Forms Data Controls :: How To Update Multiple Row In One Update Button Click
Sep 14, 2010
im having a gridview in which im displaying records and status.....this gridview shows employee applied leave waiting for approvals..
so in gridview i have chabged the status button as radio button list and giving two choices as approve/reject HOD seect relevant button and update the grid...
how to do this?
1) do i need to place a button on footer and do some write code behind?
I want to update multiple rows of gridview (only price field. for that i have added textbox) on click of update button which is outside of gridview.I have done following way
Up to this its working fine but when no textbox updated then no need to go in for loop so i am looking for confiramtion before updating rows please help me how to do that becausei am less aware with javascript. another problem is textbox value disappear when page index changed how i can retain that values.
<asp:FormView DefaultMode="Edit" ID="FormView1" runat="server" onitemupdating="FormView1_ItemUpdating"> <EditItemTemplate> <asp:TextBox ID="txtPrimerNombreNatural" runat="server" SkinID="texto" MaxLength="30" Text='<%#Bind("PrimerNombre") %>'></asp:TextBox> <asp:TextBox ID="txtSegundoNombreNatural" runat="server" SkinID="texto" MaxLength="30" Text='<%#Bind("SegundoNombre") %>'></asp:TextBox> </EditItemTemplate> </asp:FormView> <asp:Button ID="Actualizar" runat="server" Text="Button" CommandName="Update" /> This formview is bound in this way: protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Persona _persona = new Persona(); _persona.ObternerPersonaByUserIdApp(1); List<SILPA.AccesoDatos.Generico.PersonaIdentity> persona = new List<SILPA.AccesoDatos.Generico.PersonaIdentity>(); persona.Add(_persona.Identity); FormView1.DataSource = persona; FormView1.DataBind(); }
When the page is shown, the textbox are filled correctly, this textbox are filled with the "primernombre" and "segundonombre" properties from the persona class. After this, If I change the textbox, and after click the update button, I need to update the persona class with the changes from the textboxes, then I call a ActualizarPersona method for updating the database. How can I do for update the persona class when I change the textboxes and click the update button? I try this method protected void FormView1_ItemUpdating(object sender, FormViewUpdateEventArgs e) { }
I have a query . I want to edit the grid view columns in which user click the edit button he will edit the column in the grid and after that i want to add update button so that when he clicks on updates button after editing the row. The row will be updated and the grid will show you the new update row.
Basically grid is about that when user enter values intothe grid, the values will show in to the grid upon click button.I added edit button it works fine but it will incomplete without update button method ...
I want to add multiple rows of a gridview if the data for multiple fields are same.Idea for this is that a user may search a record with some parameter e.g. Sector, plot.For example 15 records being displayed in gridview.There should be checkbox before every row and if user wants to update Plot and Flat No that is same for 10 rows out of 15 so he will check the rows and update.For this a dialog box should appear asking for the parameter i.e. Plot and Flat or something else next time may be it will be City or country. Moreover, there is already an Edit button to update records, when user click it another page open for the record to be updated and whatever he wants to update, it updates.
i want to build a datagrid bound to a datatable with several columns. One column has only a dropdownlist with the number of the rows in the datatable.
Here a samplescreenshot:
I know how to bind the columns to a grid and its no problem to create such a dropdown list with the content for me, too. But i dont know how to sort the complete datatabl after changing one value of one dropdown listbox.
So, how can i resort the values of a datatable column based on a given value and the datarow id?
I've got a single table, with project information and schedule information. To make the data easier to present, I created a tab control with two panels (a detailsview in each). The first tab is for project info, the second tab is for schedule info (again, all fields in the same table). The problem is, if i change info in both tabs, and then hit the update button, only the data from one tab is added to the table. I think this problem is simple to fix, and boils down to the way I have the page organized, but I can't quite figure it out.
I've boiled my code down to the following conceptualized structure:
When you click the update button, you return to the listview, but with only the information from your current tab saved. How can I get it to update from both detailsviews?
Ive got a list of records in a gridview (from an SQLDataSource) where a field value is set to True. I've also added a "reset" button in a template field at the start of the row in the Gridview.
What I would like to do is allow the user to click the reset button on a particular row and 'reset' the true value to 'false' (updating the source data).
...I get an async postback when I click the 'Edit' button for a particular GridView row. This is what I want. In fact, I also get an async postback if I then click the 'Cancel' button for that GridView row which appears after having clicked the 'Edit' button.
However, if I instead click the 'Update' button that appears after having clicked the 'Edit' button, I get a full postback. I have tried almost every GridView EventName
I can find to add to the <Triggers></Triggers> section to get a click of the 'Update' button to result in an async postback, but with no luck.
What EventName should I use in the <Triggers></Triggers> section to get a GridView to do an async postback when clicking the 'Update' button for a particular row?
I have a formview in Edit Mode, within an update Panel all and these arewithin a Modal Pop Up extender.On clicking Formview Update button, I want an image to appear within the pop up.I have put the image within another panel1 and runat server.For some reason the image is not showing on clicking update button.
I have a gridview and when i click on the edit button i will get the modalpopup window which is having a popup window i want to update the data in that details view and refresh the data into gridview also.
i got a problem to update my database which i bounded to datagrid. The problem is, i want to update my database only by clicking one update button at the bottom.. when the user click it, all the fields will be updated to database.
Here I want to assign the above database work to my team members. When I check the above check box and press assign button ,it shows in another page means the gridview selected row shows in another grid in another page .
And once i check any check box and assign , automatically the checked row vanished from my grid view.
I have a gridview on my page. I have a checkbox in each row of this gridview. For each checkbox in the gridview, I'd like to update my table accordingly, but I don't want them to have to hit a submit button every time they check the checkbox. I want them to check all the boxes they need to and at the end, they should hit one submit button.
I've used below code for inserting textbox values on button click....then back the page again, if i update the textbox value , I want the corrosponding values of the database table also updated..
i'm trying to update the data from the textbox using the update button at one of my accordionPane. but when i click the button it won't go to the Accordion1_itemcommand. how to fix my problem??below are code
Currently I have a grid view with few rows of data & edit and update for each row but I want it to be done on a single click with w external edit & save button how can the functionality be performed.
I have a Data Grid View which display values from a SQL Query, and inside the data grid view I have two template fields one is Quantity and it is a text box and the other is Total Price and it is a label.
What I want to do is to insert a button called update and when I press this button the price Column should be multiplied by the quantity Column and the result should be displayed in the total Column.