Forms Data Controls :: Select A GridView Row Based On Field Content?
Jan 18, 2010
I have a page with a Listbox and GridView.
The Listbox has a list of students. The Gridview has a list of classes offered during a period, such as:
Math Science English etc. When I click a student in the Listbox, I call a sproc via Linq, and get the ClassID and ClassTitle that student is registered for.
What I need to do is Highlight the record in the GridView that matches the ClassID or ClassTitle returned by the sproc.
Previously, I used a ListBox for the Class Offerings. This is easy with a Listbox using the FindByText method:
What is the right way to do this with a GridView?
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ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[rps_CarePlan3]
@PatientName nvarchar = NULL,
@PatientTypeId int = NULL,
@StartDate datetime = NULL,
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I see only BakimDestekDto(cause it is part of TblBakimDestek but other field isnt part of TblBakimDestek it is relation field). Why dont I see relation table field? Maybe public IList<TblBakimDestek> GetByStoreProcedure(string startDate) I use inside IList TblBakimDestek?
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protected void UserGridView_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
int UserID;
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DateID Startingdate
1 1/1/2010
2 2/1/2010
3 3/1/2010
4 4/1/2010
5 5/1/2010
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My select command is:
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Am I misunderstanding the chain of events or is there a better way of handling this? Could I, for example, determine from the Sender & e arguments available within the Page_Load event, that the postback has been triggered by clicking the delete button in the repeater? The only other way I can see of dealing with this is to force a second postback once the final row of the repeater has been deleted which seems like overkill.
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Aug 4, 2010
I know that variations of this same question have been posed numerous times - but I can't quite seem to find the exact solution.
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