 DDL for color and comments. I need to update the rows with the new data after the user click some button (the all rows) this is the code:



the aspx.cs


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Forms Data Controls :: Get Changes To Only Update Changed Rows From GridView?

Feb 1, 2010

I've got a GridView in which all rows are set to Edit by default.

I want to be able to save the rows only where changes have been made. At present, my code will only update the first row from my GridView to my database. I've had a look on the internet, and think that the Getchanges might be able to help me, but I'm struggling to work our how exactly to implement it in my scenario.


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SQL Server :: Update Multiple Rows - Loop Through Each Object

Feb 8, 2011

I have several rows in my database like this

ID Status Type Count Event
291 0 0 2 1
523 1 2 0 4

and so on. When my user performs some basic actions on my website, some values are passed through JSON to the server and are then converted into custom objects with 5 int properties(so they match the table). These objects that the server receives are the rows to be updated(based on ID) and the values for each column. How can I do this in one SQL statement without the need to loop through each object and update them all seperately? Is there a way? Preferably compatible with SQLServer 2005.

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Forms Data Controls ::trying To Update A Coulmn In Datatable / Input String Was Not In A Correct Format?

Sep 20, 2010

I am trying to update a coulmn in datatable but keep getting error:

Input string was not in a correct format.Couldn't store < > in SortOrder Column. Expected type is Int32.

SortOrder is column of Type Integer that either contain Null or number.


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Data Controls :: How To Update All GridView Rows On Button Click

Apr 7, 2014

How to get the row id and update the row id...

        bannerid        bannername   bannerimage    bannerlink

1          1                 mail             sdhgf            jasdhfjsd
2          2                 clock          hsddshd       sdjhsdffssdf
3          3              dhsgdsf            dffsdfd          dvffdffff

Like this the banner id field is auto increment field now i want to update the row id or banner id field ...

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Data Controls :: GridView Bulk Edit And Update Rows

Aug 30, 2012

i have a form in which when i enter value and upon pressing submit button all the data were shown

on the grid.from where i can edit and update the grid view. in this case i can edit the only particular row. but i want to edit the whole grid and then update it. means bulk edit

Share the code regarding bulk edit and update according to my above mentioned code.

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Forms Data Controls :: Update Multiple Tables From DetailsView?

Nov 29, 2010

I have a asp:DetailsView control with the first column are the field headers and the second column is the record details for a given user.

The DetailsView is bound from 4 tables, I need to be able to edit/amend any field. Is there another way I can achieve this from the DetailsView? Would I need to create templates for each table entry then Update SET on each template, would that do it?

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