Forms Data Controls :: How To Write The Column Names In Gridview
Jun 22, 2010
I want to write the default column names in gridview when the data is not coming from the dataset or you can say that datset is blank.
I tried to use this [Code]....
But this does not help me and i am not able to see the column with name as 'ID'
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for example
IF condition 1Â
UserID | Â Full name | Transaction Amt | Â Tancaction DateÂ
IF condition 2Â
UserID | Full Name | DOB | Balnace | DateÂ
How to change Header column name for single Gridview dynamically ? Â
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Database Table:
I need to show one drop downlist with three values 1,2,3. If user selects 3 i Need to show a grid like below
Age,AnnualSales and Assortment are names which are coming dynamically from database.
High,Medium and Core all are values
Here my question is I need to show same attribute names.
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In page index 2 i need to show like below.
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Jan 17, 2011
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Since I don't know what the column names are ahead of time, I can't pre format the gridview and use the "findcontrol" method to get the text value of the labels that are populated b/c I don't know the column names.
I know I can get the row index like this by iterating through the gridview...
but I'm not sure how to get the text value of the first column label? Not sure of the syntax?
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Jun 28, 2010
i seem to have a problem with my gridview, i have a gridview with a list of names, this gridview is assign to a datasource and the datasource already has a select statement to display a list of names to my gridview, and i have a search dialog which i use to filter data to be displayed on my gridview, my problem iS after filtering , when a user select a certain row the gridview refreshes and display the initial data(it binds again the use the default setted select query). On my search i use
SqlDatasourceName.SelectedComman = filterQuery;
to filter the grid according to my search criteria, which is the one i have assigned its select to the string varieble filterQuery.
That works fine, and dispaly only d data i setted my search to retrieve, bt my problem is when a user select a row on d gridview , d gridview is repopulated with d initial data(Use initially datasource select statment). How to make d grid to stick to d select statement that i setted on my search and not letting it to go back to the initial setted select.
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Main Gridview[Code]....
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I've created a query in the dataset, through which i can update the Tickbox and DateTime stamp using now() function. But I'm not sure how to update the UserID field with the UserName (which inturn updates all the three fields in the gridview when the button is pressed.
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In this folder there are 3 files
How to get the 3 file names into a Gridview ?
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Jul 14, 2010
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Here is my code:
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Jan 8, 2011
i have apage with datarepeater, and the repeater has a data source. and in the repeater i have atext box control
i want to give it the value from the data source coulomn ("question column")
like this:txtQuestion.Text = rptrQuestions.DataSource.Columns["Question"].(here is the problem)
what can i write after (Columns["Question"]) to see the value for this column?
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Jun 17, 2010
I've created a Dynamic Data project with an Entity Framework model. It works nicely. But, right now it shows all my database tables with the db column names - which aren't always the most friendly (e.g. address_line_1). How can I got about giving these more friendly column titles that will display to the end user?
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