I have a requirement to create our own MultiValueControls like CheckBoxList, RadioButtonList, DropDownList. I need a headstart, the usercontrols should have all the Even Handler implementation, setters and getters. Also,i will have a table which has the control properties(width, height, cssclass, etc) stored for that control. HOw to dynamically set the properties from the database to the usercontrol. This is required, because the requirement is for the Dynamic Form creation, I store all these ascx controls in the database and all the properties of the usercontrols in another table and map them dynamically.
I'm trying to bind an array to a radiobuttonlist following the example from this link: [URL] The main difference is that I am creating my array from a database... the array seems to be populated just fine, I can create a label from any cell of the array, but I just can't make a radio button list from the array.
I get the error on the last line there and can't figure out why. EDIT: fixed the pasted code.
Is it possible to display strings in a CheckBoxList? I want to display different options that I fetch from a database and display the options as strings in a CheckBoxList where the user can choose one option (maybe I should use a RadioButtonList?).
in datalist templatefield, i want to bind an imagebutton's visible property. the scenario is .. it is a picture comments page like one in facebook. if its your own comment, the delete button is shown, otherwise not. the problem is .. for the imagebutton i want to set visible = false, if the user logged in is the same user as the one who commented. how can i do that ?
currently im using this code on datalist databind event. but the label is returned as null
public bool set_visibility() { Label lb = DataList3.FindControl("Label7") as Label; if (lb.Text == Session["user_id"].ToString()) return true; else return false; } findcontrol dosent return the control.
environment: VS2008 When running below code the DDLKlient.DataBind() appends the whole set of names to the already existing list. I.e. I have 2 sets of names in the DropDownList!Question:? what can I do to prevent appending and just get 1 (one) set of names?? is there any refresh option?
Protected Sub DVKlient_ItemInserted(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.DetailsViewInsertedEventArgs) Handles DVKlient.ItemInserted Dim connString As String
I'm databinding the checkbox list to a db table which has a category assigned for multiple records. I can list the checkbox but I can't sort them by category using the checkbox list control. Can somebody post an example on how to achieve this? Category 1chk Record 1 chk Record 2 chk Record 3Category 2chk record 4 chk record 5 Etc
I am having a problem setting the SystemObjectRecordID attribute of my custom control inside a repeater. Currently, the value winds up as zero in the database. Things I have checked:
1) The datatype of the DB column (bigint) and the datatype of AlertId (long) and the datatype of the getter/setter SystemObjectRecordID variable (long) match.
2) If I set '<%# ((Alert)Container.DataItem).AlertId %>' to the Text attribute of a label I get the expected results. So, it has something to do with my custom control and specifically how data isbound to the SystemObjectRecordID attribute.
Now, going to the server, below is what I have for databinding (The page is Default.aspx.cs and the namespace is Company.ProjectWeb.Profiles):
Currently I am trying to pass the value received from a literal (because I know that the values are received as expected here) to the SystemObjectRecordId object. Still isn't working. I am still getting a value of zero when I set a breakpoint and look at the value of SystemObjectRecordId in the codebehind of my control:
I have this issue which isstopping me from completing my web forms.
there are checkbox lists and radiobutton lists in my page. In FF, they are displayed properly. But in IE, there is an extra box around the checkbox and an additional circle around the radiobuttons. I tried using different stylehseets with no results.
I've created a dataset using a tableAdaptor in the code-behind as follows
which works great for the FormView in the aspx page.I would now like to use this datasource (or create something similar) to bind one of the column values to a label's Text attribute.Totally stuck here -- i understand i cant explicity bind to a Label as I could a dataview, etc, but i should be able to set the label1.text value using a datasource from the code-behind.
I have a radiobuttonlist inside a datalist itemtemplate and i need to bind the radiobuttonlist dynamically from database I have tried to bind it inside itemdatabound event of datalist but it the result is always duplicated according to the fields in teh database.
for more information:
the database has two columns one for questions and the other is for choices , for the first question with id lets say 1 there are 4 choices, when the radiobutton is binded the result appears to be 4 times duplicated ?
I have dynamically popute the data in Dropdownlist(Countries) and the On selected index event of Dropdownlist there is noeed to bind /populate the Checkbox list from database depending on the selections made from the Dropdownlist.
For example If I select Gujrata then all the cities of Gujrat should be visible and bounded to the check box list.
2) Once the checkbox list is bounded with data from the database, We need to select the checkbox from the checkboxlist and pass tyhe selected text of all the selected checkboxes fro the checkbox list as comma seperated values to database and then I need to Display in the Grid.
Below is my code for Dynamically populated/Bind DropDown list and get the States:
I need to charge my checkboxlist1 from database, eg load fruits and vegetables. When selecting fruits, new filter based on the previous selection in my checkboxlist2. for specific search.
I reference a user control in my ListView in this manner:
The problem is that the #Bind command doesn't update the database, but it does so when I paste the code directly into the aspx page (in other words, without the user control involved).
I made a composite control that contains a ListBox. I am using the Composite Control throughout my application but I can not bind the listbox in the Compositecontrol. I have setup a Public get to access my listbox in the composite control.
i have a gridview with paging[index 10] enabled on my webpage, now i want a simple dropdownlist in footer or below gridview to have list of no 20,30,40.so that when user selects 20 from it the gridview shows 20 records on same page,when 30 is selected the gridview should show 30 records.i cant figure it out that how to do it, whether it requires coding at database(MYSql) or can be done at the page itself.
for the radiobuttonlist control, when I try to style individual buttons with 'span'I get a error, is there some way to style each button?
error is:
System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListItemCollection must have items of type 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListItem'. 'span' is of type 'System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlGenericControl