Forms Data Controls :: OnRowCommand Not Firing If Gridview Not Bound On Postback?

Jun 22, 2010

I have a webpage with many updatepanels. Each panel contains databound controls including gridviews (GV). They are bound at runtime so the number of gridview columns varies with each bind. the controls are bound only once in Page_Load event ( within if (!Page.IsPostBack) )I added a linkbutton to each header in the GV in the RowDataBound event. Once the header is clicked, the event is handled in the OnRowCommand and it calls a method to bind the controls with new data.Things work fine if the GV is bound with every postback (no if (!Page.IsPostBack) condition) but I don't want to bind all the controls with every postbackMy problem is that the OnRowCommand is not fired if the GV is not bound on the postbackI even tried to add click handler for the linkbutton but that didn't work either.

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Forms Data Controls :: Inner Gridview In Nested Gridview Not Firing OnRowCommand

Oct 12, 2010

i have the following nested gridview

i could get the inner gridview onRowDataBound working by setting that directly in the gridview

but i cannot get the linkbutton's onrowCommad inside the inner gridview working!!!

it does not fire the event even i have set it directly in the gridview

here is the code in my app_code page


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Data Controls :: Gridview OnRowCommand Event Not Firing?

May 28, 2013

I've following gridview:

<asp:Panel ID="pnlScroll" runat="server" ScrollBars="Auto">
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server">


Now I am not able to understand why the OnRowCommand event is not firing. Nothing is happening on clicking the button in gridview.

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Forms Data Controls :: Combining OnRowDataBound And OnRowCommand Events Causes OnRowCommand Not To Fire For GridView?

Jul 1, 2010

I'm using a standard GridView control inside of a web form. The web form uses a master page. The application is running within sharepoint (wss 3.0) environment. When i attach both the OnRowCommand and OnRowDatabound events to the gridview as shown in the markup below, only the OnRowDataBound event fires. The OnRowCommand never gets hit. When i press a button on a row, it posts back but never hits the onRowCommand event and simply falls through and repaints the page . However if i remove the OnRowDataBound event, the OnRowCommand event starts to fires correctly. I've tried a number of things...1. Hooking up the events in code instead of markup. (inside of PageLoad or PageInit)2. Changing the order in which the events are attached.

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Forms Data Controls :: Using Onclientclick And Gridview Onrowcommand

Nov 13, 2010

i have a column in a gridview with an imagebutton in a column. i added an onclientclick event so that a html confirm dialog shows with ok and cancel button, so that if you click cancel, the event should not continue, but if you click ok, the gridviews onrowcommand should fire. The grid is as follows:



but when i click the button on the grid, the alert comes up and if i select ok, i get the following exception:


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Forms Data Controls :: Can Bind A Second Gridview Inside OnRowCommand Of The First Gridview

Feb 15, 2010

I have a Gridview and on the OnRowCommand of that GridView I want to Bind the data for another Gridview, but everytime I do that nothing gets bound to the Second Gridview.

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Forms Data Controls :: Unable To Bind To Gridview From OnRowCommand?

Feb 22, 2010

I have something simple but for some reason it's not working.

On my OnRowCommand I am doing a DataBind but for somereason my Grid always stays blank.

I chceked in the Debug and It gets the data fine

this.GridView1.DataSource = recruitmentTemplateCandidates; // there is data here.

after that it goes to OnPreRender and then nothing shows up in the Grid. why is that?

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview OnRowCommand Event GridViewCommandEventArgs E.CommandArgument Not Int?

Jan 20, 2011

I have a gridview and I have a link button that fires the onrowcommand event. In the method I have

protected void SelectCreditCard(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e)
int index = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument);

But I get the error input string in incorrect format.

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Forms Data Controls :: Rowdatabound Event Is Not Firing During Postback?

