Forms Data Controls :: Similar Controls On Multiple Pages?

May 10, 2010

I am working on a project in which i have a master Gridview. It has a DetailsView and two GridViews as its children. I want to have the same master and child combination on two more pages in the application. On the first page i just want to change the select command of the master gridview and everything else remails the same. On the second page i want to change the master gridview to a dropdownlist with the same datasource and everything else remains the same.Can anyone please suggest me what would be the best way to go around it. Right now, all these three pages has its own set of codes and if i do any change to one of them then i have to do it in all three pages. I was looking at usercontrols but i think those won't work since i have do to slight modifications(as suggested above).

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Select Multiple Records In A Gridview Over Multiple Pages

Jan 14, 2011

I have an inventory page with a gridview that shows 1 item per record, each item starts with a checkbox in the gridview. Currently users can select multiple records and hit the order button and everything has worked well. Now I have multiple pages in my gridview, and if a user selects a few records from the first page, and then goes to the second page, all the records (checked checkboxes) disappear from the first page.


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Forms Data Controls :: Printing Multiple Pages With C#

Nov 6, 2010

i have a trouble with printing pages. i'm taking my datas on database. i can't print mor pages than one. i tried using e. HasMorePPAges=true property. But i couldn't. also i look out this subject on internet. i couldn't find any source helpful. How can i do printing multiple pages?

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Forms Data Controls :: Print A Gridview In Multiple Pages

Dec 28, 2010

I have a gridview with 30 columns and I need to print the whole gridview. I tried in some way but its resulting not in good thing. I need to print the gridview in two or three pages. The gridview having paging also in it. How can I do this? I need serial number for each row for all the pages of the gridview in the print part.

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Forms Data Controls :: Print Gridview With Multiple Pages?

Jul 21, 2010

My webpage has logo..some other controls and a gridview. The gridview can attimes have huge number of records.So when they save the file as a pdf, and the gridview cannot fit on 1 page...some rows of gridview are displayed on 1st page and then continued on next page no headings...So in order to allow all the text on one page and show the grid properly I have enabled paging on gridview. But now the problem is when they save the final page as pdf, they see just the first page of the there a way that user can save all the pages(gridview) in same file but separate pages or turning off pagination and displaying the grid on next page with heading repeat?

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Forms Data Controls :: Export Multiple Formview Pages To One Word.doc?

Jul 12, 2010

I have a database with an obscene number of fields: 169 (and yes it is fully normalized). There are so many fields that I had to split it up into two tables because auto generated SQL statements from an aspx page are limited to a certain number of fields (127 I think, but I can't find the reference with quick search). I do know that SQL server can handle 255 columns.

Working with different tables using auto generated SQL and auto generated template code is pretty much impossible without resorting to writing a ton of code to do all the sql work in the code behind (I'm lazy ok? You would be too with that many fields). So I've split the record data into two different formview pages. It's also easier on the user since they don't have such an enormously long page to scroll through. I used formview so that I could make the layout reasonable to look at rather than just a list like DetailsList would give.

So now I need to export this record (split over two pages) into Microsoft Word. I know how to do a basic export with just one page, but I don't know how to take two aspx pages and concatenate them into a single word doc, especially in the proper order. I want to do this from the formview because the Word doc has to have the same layout as the formview pages and writing a ton of css to accomplish that is a time consuming nightmare. I've attached a pic of page one so you can get the idea of the complexity of layout, page two is very similar.

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Data Controls :: Send Multiple Data Between Two Pages Using JavaScript On Client Side

Oct 23, 2013

I want to send two Id when I click on linkbutton on client side how to concat this two Id I will show my code

<script type="text/javascript"> function pageOpen() { var RevisionId = document.getElementById('hdnRevisionId').value; var ContractId = document.getElementById('ContractId').value;"ManageClientContracts.aspx?RevisionId=" + RevisionId) }</script>
<asp:HiddenField runat="server" ID="hdnRevisionId" Value='<%#Bind("RevisionID") %>'
<asp:HiddenField runat="server" ID="hdnContractId" Value='<%#Bind("ContractId") %>'
<asp:LinkButton ID="lnkSelect" runat="server" Text="Select" OnClientClick="pageOpen();"> </asp:LinkButton>

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Pulling Similar Data From Multiple Information Sources?

