Forms Data Controls :: Insert Master And Children Records With One-to-many Relationship From Formview
Jun 4, 2010
I've been wracking my brains for a while. I have a master record that I want to add children to. In a database it's a one to many relationship with a foreign key in the child table.
I have a formview that I want to use to fill in all the master record info, and choose the child info from a dropdownlist, and click an add button, and have the add button add the child info to some control on a page. Then when the user clicks insert, the formview has an ItemInserting EventHandler that will handle all the logic for inserting the master, grabbing its primary Key.
So, I know what to do, I'm just not sure of what control to use, or what memory object etc., that I want to store the child info in until the master record gets created.
I'm sure this has been done a million times, but for all my searching, I couldn't find anything to help me. Does anybody have some advice or can anybody point me to an internet resource where this has been hashed out?
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onitemupdated="FormView2_ItemUpdated"> What am I doing wrong
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void gvEvent_SelectedIndexChanged(object
sender, EventArgs
if (gvEvent.SelectedIndex
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Apr 27, 2010
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Stored Procedure:
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Feb 2, 2011
currently I am doing a web application project using 3-tier formating to do out the project. In the grid view is displayed with data retrieved from the database and at the footer there is a row of empty fields for the user to insert records into database and when user clicks on Add New, a new row of empty fields will be populated below.
The database.cs and stored procedure is used to stored the data into the database.
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Jul 21, 2010
Am not sure how to go about this... but i have two ddls on a formview which are not related but just insert and update into each other... Both are binded to the objectdata source....
Am issue just came up and i am looking for the simplest way on code behind that would automatically post a constant value (selecteditem) once the first ddl clicks on 1 or 2....
Example is
lst DDL Second ddl
ABC bko
DWC loct
qwe jjjj
Now when ABC is clicked... it should automatically bring out JJJ on the second ddl.... I just want something i can do on code behind.
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Mar 22, 2010
I'm using a formview in Insert mode with an AccessDataSource. I want to switch to readonly mode upon insertion to let the user confirm the input worked, then give them the option to insert a new record. If I set the DefaultMode to Insert, then after the first record is inserted, I get a new blank insertion form (no confirmation). If I set the DefaultMode to ReadOnly, after insertion, I get a blank form (presumably because I am not on the record just inserted).
How do I get the just inserted record to display? If I need to set the ID of the formview to the just inserted record OnInserted, how do I get that given I'm using an AccessDataSource?
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Jan 5, 2011
I am *VERY* new to This may seem simple to you all, but I'm really lost. I have a small sized page with three text boxes (part of the InsertItemTemplate) of a formview, and a slightly modified link the system generated to submit the data to be inserted in the database:
If this page is run, it inserts the data into the database fine, clears the form and sits there. I want it to return a simple "Thank you" page in a window of the same size, with a Close Window buttom at the bottom to close the window:
When I set the postbackurl property on the first page, everything appears to work, except the write is never done to the database. If I remove the postback, it works as it did previously.
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Mar 21, 2010
I have a formview bound to a sqldatasource control. I want to set one of the insert parameters when I click on one of several buttons (outside the formview).
In my sqlDS I have:
I want to set the "benType" depending on which button I've pressed (I don't want/need it to be visible in the InsertTemplate). I tried adding this line to the codebehind for the button click:
formview1_datasource.InsertParameters(0).DefaultValue = 2
This doesn't work...what is the best way to set the insertParameter from outside the formview?
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