Aug 17, 2010

rowdatabound event is not firing during postback ,What to do?First time pageload I am getting result as expected. When I click checkbox ,which is in grid ,my values which are in other columns get disappeared, that means during postback. How to maintain values in the grid even after postback.note : I did some small manupulation of data during rowdatabound event for the columns which are in the grid.

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Forms Data Controls :: Firing Postback From Repeater Row Click?

Jul 19, 2010

I have a repeater which contains a hidden link button that fires when I click a row in my repeater.

Here is the markup for my repeater:

<div id="divResults" style="height: 290px; overflow-y: auto;">
<asp:Label ID="lblNote" runat="server" Text="Note: select a row to edit."></asp:Label> [code]...

Here is the javascript thats added to each row in the rptLocations_ItemDataBound:

"javascript:__doPostBack('ctl00$mainContent$rptLocations$ctl0" + (e.Item.ItemIndex + 1).ToString() +

When I click the repeater row it fires the SetLocationControls method. As you can see my repeater is wrapped in a DIV of height 290px. When the are more than 9 rows in my repeater you have to scroll the div down to view this row. When I click this row it does the postback but doesn't fire the SetLocationControls method. I've had a look in the source it's created the click event to the repeater row like all the other rows. why this method isn't firing on the rows that aren't initially visible in my DIV?

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Forms Data Controls :: OnRowCommand

Dec 14, 2010

how to get the SelectedDataKey.Value when you have a button on your gridview that does not have the commandName="Select"? I already have the custom gridview select that have the commandName="select" and it works great to get the selected value and show my detailsview from the row selected. Now I want another button on my gridview that does a completely different action and actually does a page redirect, I just need to get the actual SelectedDataKey.Value only I made the commandName="View" or just something different from select becuase I don't want it to follow the same actions and event as select does.

Here is my .cs


Here is my gridview:

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Forms Data Controls :: Display A One Row Gridview When Gridview Is Bound To Empty Dataset

Jan 13, 2010

If the gridview binds to empty dataset, I need to still show a gridview so that users can ADD more using the textfields in the bottom of the footer template. Since the gridview is empty it won't bind not allowing rendering of the <footer template> I guess I should create a empty dataset if the gridview is empty. How do I check for this and can this be done in GridviewRowEventArgs

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Get The Row Value Of Gridview Upon Bound

Jul 2, 2010

I got his code for RowDataBound


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Forms Data Controls :: How To Find The Control Which Have Raised Onrowcommand Event

Oct 6, 2010

In the last cell of my gridview I have 2 separate linkbuttons. I want to further process them using Gridview Onrowcommand event but How would I know which particular link has actually raised the event.

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Forms Data Controls :: Get ID Bound To Label In GridView?

Feb 10, 2010

I have a foreign key (TeamID) in a GridView. I use a TemplateField to display it as the lookup value (TeamName) in a label, and a dropdown for editing. When row is selected and SelectedIndexChanged is fired, I want to access the TeamID. I can get the TeamName from the label. I tried putting the TeamID in DataKeyNames, but that fouled up my dropdown when saving (it reverts to the original value). So, how can I get the TeamID?

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Mar 3, 2010

I am having a hard time updating from my gridview based the value that I am setting in the datakeynames it is the Ucc field I keep getting and index out of range exception on the e.keys[0]. I have done this before so I am confused what I am missing here.

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Forms Data Controls :: Possible To Put Filters On Gridview Which Is Bound To A Datatable

Apr 18, 2010

what it is i have a datagrid bound to a datatable.This datatable fills from a sql table. This datatable will have 2 columns which is 'part' and 'description'.What it is I want to have a couple of chk boxes next to the datagrid which will filter it by column 'part'.The issue is the datagrid will have about 1000 records so i dont want to do a for next loop searching for field part for a certain filter

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Forms Data Controls :: Paging With An GridView That Is Bound To A Dictionary?

Mar 4, 2011

I have a Dictionary and I bind it to my Grid view...


But its not paging at all... is it even possibe to page if you are bound to a Dictionary?