Feb 1, 2011

So I have been trying to follow serenarules posts about persistence layers, but I seem to be missing something.

The persistence layer is an architectural layer whose job is to provide an abstract interface to information storage mechanism(s).

This makes sense to me, but I am still having a hard time with this.

So in what cases is this necessary? When you are pulling similar data from multiple information sources?

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Forms Data Controls :: Report View Is Similar To The Gridview?

Mar 2, 2010

want to know the purpose of Report ViewerIs the Report View is similar to the gridview?In my dozens of webpages I have used gridview so is it better to replace the gridviews by Report Viewer?ow to use Report Viewer if I have datatables or is this similar to use the way that we uses objectdatasource to gridview?I couldnot find any video lecture about Report Viewer in official website.

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Mar 12, 2010

I'm using a SqlDataAdapter to return search results produced by ddlsearch.selectedvalue and txtsearch.text. The results are returned to a DataTable which is bound to gridview MySearch.

Here's the code I'm working with:


This works great for Exact matches. However, I need to modify the above code so that it will find similar matches also. If I enter screw I need to return all results that have screw in the search field, beginning middle or end.

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Forms Data Controls :: XPath With Dynamic Variable And Similar To SQL's Between?

Jun 15, 2010

I think I am struggling with something that may not be entirely relevant to XPath, but this is the function I am trying to use. I have a code snippet here that works,


It prints out: Items for page 1 is: 1 to 10. What have I missed here regarding this issue?

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Forms Data Controls :: Show Data Relationship In Gridview With Dropdownlist Or Similar?

May 24, 2010

I have data coming from two tables with a foreign key relationship - one User table containing users of the web application, and one Page table containing details about pages visited by each user.I would like to be able to view these data in a gridview or the like on a page. It's easy enough to just show the User table data like so (I'm using the Entity Framework and LINQ):


But how can I show the Page details? I'm not bent on any particular way of showing it, but the only idea I've been able to come up with is to have a dropdown list for each user in a column. But I can't figure out how to get the page data into such a dropdown list. The tables are associated with the primary/foreign key UserID.The closest I've come to finding something similar to this is this for Linq2SQL: , and this using more traditional data access: ttp:// . Either way, regardless of data access technology, I can't relate these solutions to my example and get it to work

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Forms Data Controls :: Develop A GridView Similar To Excel Sheet?

Feb 6, 2010

I was requested to develop a GridView like screen to allow easy DataEntry without the need to Click Save/Submit on each row of the GridView.

In other words, the user wants to edit the GridView Cells in a Web Screen as if he is editing Cells in MS Excel. The Data should be saved as soon as he will exit the cell by pressing the down arrow.

It think the only way to do that is to use Ajax technology, right ?

Maybe jQuery or ExtJS ?

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Forms Data Controls :: Looking To Use A UI Similar To The MSDN Download Page With The Product Details

Feb 2, 2010

I'm writing new section to a website and am looking to use a UI similar to the MSDN Download page with the Product Details and Keys in an accordian like section. Haven't been able to find a description of how this is done as of yet - still looking though but figured I'd ask if there is an available control or a description of that control instead of reinventing it.

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Oct 9, 2010

I was wondering is there anyway to create a flag column similar to outlook or is there any 3rd party control out there that already has this feature built in?

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Forms Data Controls :: Which Is Better To Display Multiple Rows Of Data With Multiple Controls DataGrid Or DataRepeater

Nov 19, 2010

I have a page in which i need to show data in the form of a grid. Each row in the grid is made up of 2 sub-rows, the first sub-row consists of a dropdown, a textbox & a textarea. Whatever is entered in these controls should be displayed in the second sub-row in the form of labels at runtime (i.e. using javascripts)

There can be multiple rows like this. The grid would have a max of 30 row, not more than that. create this which one would be better, in terms of performance & complexity, a GridView or a DataRepeater?

