Forms Data Controls :: Manually Add ImageButton In GridviewColumn?

Jun 16, 2010

I got a data like this :


when I bind it into gridview, i want it to be like this:


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Put An ImageButton In A TemplateColumn Manually?

Nov 17, 2010

I have to create a DataGrid with dynamic columns and I want to put an ImageButton in a TemplateColumn. If the DataGrid is NOT DYNAMIC, I put this code on the .aspx page like this : (this first part of code is just to explain, it isn't what I want to do)


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Forms Data Controls :: How To Manually Populate Listview

Oct 11, 2010

How can I manually populate a listview control without sql connection?

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Forms Data Controls :: Inserting A Row In Gridview Manually?

Jan 5, 2010

I want to insert an extra row in the gridview in the RowDataBound event (or another place if thats possible). How can I do that?

The data in the row to be inserted is not part of the resultset, but rather to split the gridview in logical sections.

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Forms Data Controls :: Create A Datalist Manually?

Jan 28, 2011

how can I create a datalist manually, and bind it to my data source by code not by wizard

I use ASP.Net, Using C#.Net , and SQL Server Data base

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Forms Data Controls :: Manually Filling A Gridview?

Sep 7, 2010

I don't want to databind a gridview, I want to be able to add rows myself within c# code. I can see there is a GridViewRow object and wondered if I can use this to add/remove rows as required?

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Forms Data Controls :: Edit Or Update Data In Gridview Manually Without Auto Generate In C#?

Mar 12, 2010

how to edit data in grid view manually without auto generate in gridview + ajax.

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Forms Data Controls :: Way To Update For A Manually Bound GridView

Mar 3, 2010

I am having a hard time updating from my gridview based the value that I am setting in the datakeynames it is the Ucc field I keep getting and index out of range exception on the e.keys[0]. I have done this before so I am confused what I am missing here.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Change Row Color Manually In Gridview

Nov 8, 2010

I m having a gridview and Next and Previous button below gridview. If I click on next, I want to highlight the next row.

If i click on Previous, I want to highlight the previous row.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Manually Call A Gridview Event

Jan 6, 2010

Example. I need to manually call the test_RowDataBound event.


I tried this as I've used with buttons in the past.

button1_click(this, EventArgs())

but it dosen't work

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Forms Data Controls :: Put / Write Manually Between Repeater Rows?

Dec 1, 2010

is there any way to put or write something manually between repeater rows?


I want to add "30" between 20 and 40:


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Forms Data Controls :: Populating Drop Down List Manually?

Jan 27, 2011

what the problem is that i want to populate drop down list manually

but the thing is i have 3 drop down lists

in first one user will select table name from where the data of 2nd Drop Down list will come

suppose user selected seo then the sql query would be select project_name from dropdownlist1.selecteditem

and this query will show project_name column of seo table in dropdownlist2

then user will select any project name from dropdownlist2 suppose he select salveo so i want that my text box will get populate with project_id of project_name

suppose the project_id of salveo is 123 then automatically in textbox it will enter 123

View 26 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Manually Binding GridView With SQL Statement.?

Feb 9, 2010

I have a gridview that I am manually binding in my code behind page because I have to pull out information from other sources for the WHERE clause.The issue is that I get an error on the aspx page that one of the columns is not in the dataview, however when I run the SQL statement in SQL all the columns are there and there is not a spelling error.If I remove the column from the gridview then the page loads.I cannot see why the column is a problem.Here is my ASPX gridview code.


This is the line where the error occurs. <asp:Label ID="Label2" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("date_submitted") %>'></asp:Label> Here is the code behind


Here is the ending SQL statement that works in SQL and does return the date_submitted column. SELECT id, title, date_submitted, (SELECT username FROM users WHERE (id = t.submitted_by_user_id)) AS submitted_by, (SELECT name FROM departments WHERE (id = t.department_id)) AS department FROM tickets AS t WHERE (closed_by_user_id IS NULL) AND (department_id = 48 OR t.department_id = 83) ORDER BY t.date_submitted DESC

View 2 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Unable To Change The Checkbox Value Manually?

Jan 26, 2010

I have checkbox in gridview. When I m getting data from database, I m getting correct value in checkbox.When I m trying to change the Checkbox value manually, I m unable to do that.As my database id Oracle, I dont have boolean value. So, I m storing using Char value. I m giving my code here. help me with the exact code in the checked changed.

<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Check to Deactivate">
<asp:CheckBox ID="CheckBox1" runat="server" AutoPostBack="true" OnCheckedChanged="Check_click" />[code]....

I m getting data from database like this

protected void Onclick(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)[code]....

Now, I want the code here..

protected void Check_click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// I want code here..

View 3 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Inserting Item Manually In A ListView?

Feb 21, 2011

I am trying to insert manually new items in a Listview control using objects. The item seems to be inserted, but when the page is sent back to the browser, there is nothing there. Here is the code that I am using:


I can assign a list of object to the datasource, but when I try to input a new object to the list of items from the ListView, it doesn't work.

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Forms Data Controls :: Manually Add Items To Gridview With Sqldatasource?

