Forms Data Controls :: Pass Name / ID To Linkbutton In Repeater?
Jun 5, 2010
I have a linkbutton control in gridview. The linkbutton shows multiple names seperated by comma. When i click on names i want to get the nameID which i can pass to sproc. I am not sure how do i bind the name and name ID to the gridview linkbutton?
heres my code
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Groups">
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<asp:Repeater runat="server" >
<%# Container.DataItem %>[code]...
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<asp:LinkButton ID="LinkButton4" runat="server" PostBackUrl='<%# string.Format("~/Products.aspx/{0}",Eval("URL")) %>'>Details </asp:LinkButton>
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Jul 8, 2010
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Dec 31, 2010
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Apr 27, 2016
i want to get repeater row cell value when link button clicked. How should i do that?
below is my code html:
<asp:Repeater ID="Repeater1" runat="server">
<table id="Table1" cellspacing="0" rules="all" border="1">
View 1 Replies
Jan 15, 2010
I query the database to get the VideoName and VideoURL of the videos held in my database (Videos saved on the file system with their location stored in the database) then bind the query results to a repeater with the following code
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Variables declaration
string strConnString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["vidConnectionString"].ConnectionString;
SqlConnection sqlConn = new SqlConnection(strConnString);
SqlCommand sqlcmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT [VideoName], [VideoURL] FROM [Video]");
SqlDataReader sqlReader;
sqlcmd.Connection = sqlConn;
sqlReader = sqlcmd.ExecuteReader();
VideoRepeater.DataSource = sqlReader;
and put a hyperlink into the repeater to list all the VideoName's this works fine but I want to pass the VideoURL to the next page I am using NavigateUrl="PlayVideo.aspx?VideoURL='<%# Eval("VideoURL") %>'" but when I try and load the Page I get the error saying The server tag is not well formed. the whole repeater code is
<asp:Repeater ID="VideoRepeater" runat="server" >
<asp:HyperLink ID="VideoLink" NavigateUrl="PlayVideo.aspx?VideoURL='<%# Eval("VideoURL") %>'" runat="server"><%# Eval("VideoName") %></asp:HyperLink>
I'm sure i've just got the hyperlink navigateURL wrong put not sure how else to pass the VideoURL variable
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Jan 16, 2010
why I get this error:
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
when I try to access a LinkButton inside a Repeater as follows:
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Jan 10, 2013
i am having two logins,one login for employee and another login for hr,hr wants to create the payslip for every month,if the HR created the payslip for the particular employee,once created the payslip,the employee can login in his account ,if payslip is created it will be displayed in the gridview,in that gridview i provide a print option,,,and pass the employee id using the problem is,,if the particulare employee having the payslips details in the gridview,it will be order by month wise,if the user wants to take the print,if the employee want to take the print for the month of february,,when the employee clicks the print option by mistake january month record is printed,,i need to print februry as per the employee selection,,,this is my code,form1.aspxin gridview all the months of salary details will be displayed,
<asp:BoundField DataField="empcode" HeaderText="Employee Code"
SortExpression="empid" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="empname" HeaderText="Employee Name"
SortExpression="empname" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="month" HeaderText="Month" SortExpression="month" />
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Jun 26, 2010
I am working with a repeater control for a reporting purpose.
I have 2 repeaters one inside another , i hvae to bind the second repeater with the help of function which is having two parameters to pass in it
runat ="server"
DataSource ='<%#bindcourse(Eval("Session_Id"),2nd parameter)%>'>
the first parameter is i am easily getting from outer repeater, but the second parameter value is exist on the server side and in a session variable
i have to pass this server side session variable value in above mentioned function as a second parameter .
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May 7, 2015
I have a repeater in which there is a Row which brings a value of Salary from a table. And there is a condition:
1)When user adds the salary value in a textbox, there are two radio buttons, YES and NO,
I want, whenever user selects the yes option, the salary value should be displayed in the repeater.
see the code for the Repeater and Textbox, Radiobuttons:-
Repeater code:-
<asp:Repeater ID="rep_Jobs" runat="server">
<h3 class="parag"><%# Eval("Position") %> - <%#Eval("Location") %></h3>
Note: The textbox of salary and Repeater is two different page. What should I do to show in repeater when the radiobutton is selected YES.
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Feb 20, 2010
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May 7, 2015
i want to fetch the text value of selected hyperlink control from repeater control.
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Dec 4, 2012
actually i am having a gridview control in my that gridview i displayed the employee details and i provide view link button for every column in that doubt is whenever i click the view link button in the gridview,the employee id will be get and pass it to other page and retrive the values using that employee id to use.? I am using a code like this
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText ="View">
<ItemTemplate >
<asp:LinkButton ID="LinkButton1" runat="server" Text="View" PostBackUrl='<%#"~/Default.aspx?empid="+Eval("empid")%>'></asp:LinkButton>
when i click the view button it will go to default page but the records are not displayed in the textbox..this is my default.aspx.vb code
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May 12, 2010
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
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May 22, 2013
In my web i used the following code:
<asp:LinkButton ID="LinkButton1" runat="server"
The data is correctly displaying in gridview.
There is a label (label1.text) in the same page i want to display the coy in that label along with the gridview....
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Jan 31, 2010
got an example of a repeater inside a repeater (dataBound) code behind?
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Jan 18, 2010
I have a user control that displays a shopping cart in an ecommerce application.
The main cart display is a repeater that renders as a html table. In one of those table columns, there is another repeater to display people associated with the products int he cart (it's a repeater in case there is a line item >1 with multiple people).
I've added an ImageButton that I want to use to change the person associated with the item. At first, when I'd click on it I was getting this error:
Invalid postback or callback argument. Event validation is enabled using <pages enableEventValidation="true"/> in configuration or <%@ Page EnableEventValidation="true" %> in a page. For security purposes, this feature verifies that arguments to postback or callback events originate from the server control that originally rendered them. If the data is valid and expected, use the ClientScriptManager.RegisterForEventValidation method in order to register the postback or callback data for validation.
So as an experiment I disabled EventValidation on the page (not the control it's self) and now I do not get an error, but I also do not ever hit the breakpoint I set in the innermost repeater's ItemCommand event.
So I wonder how I might do this without disabling EventValidation, because this control will show up on multiple pages and we don't want to edit them all. Also, I'll need to know not only the repeater containing the control's row that the event came from but also the row index of the repeater containg this one. Is this possible?
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Jul 12, 2010
I have repeater in which I have 2 hyperlink in the footer of the repeater and I want that the hyperlink can navigate from the page_load
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