Forms Data Controls :: Report View Is Similar To The Gridview?

Mar 2, 2010

want to know the purpose of Report ViewerIs the Report View is similar to the gridview?In my dozens of webpages I have used gridview so is it better to replace the gridviews by Report Viewer?ow to use Report Viewer if I have datatables or is this similar to use the way that we uses objectdatasource to gridview?I couldnot find any video lecture about Report Viewer in official website.

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Forms Data Controls :: Develop A GridView Similar To Excel Sheet?

Feb 6, 2010

I was requested to develop a GridView like screen to allow easy DataEntry without the need to Click Save/Submit on each row of the GridView.

In other words, the user wants to edit the GridView Cells in a Web Screen as if he is editing Cells in MS Excel. The Data should be saved as soon as he will exit the cell by pressing the down arrow.

It think the only way to do that is to use Ajax technology, right ?

Maybe jQuery or ExtJS ?

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Forms Data Controls :: Show Data Relationship In Gridview With Dropdownlist Or Similar?

May 24, 2010

I have data coming from two tables with a foreign key relationship - one User table containing users of the web application, and one Page table containing details about pages visited by each user.I would like to be able to view these data in a gridview or the like on a page. It's easy enough to just show the User table data like so (I'm using the Entity Framework and LINQ):


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Mar 12, 2010

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This works great for Exact matches. However, I need to modify the above code so that it will find similar matches also. If I enter screw I need to return all results that have screw in the search field, beginning middle or end.

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Forms Data Controls :: XPath With Dynamic Variable And Similar To SQL's Between?

Jun 15, 2010

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Forms Data Controls :: Insert Image In Report Viewer With Gridview?

Oct 18, 2010

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Forms Data Controls :: Similar Controls On Multiple Pages?

May 10, 2010

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Mar 15, 2011

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Feb 2, 2010

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SQL Reporting :: Run A Report Without Having To Click On The View Report Button?

Mar 26, 2010

I need to run a ServerReport report from a ReportViewer webapp. But I don't want to have to click on the reportViewer button:

"View Report"

I've set up and assigned the parameters on the report but it always wants me to select the params and click the button.

How do i get around this? here's my code:


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May 3, 2010

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Mar 3, 2010

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Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender


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Forms Data Controls :: Grid View Within A Gridview?

Apr 15, 2010



I am implemeting a gridview within a gridview.I have the following code and am trying to load the child gridview when the edit of the parent gridview takes place. The code is as above.However, I am getting a runtime error at the BookChapterAuthorGridView.DataBind(). It gives an error message "Databinding methods such as Eval(), XPath(), and Bind() can only be used in the context of a databound control." Please help me as to how I can work this gridview within a gridview.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Show Data In Column In Horizontal View In Gridview

Dec 31, 2010

I m Using DataList Controll for the time being. But i wana use DridView Controll that should display Data Horizontally. Is it Possible? if Yes then How?


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Forms Data Controls :: Grid View To Textbox Outside Of Gridview?

Mar 26, 2011

I have a GridView that checks to see who is online and then displays their profile information in it. I want to hide this from view and instead show textboxes containing the data from the Gridview and display it in the text boxes.

Then if a user changes the data and clicks submit the data will be updated. Now I am using a GridView over a form view as if I use the form view I get an error when it trys to check the GUID.

Heres the code I have








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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview View Changed On Click?

Oct 22, 2010

Need to have the ability to change the view of my gridview based on button click, the easiest i can describe what im trying to do and need is if you have every been on any e-comm site where you get a list of items presented to you.. normally you may get a thumbnail, description and price.. but at the top of that list you get the option to view it as a list with no thumbnails and so on..

Is gridview the best control to be using if i want to do that? example of what im needing is similar to

if you search for a product doesnt matter, when the results are presented to you, you have it in what they call "List View", but you have the option to view it in "Grid View", not sure if they are actually using listview and gridview controls.. but i want the same end results..

What would i use or what can i search on to accomplish the same thing.

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Feb 13, 2010

I am using a dataset for the first time and so far it is going quite well. The one thing that I have not found in tutorials though is how to add a select command to the gridview when i do gridview.databind()

The gridview is just a simple click and add at this point and my code looks like this:


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Forms Data Controls :: Retain View State In GridView Footer?

Nov 2, 2010

I have created a customized GridView Control.

I have created a property called as IsEntryGrid. Which is boolean. If it is true then it is assumed that it will be a grid where dataentry is possible from footer controls. Controls in footer are created dynamically. My problem is that when i m pressing ok image button control state is not maintained.

eg. In my footer say there is a text box for field OrganicationCode. I enter Org Code as M01 and if i press enter, i m not getting that back in my page event..

my code to create grid footer....


protected override void CreateChildControls()

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Does Not Reflect Changes Made From Form View

Mar 12, 2010

I have a form that shows simple table and let the user select a row. when user select a row the record shows in a formview below the gridview. After I update the formview changes take place in database but shows in gridview ONLY the next time I load the page.


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