Mar 22, 2011

Can you add a row of data programatically and bind it to the gridview? If so, how?

I have a grid with 2 columns. One of these columns is a template that runs a function and delivers an output. Within that function I need to manually add data that is not present in the sqldatasource to the grid and use it when performing aggregate functions.

ColumnA - ColumnB
1 - MyFunction(1) - adds new row (1, B)and returns A to column B.
2 - MyFunction(2) - May return just A

Grid should look like
1 - A
1 - B
2 - A

Even though SQLDataSource only returns
1 - AB
2 - A

View 1 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Way To Add Manually Data To Gridview

Jan 8, 2010

I have tried a few different ways to add columns of data to a gridview. I have just about got success, except for I am having problems with only getting the last value in my array of data to insert into the gridview column. For example if I return 4 rows from an sql query, with the values of 2, 4, 6, 8. The last value (8) shows in all for rows of the gridview for that particular column.

View 8 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Sort Listview - Datasource Manually Bind?

Nov 11, 2010

i would like to sort a listview. i don't have a datasourceID. i bind the datasource manually. i think of using jquery(tablesorter) but i don't know how to use it.

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Forms Data Controls :: Manually Fire A GridView ItemCommand Event?

Mar 19, 2010

I've got a GridView control with LinkButtons in different cells. Currently when someone clicks a link, it fires the ItemCommand passing the CommandName and the ID of the item the link is bound to. That all works fine. I need to modify it now to not use links anymore. It now needs to show a popup balloon with a link (styled to look like a button) and when the link is clicked, I want it to do the exact same thing. I'm sure there are several ways of doing this, but for time's and consistency's sake, I'm copying the method used from another page we have that is already doing this. It has a hidden DIV on the page with the link in it. When you hover over a link, javascript repositions the div and makes it visible.

So what I need to do is pass my CommandName and item ID to the javascript so that it can trigger the postback when they click that single link. I know this is not the only way to get to the end result, but what I want to do if possible, is still fire the GridView's ItemCommand and set he DataListCommandEventArgs' CommandName and CommandArgument properties. Can someone explain how, under normal circumstances, clicking the LinkButton in the GridView fires the ItemCommand? I know that the LinkButton's click event is forwarded to the GridView but what gets sent from the client side that let's the server know the link was clicked?

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Forms Data Controls :: Manually Adding GridViewRow Throwing Off Viewstate

Mar 1, 2010

Manually Adding GridViewRow Throwing Off Viewstate

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Forms Data Controls :: Excecuting A SqlDataSource - Insert Command Manually?

Oct 12, 2010

I've added a simple SqlDataSource to my site with insert properties. I've also created some code behind to capture the insert command (oninserting="SqlDataSource_NewsLetterSubscription_Inserting").

Thing is how do I actually trigger the command to 'insert' from a standard button?

<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource_NewsLetterSubscription" runat="server"

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Forms Data Controls :: Connect A Label Manually Placed Inside Formview By C#?

Aug 2, 2010

I have a addform where I maually have placed a confirm label inside the formvieww.

But how can I connect this label with C# ??

If I place the label Outside the addform, I can connect the label, but I can't find the label if it is placed inside the formview.

This is my code down here for the outside label, which do well.

<asp:Label ID="lblreceipted" Text=" " runat="server"></asp:Label>
<asp:FormView ID="AddForm" OnItemInserted = "FormViewAddNew_Inserted" ...
protected void FormViewAddNew_Inserted(object sender, FormViewInsertedEventArgs e)
if (e.Exception == null)
lblreceipted.Text = "your insert succes";

View 8 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: ImageButton In Datalist?

Sep 6, 2010

I have the following ImageButton which is a shopping cart I try to pass as parameter the product code when you click PostBackUrl.


It appears to me the following error when I click:System.Web.HttpException: A Potentially Dangerous Was Request.Path value detected from the client (&).Try not to validate the request: ValidateRequest = "false" but did not workYou know I could do to solve this problem?

View 4 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Way To Manually Setting Up Gridview Fields And Sorting Using Datatable

Mar 20, 2011

I have a need to call Oracle stored procs to populate a gridview. I'm able to call one stored proc to get the column header text and another one to get the corresponding data. Currently I'm using a datareader, but I want my gridview to have sorting and paging enabled, so likely I'll need to read the data into a datatable and then bind the gridview to it.I've never had to manually configure a gridview - usually just use autoformatting.1. Do I essentially set up the columns manually in the gridview since it has no data to go off of in design mode? I'm guessing most of these will be Bound fields. A few of my columns are going to display date values that need to be formatted a certain way
and one column will be a link that needs to call a second method to populate a different grid. I'm not sure what the syntax for this is.

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Forms Data Controls :: Manually Setting The Column Width On GridView Columns?

Mar 30, 2010

I have a GridView with bound columns, for which I am manually setting the ItemWidth and HeaderWidth to 500px, and nothing happens. Is there some trick to getting this to work?

This is a column a large amount of text in it, and it keeps sizing to the width of the header text, which is simply "note". I don't want to set Wrap to false, becuase then the colummn could be thousands of px wide in cases.

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