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Add A Boundfield To A Gridview After It Gets Bound To A List

Feb 8, 2011

DLRepository is a class with method getDLandRules. I am binding the gridview with the list that is returned by method. Now I would like to iterate through the list and add 1 more column to each row that is returned. currently, I am getting an error

GridView1.Rows[row].Cells[7].Text 'GridView1.Rows[row].Cells[7]' threw an exception of type 'System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException' strin

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview (bound By ObjectDataSource) Sorting

Aug 31, 2010

I have a gridview being data bound by an objectdatasource which points to a BLL/DAL. I have paging and sorting enabled within the gridview. I have the fields configured in the look/fell I want from a templatefield. This templatefield has the sort expression (date) I want things to be sorted by. All this works as it should and I have no issues with it.But, the issue is that when I click on the header to sort asc/desc by date, I have to click on it twice for it switch to descending order. E.g. I hit the webpage and it lists all the information in the gridview, sorted by date, ascending order. If I want to sort by descending order, I have to click the date header twice in order for the gridview to sort the information in descending order; the clicks cause a post-back and the whole screen is refreshed.

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Forms Data Controls :: Bound Textbox Not Populating In Gridview?

May 25, 2010

I have a Gridview that has a template field containing a bound textbox (fieldname is 'Status'). I have an extra column containing an update button, which is designed to update the db with whatever is in the textbox.

What's happening is that when I load the form, the textbox is blank, even though there is existing data in the fields. If however I click the update button, all the textboxes in the Status column update and populate with the correct data from the database. I guess my question is why would bound textboxes not populate until an update command is run?

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Forms Data Controls :: GridView Bound To ObjectDataSource Not Populating

Jan 28, 2011

VS2010 Ultimate ASP.NET 4.0 Web Appliction project

I have a simple aspx page with a GridView Bound to an ObjectDataSource utilizing a class object that returns a DataView.

There are no errors generated, but the GridView does not display any rows. If I check the return value of the ObjectDataSource in the Selected event in the Immediate window (?CType(e.ReturnValue,DataView).Count), there are 51 rows. However, (?Me.GridView1.Rows.Count) shows 0 rows. The exact same page in VS2008, ASP.NET 3.5 works fine. how to get the GridView to display the rows? What has been done to the GridView in 4.0?

Page and code below -

<%@ Page Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeBehind="WebForm2.aspx.vb" Inherits=".WebForm2" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">


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Web Forms :: Gridview OnRowCommand And PageIndexPaging Not Changing Event

Feb 15, 2010

I have a gridview that I am using to host some data. Each row in the gridview links to a blob and I am using the SOnRowCommand event to click on the row and to stream the blob(which is an image) out as a file. This works fine. However when i implement paging on the gridview with the paging event the handler think it is an OnRowCommand event and executes the code behing the OnRowCommand handler and not the pageindex change event.


protected void GridView1_PageIndexChanging(object sender, GridViewPageEventArgs e)
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
dt = (DataTable)Session["data"];
GridView1.PageIndex = e.NewPageIndex;
GridView1.DataSource = dt;

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Sort Data In Gridview Without Using Bound Fields

Oct 29, 2010

I am using gridview to display some columns with autogenerate column as 'true' and not added boundfields,headers.

And i am used stored preocedure for data source in gridview and i used dataset for gridview databind.

The gridview columns comes dynamically for each time.

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Forms Data Controls :: Display Hyperlink In Gridview Bound From Datatable

Feb 11, 2010

I have a gridView which is populated with the code below. This is working perfectly except for one issue. In the "Region" column, I need for each region name to be a hyperlink. If I set the row code to dr(0) = "<a href='table_display.aspx?IO_ID=" & objDataReader("IO_ID") & "'>" & objDataReader("Region") & "</a>" it actually displays the entire string of text from "<a href..." through "</a>", but not as a hyperlink. I have read in many places to manually put a hyperlink field in the aspx page, but I would really prefer to do this programmatically in the code-behind.


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