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Controls :: Convert Pages Of PDF To Multiple Images

May 7, 2015

I have on web application and I wand to split pdf pages to corresponding images with open source or free dll.

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Controls :: ITextSharp - Export HTML To Multiple PDF Pages Using C#

May 7, 2015

I am creating a pdf document with fields from sql database using iTextsharp,after a client inputs information, the next button is pressed each page is saved  in new row with page01,page02 etc as a column within that database. I would like iTextsharp to loop and create a new page based on this page number and have one pdf doc. my code is as below.

protected void GenerateReport(object sender, EventArgs e)
DataRow dr = GetData("SELECT * FROM OnSiteWorkTx where DocID = " + DropDownListPdf.SelectedItem.Value).Rows[0]; ;


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How To Populate Multiple Similar Ddl

May 4, 2010

I have 8 drop down list used for accounting data entry i display 2 rows in a data table one for debit (positive amt) and one for credit (negative amt) the code is simple and repeated so i know i should not be doing it LOL. Would this be the case for a generic fundtion? or....?


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Forms Data Controls :: Editing Gridview Values To Another Pages Controls?

Nov 2, 2010

i have a gridview in one form showempdetails.aspx and another form is to edit the value of selected row editempdetails.aspx in this page i have textboxes and dropdowns.

im using querystring which is bringing empid

(eg: empid=1 should bind all other columns to my controls of editempdetails.aspx)

below code is of empedit.aspx this takes loginid to employees_add.aspx


here by using primary key i should pass all my values of previous selected corresponding values into my textboxes.

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C# - File Upload Multiple Files In .net (similar To Gmail)?

Apr 22, 2010

I have a File Upload Control, so i click the 'Browse' button and when i select a file from the select file dialog, i want the file to be shown as a link below the File Upload Control( somewhat similar to gmail). This file should be seen such a way that it can be deleted, if i wanted to. And also i should be able to upload another file from the File Upload control.All these files should be uploaded to a location when i use a button click event in the end.

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Using Entity Framework To Connect To Multiple Similar Tables In MVC?

Jun 10, 2010

A relative newcomer to .net MVC2 and the entity framework, I am working on a project which requires a single web application, (C# .net 4), to connect to multiple different databases depending on the route of access, (ie subdomain).

No problem with this in principle and all the logic is written to transform the subdomain into an entity connection and pass this through to the Entity Model.

The problem comes with the fact that the different database whilst being largely similar in structure contain 3 or 4 unique tables bespoke to that instance.

To my mind there are two ways to solve this issue, neither of which i am sure will be possible.

1/ Use a separate entity model for each database. -Attempts down this route have through up conflicts where table/sp names are the same across differnt db's, or implicit conversion errors when I try and put the different models in different namespaces. or

2/ Overwrite the classes which refer to the changeable database objects based on the value of a base controller property.

My question is if either of theser routes can ever work in principle or if i should just give up on the EF and connect to the dtabases directlky using ADO. Perhaps there is another way to solve this problem i haven't thought of?

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Forms Data Controls :: Paste Multiple Cells Data Of Excel To Multiple Textboxes In Gridview?

Feb 1, 2011

I have gridview with 3 columns and one textbox in each column. My requirement is when i paste 3 cells of copied data from excel to textbox in first column of gridview automatically 2nd cell data has to be pasted in textbox of 2nd column and 3rd cell data to textbox of 3rd column of gridview. How can it be done and can anyone provide the best code.

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Forms Data Controls :: Bind Data To Multiple Labels From Multiple DataSources?

May 19, 2010

I have two AccessDataSources each returning one row.

I want to use the data in each row to populate content on my page, so I figured I would use a [Code].... or [Code].....

However, I would not necessarily want the labels bound to a particular DataSource placed together.

For example, I might want labels from the following columns in order [Code]....


Note: No language preference (C#/VB).

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Forms Data Controls :: Exporting Multiple Gridviews In Multiple Excel Tabs

Sep 7, 2010

I am able to export multiple gridviews in a single excel worksheet

My question is can I separate these gridviews in multiple tabs under the same excel file ?

This is my current method under the link button


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