Forms Data Controls :: Modify Values In A ObjectDataSouce Before Binding To GridView?

Feb 2, 2011

I need to modify the value of results returned by a Objectdatasource, before binding to the GridView.

More specifically, I need to use Page.ResolveClientUrl() before binding the

RelativePath to the Img Tag-
<img src='<%#Eval("RelativePath") %>' width="100" height="100" alt='<%#Eval("Name")%>' />

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Forms Data Controls :: Modify Items In Gridview When User Selects A Given Record And Store Values Back In Database

Feb 25, 2011

Using SQL and C#. I have a gridview with a template field. I need to modify the some items in the gridview when the user selects a given record and store the values back in the database. ProjectID is the unique key in the database.Gridview is done as a table. How can I do it? Here is my grid view implementation.


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Data Controls :: Change Or Modify Values Of GridView Column Fields Before It Is Rendered

Dec 28, 2012

I have a GridView that gets populated with data from a SQL database

Now i want to replace values in my one column like so......

If category  value is a 0 then display Admin in the GridView.

If category value is 1 then display user in the GridView

category is col name in gridview and sql table

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C# - Int Values Get Automatically Converted Into Float Values On Binding The Text Values In Gridview?

Jun 29, 2010

I am getting int values from the stored procedure. But when i bind this datasource with the gridview i am seeing the values being converted into float. i am using Text='<% # Bind("Quantity") %' I wanna that to be displayed as int, with out zero'seg: let the value be 233, when i bind that its getting displayed as 233.00

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Forms Data Controls :: Binding Scalar Values - Get Value In OnItemDataBound?

Jan 21, 2010

I have a question on Scott's article about binding scalar values to data controls: [URL]

On the seconde example (the one using templates), how would I access the scalar value in the controls OnItemDataBound event? e.Item.DataItem seems to be null....

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Forms Data Controls :: Can Modify Checkbox Value In Gridview

Jan 11, 2011

I am displaying a checkbox in gridview in itemtemplate. It is displayed as checked when the database value is 1 and displayed as unchecked, if the database value is 0. My requirement is when a link button in gridview is clicked, the checkbox, if it is checked should be unchecked and viceversa. Also, I need to save the corresponding values to database. How is this done in the click event of linkbutton. Is there any other method.

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Forms Data Controls :: Modify Gridview With One Button?

Oct 5, 2010

how to modify gridview with many rows with one button at once.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Dynamically Change Values Within A Data Binding Expression

Jun 8, 2010

I have a repeater control populated with data binding expressions like in the expression below...


I want to be able to redirect a user to default link if the LinkURL value is empty, that is for each data item, there will be a check if the LinkURL field contains a value. If not, a default value will be supplied.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Handle Empty Values When Binding Data

Jul 21, 2010

I have a grid which is binding to a objectdatasource and when it is in edit mode, i am displaying a form template and wanted to bind all the values. I have one field called ApprovedCode. In the edit mode, i am displaying all the codes drop down list box and making a bind on the selectedvalue and i dont know how to handle when it is empty. When it is empty i wanted to display "Select..."

I followed this forum post but i am getting error


This is my code


This is the error message that i am receiving

"ddlApprCode' has a selectedvalue which is invalid because it does not exist in the list of items

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Forms Data Controls :: Unbound Gridview Row Modify In Rowdatabound Don't Edit?

Mar 2, 2011

i use a gridview to show data from datasource, but i have some column in this gridview that they're not bound. If i go in edit mode, my unbound control show me the textbox to enter value and its ok, but if i modify value thru rowdatabound, now when i go in edit mode, the textbox are not showing as i expect, its just showing the value i put in rowdatabound, but i don't have the textbox to let me enter a new value and update it after.

And more in the same relation: with the two above condition i wrote, when i dont modify value in rowdatabound, i can modify value in prerender event with this line:

box1 = this.GridView1.Rows[this.GridView1.EditIndex].FindControl("TextBox1")
box1.Text = "a value"

when again i modify value in rowdatabound, the line above will not work too, box1 is load with a null value

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Forms Data Controls :: Modify Gridview Cell Value By Dropdownlist Inside

Feb 10, 2011

I have this question for a gridview that ai use for a shopping cart. On my first 4 collums is data from my database cart (the 4'th collumn contain the price), on the 5'th collumn is a dropdown list (having 1 to 30 values). what i want is when i change the value in dropdown list the 6'th collumn to be updated to the value of(dropdownlist value * price). on page_load i have this

GridView1.DataSource = clasa.my_chart_bike(Convert.ToInt16(Session["id"]));
on GridView1_RowDataBound i have this
if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
string t=((DropDownList)e.Row.Cells[4].FindControl("DropDownList1")).SelectedValue;
e.Row.Cells[5].Text =Convert.ToString( Convert.ToInt16(t) * Convert.ToInt16(e.Row.Cells[12].Text));
GridView1.DataSource = clasa.my_chart_bike(Convert.ToInt16(Session["id"]));

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Forms Data Controls :: Can't Modify Data In Gridview After Imported From .csv

Feb 20, 2010

I have a gridview that displays data from my online database. Works great. edit/update/delete functions work also.

