Forms Data Controls :: Removing The Blank Column From Gridview And From Exel Also While Exporting Data?
Oct 29, 2010
I have a requirement that i need to remove the columns from gridview which are blank but at remove funtion it gives me error so i make that columns visible false now its working fine but at the time of exporting data from gridview to excel it also export that visible= false columns in spredsheet and i don't want that blank or hidden column in my excel sheet
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May 7, 2015
In my Webapplication i am trying to export GridView data into PDF format and the application is working fine.But in the resulted PDF file i'm not getting GridView Headers.
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Jul 13, 2012
I am getting display excel file after sending gridview data to mail below picture
And above picture, dropdown value displaying in excel sheet but it should not display and other rows and columns background in white .
I want to display the content like below format.....
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Nov 22, 2015
how do you handle null data on gridview? and also the white spaces, it seems that the white spaces are converting to "Â "Â
 Note: i can't replace the  because i have 1 column thats in html form.Â
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Apr 9, 2010
I have some data im reading from an SQL Database onto a web page.
on the website end im converting each new line into a list item.
but in the database theres lots of blank lines between list items, so its showing each blank line as a list item.
so i just wondered if theres any way to remove those blank lines on the website end.
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Oct 22, 2010
I have gridview where there is column charges. If charges value is $0.00, I need to display it as BLANK or NULL that is it should be empty. I tried few DataFormatStrings but no luck.
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Oct 9, 2012
I have boundfiled column inside gridview and made the column as invisible by setting visible="false".
But while exporting the gridview to excel I am getting the Header text alone exported. Wherever the column's visibility is set to false the header text should not be exported. After binding the gridview I have set the column's visiblity to false so it won't export the column values.
The problem is to stop exporting the header text to excel. Let's say column index is 10
public class GridViewExportUtil
public static void Export(string fileName, GridView gv)
"content-disposition", string.Format("attachment; filename={0}", fileName));
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May 7, 2015
I am able to save excel sheet from GridView perfectly. However, I need to add one custom column, which will be URL of a file on sever, I am not allowed to add URLs directly in the table (as per company's development policies). I tried pulling URL from web.config however I am not sure where to add that in the following code
<asp:GridView ID="bestpractgrv" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" CellPadding="3" GridLines="Vertical" Width="100%" BackColor="White" BorderColor="#999999" BorderStyle="None" BorderWidth="1px" PageSize="10" AllowPaging="True" OnPageIndexChanging="OnPaging" DataKeyNames="iID">
<AlternatingRowStyle BackColor="Gainsboro" />
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May 23, 2013
In my web in a gridview i am using this code to change font colour...
  If e.Row.DataItem("OutDetails") Is System.DBNull.Value <> True Then
e.Row.ForeColor = Drawing.Color.Green
End If
Can i count and display in a label whose OutDetails are not blank...
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Feb 18, 2013
My Header Text is always blank. Below is my code
Response.ContentType ="application/pdf"
Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment;filename=GridViewExport.pdf")
Dim sw AsNew StringWriter()Dim hw AsNew HtmlTextWriter(sw)
gridview1.AllowPaging =False
[Code] ....
View 1 Replies
Apr 25, 2012
I used your  code over here [URL]
for creating a csv but the csv that gets created is blank. My gridview gets populated so I don't think any problem with that not getting data from Access database. I also tried the code sample you have on this website and checked my code against yours.
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Mar 16, 2011
View 3 Replies
Jan 21, 2010
I want to export a gridview data to excel; however, my form contains an update panel. I am getting the error message below. Note: the function works without an update Panel.
RegisterForEventValidation can only be called during Render();
Response.ContentType =
View 2 Replies
May 28, 2010
I am exporting Data of gridview into but i have one problem if particular is false than also comes in excel sheet.
second problem if iwant to export all data of gridview.
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Dec 14, 2010
How to remove rows dynamically in gridview with textbox and dropdownlist?
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Feb 18, 2010
I have a Gridview which is populated with data based on the selection of dropdowns in a web form. Once the gridview is displayed on the page the user has a "Print" button that will print the gridview. I need to allow the user to remove rows from the gridview prior to printing. I do not want to remove the data from the database, only from the displayed gridview.
I've added a column to the Gridview that has a checkbox which appears next to each row. The header of this column reads "Exlude". If the user checks a box next to a row then this row should be excluded from the printed gridview.Totally new to gridview .. don't know where to go from here.
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Jun 1, 2010
I have a gap but I'm not sure how to remove it, which is between a table and a gridview:
By the way, how do you insert a screenshot to this post?
<table width="920px" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td width="10px" class="TitleBar_lftCorner">
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Dec 15, 2010
How to remove rows dynamically in a gridview?
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Jan 6, 2011
I have a gridview which is binded to a Sqldatasource. I would like to replace a column data field value to 'Not Applicable' if that column has got a value of 2 in database.
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Mar 10, 2010
I have a code that read all data from sqldatasource and store it in exel file. my problem is,when the program run when i click on button,the message pop up to open or save, so by click on open or save we can either save it in exel file or open and look in exel file.
i want withought poping any message,it store the file directly to the specific folder without infomring the user.
here is my code
string attachment = "attachment; filename=Contacts.xls";
Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", attachment);
Response.ContentType = "application/ms-excel";
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
HtmlTextWriter htw = new HtmlTextWriter(sw);
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Nov 9, 2010
In my Gridview, I have set Gridlines to None and the gridlines in the body of the gridview are gone. However, the gridlines in the Header and Footer remain. How do you get rid of the gridlines in the header and footer?
Is there a way to do this with a stylesheet?
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Aug 31, 2010
I have managed to export a gridview into word but is there a way when i export the gridview into Word that Word opens in landscape?
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Mar 30, 2011
I have created a nested gridview and want to be able to export the gridview to CSV file. When I export it it also exports all the HTML in the file which I do not want. It is fine if i export it to and XLS file though.
I just wondered if anyone has managed to export to CSV with nested gridviews without the HTML getting exported also.
Here is my code
and here is my gridview
I am setting the datasource for the nested repeater here:
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Jul 15, 2010
I am exporting GridView to Excel but keep on getting a pop up "The file you are trying to open, 'somefile.xls' is in a different format than specidied by the file extension. Verify that the file is not corrupted and is from a trusted source before opening the file. Do you want to open the file now?When I click "yes" the file opens fine. But why I am getting the pop up at the first place.Also as I have Office 2007 on my machine
GridView1.DataSource = dv;
Response.Buffer = true;
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Jan 20, 2011
I have the following scenario shown below
Label: Name
ID Qty
1 10
2 5
Kindly note, the ID. QTy are currently in a gridview and the Label is a label on top of the gridview. I would like to export both the label and the gridview to can I do this.
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