Forms Data Controls :: Setting Checkbox Value In A GridView?

Jun 17, 2010

I have a GridView with one checkbox and some fields. Now what I want is to set this checkbox dynamically on the execution of a particular function.

ie..i have a mailsend function in my code.. when this function executes the checkbox in my gridview should be set dynamically.. How do I go about acheiving this?

My codebehind is in VB.

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<asp:CheckBox ID="ChkMaster" runat="server" OnCheckedChanged="ChkMaster_CheckedChanged" AutoPostBack="true" />

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Forms Data Controls :: Select All CheckBox In Gridview When Click To Header CheckBox?

Aug 20, 2010

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code behind
protected void OnCheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)


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private string[] AvailableRoles = { "User", "Administrator", "Security Admin" };

Repeater_Roles.DataSource = AvailableRoles; Repeater_Roles.DataBind();

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Forms Data Controls :: GridView : Checkbox : Checked Value Is Still False After Checked The Checkbox?

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<asp:CheckBox ID="chkRDR1" runat="server"/>
Dim checkbox As CheckBox = CType(row.FindControl("chkRDR1"), CheckBox)

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Forms Data Controls :: Selected Checkbox In Gridview Should Be Added From One To Other Gridview Using Objectdatasource

Aug 2, 2010

table a
a1 a
1 qw
2 asa

i have two grid views

gridview1 has check box[a1] and one value[a](in total two columns) with objectdatasource1 for datareferencing from database

another gridview2 has to select only the selected/checked value of gridview1 of checkbox1

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Here is my code:


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Forms Data Controls :: Setting A Cell Value Of A Gridview?

Feb 26, 2010

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Forms Data Controls :: Setting The Value Of A Gridview Cell During Update?

Aug 30, 2010

I've been reading the posts here and I'm not finding, or maybe just not understanding, the answer I need so here's my problem.

I have a small gridview and the update works very well. The issue is I need to have one of the fields set to a value from my code either when the record is open for undating or when the update runs.

Here is my gridview and the datasource info:


Here's the RowUpdating event code:


View 10 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Setting Headertext Of Gridview Dynamically

Jul 22, 2010

Is tehre anyway to set the HeaderText dynamically on a gridview? I'm trying the below, it kind of works, but the problem is on the initial load nothing shows up, but when I postback then the new text populates:
grdvMyTest.HeaderRow.Cells[5].Text = GetTheCalculatedDate();

I've tried that in both Page_Load and grdMyTest_Load, but same thing happens in both. When the page initial loads the column header text is blank, when I click something causing a postback it pops up. I don't have a IsPostBack check around that line, so it should be running regradless. I'm guessing I'm doing it at the wrong event, either too eariler or too late.

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Mar 6, 2011

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Forms Data Controls :: GridView Checkbox

Mar 15, 2010

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Forms Data Controls :: Checkbox In Gridview (Y/N) To SQL?

May 4, 2010

I'm a little bit confused. I'm trying to pass in some values to the associated database table from a gridview.I have a databound gridview fetching values from a database, on each row a checkbox is generated to each item in the list. For exapmple, the gridview fetches data from the table "Interests" and prints it out on the page, and the visitor is supposed to check in those checkboxes that corresponds to his/hers personal interests.When clicking submit, the Table UserInterests in DB gets the values:

UserID = 1 (gets a unique ID from a previous step)
InterestID = 45 (Shopping)
UserInterestID = (auto increment)

What i need help with is how to check if the Checkboxes is checked or not, and how to pass in the true or false to the db.I have read Step 2 in this tutorial, and it seems like my solution will be somewhat similair to this: it's a tricky question when not knowing the structure of the project, but i'll be glad for some pointers and tips!

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Forms Data Controls :: Get Checkbox Value From Gridview?

Mar 25, 2010

I have a gridview with autogenerated fileds in Rowdatabound i am adding checkbox using stringwritter then when i try to get checkbox value using Findcontrol it shows me an errorBelow the code samples which i have used .aspx

<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server"></asp:GridView>


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Forms Data Controls :: Setting The Color Of A Column Heading On A GridView?

Jun 16, 2010

I have sutmbled across somethig strange. When you ser theYou cannot set the color in a style and apply it to the heading of a grid, it will show in the templated columns, but not in the non-templated columns.

You can set the color for the non-templated columns with the HeaderStyle-ForeColor attribute, but it seems strange for it not to recognize the color in the style and seems redundant to have to specify a style and a color seperately.

Am I doing somethign wrong. Is there some sort of setting I have wrong that is causing this?


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Forms Data Controls :: Binding GridView To A List And Setting HyperlinkField?

Oct 15, 2010

I have a List<string> that I want to use as a datasource for the gridview, making the column a HyperlinkField type and passing the value clicked in the column in the url. My code:

private void DoBind(GridView grid, List<string> Accounts)
Hyperlinkfield field = new HyperlinkField();
field.DataNavigateUrlFields = Accounts.ToArray();
field.DataNavigateUrlFormatString = _urlToRedirectFromGrid;
field.DataSource = Accounts;
grid.AutoGenerateColumns = false;

I can't get this to work. The page throws an AJAX null exception when this method is called.

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Nov 22, 2010

I m working with VS-2005 without ajax functionality(With out Update Panel). I have a gridview which has a two colmn inside first column there is image. When user clicks on the image a pop up form with calender control should open when user selects the date from calender that date should get sets up in second column

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Forms Data Controls :: Setting GridView Header Text When Page Changes?

Feb 6, 2010

I have a GridView (inside an update panel) that has header text that changes based on some user profile information. I set the header text in the Page_Load function of the page - that works fine. The problem is that when I change to the page number of the GridView, the header text is not redrawn. I am handling the OnPageChanging event to try to update the header text but nothing is happening. I've attached the relevant code.



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Forms Data Controls :: Commandargument And Checkbox In Gridview?

Feb 10, 2011

can i add commandname or commandargument to a checkbox-control in a gridview?

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Forms Data Controls :: Find The Checkbox In Gridview?

May 12, 2010

i would like to uncheck a checkbox in my gridview when the user clicks on that row... how do i do that in vb.

also, when trying out my website, when i do uncheck the checkboxs and click on the link to go back to the home page, the gridview on that page which links to the same table does not update the checkboxes with the new values.

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Forms Data Controls :: Accessing A Checkbox In A GridView?

Feb 10, 2010

I have GridView control with a checkbox in one of the columns. When I click a button to submit, I want to see if the checkbox is selected, but when I do, it only gets "Yes" for Label but false fo Checked. I know I am accessing the column because I get the Label. Wha tam I missing?

<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="OverRide">
<asp:CheckBox ID="OverRide" runat="server" Text="Yes" />
//Code Behind
//Where i = the row
CheckBox cb2 = ( CheckBox )GridView2.Rows[j].Cells[7].FindControl("OverRide");

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Forms Data Controls :: Finding The Value Of The Checkbox In Gridview?

May 8, 2010

i need to find out whether the checkbox is true or false in my gridview...

i've written this simple code which works but only works on the row i specify...


however... i need to check the whole gridview and tell me what checkboxes are checked...

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Create A Checkbox In A Gridview

Jan 23, 2010

I have data in my database and I want one column of the database to be shown as a ckeckbox so the user can select and deselect it.

The colums in my database is called "sendEmail", The values are stored as a "int" with values of 1 and 0. How do I show the value of 1 as checked and the value of 0 as unchecked in a gridview.

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