I decided to import data into my database through my SQL Server web admin. It worked fine, and the imported data now shows up in my gridview, but once I decide to use my gridview edit/delete buttons, the grid won't update the data or delete the rows. It will however properly function on the rows that were manually entered with the gridview and/or in visual studio.

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Forms Data Controls :: Dynamically Binding Dataset Table Values To Datagrid's Header Column?

Jun 29, 2010

I want to dynamically bind dataset values into datagrid's header datafield.

Is it possible? To be more clear, when you click on datagrid's (Collection) from properties window, you get selected columns created from Bound column. So in those columns I want to dynamically display dataset's table values in those columns.

i.e like ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].

Is it possible to do it in Datagrid ItemDataBound function like,

e.Item.Cells[1].Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0]

or something like this? I know the above code is wrong and wont work since I tried it out and while building it throwed error saying, Cannot implicitly convert type 'object' to 'string'.

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Forms Data Controls :: Binding DataSet And GridView, Apply Bulk Rows Edit And Update On GridView

Dec 10, 2010

I have a set of dataset with different column retrieved from DB. I need to present the datasets in one GridView (or other ListView etc...) without specifying the column_header. It should present automaticly since the GridView is bind to the DataSet.

In additional, I want this GridView to handle multiple rows edit and update the dataset, idealy, show data in textboxs in initially.How could I set the GridView to edit_model without hardcode column_header and textboxs in 'itemtemplate' or filed.

How could I achieve the bulk edit and update, so that I can assign 'mydataview1.table' to the dataset.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Extract Gridview Old Values And New Values

Aug 4, 2010

i take data from Sqlserver database , and my prblem is that i want to get old and new values from gridview and base on that i want to change there background colors .. i try gridview rowupdating , editing ,updated Events but when i debug no break point hit and there was no value in ViewSate that i declare ,

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Data Controls :: Using Linq To Insert / Delete And Modify Data In GridView

Feb 26, 2013

How to fetch, insert, delete and modify the data in gridview...

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Forms Data Controls :: Binding Multiple Values To HyperLink Control In DetailView Control?

Mar 8, 2011

I am trying to bind upto 3 values to a HyperLink control in a DetailView control to create a query string but it does not seem to work.

Following is my code for the HyperLink:


The parameters UserName, FirstName and LastName are column names from the sqldatasource.

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Forms Data Controls :: Row Not Binding To Gridview

Jan 20, 2011

I have a grid in 1st page and one link in it.If i click that link it should open a popup which has a grid and it should bind data according to the row information.In my grid its displaying columns evrything in popup but data is not displayed.

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Forms Data Controls :: Binding XML To GridView?

May 11, 2010

I am converting a project to c#. I am trying to bind an xml file to a DataGridView, however DataGridView does not have a DataMember property. How do I set the Datamember in C#?


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Forms Data Controls :: Binding Xml To GridView?

Aug 2, 2010

want to achieve this below functionality

I have my code snippet below for the xml shown. I am not able to get this working.


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Data Controls :: How To Modify File Saved In Database Using GridView Control

Jan 12, 2014

Based on the the following article:

Upload and Download files from SQL Server Database in ASP.Net

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Not Binding In Code?

Dec 1, 2010

Gridview not binding in code?



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Forms Data Controls :: GridView - Horizontal Binding?

Nov 1, 2010

I have a dataset which I bind to a gridview for display. Normally, the gridview shows the dataset table column name as the column header and the data is bound vertically - i.e. the dataset table rows are created in a vertical/downward fashion. What I would i like do however in my application is to get the GridView to bind in the horizontal direction. So the data that is bound "moves" towards the right. Before suggesting a repearter or datalist, I also have a requirement to not wrap. I have not been successfull getting the repeater/datalist not to wrap unless you know of a setting you can share.

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Forms Data Controls :: Binding Column And Row In Gridview

Jun 24, 2010

My message application uses a gridview to display user messages. One colunm determines the priority of the message (high, low or no priority assigned) if the message row is empty put nothing in the row else put a ! in the row (to show high priority). Question is don't I need to bind that colunm and row?

'<%#Bind("something")%>' Image="!" />

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Forms Data Controls :: Skip Row When Binding To GridView

Jul 23, 2010

I have a GridView bound to a DataTable. The DataTable has a Deleted column that holds a boolean value describing whether the row is logically deleted; I need the row to physically remain in the table. Is there a way to skip over rows whose Deleted columns are set to true in the GridView's onRowDataBound event? The closest I could get is marking the row's visibility property to false, but this does not help me because it throws off paging and the GridView's alternating row color.

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