DataSource Controls :: Used Sqldatasource For Performing And Update Query But How To Update The Record On Click
Nov 9, 2010Here is the sqldatasource config code: <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server"
View 1 RepliesHere is the sqldatasource config code: <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server"
View 1 Replies[code]....
Im trying to update my DB(DataBase) by using SQL UPDATE query ,but its not updating in the dataBase i receive confirmation(in testLabel) that one row is affected(dataReader = query.ExecuteReader(); return numbers of rows affected)...
I have given a HTML editortext control on a page,which generates HTML (i have to store it in my DB,that page is only for Admin) ,on pressing Update button , im receving in my testLabel that one row is affected(which shows DB is updated succesfully) but when i check my DB its in old state,it is not updating...
Here is my Event handler of Update Button which have to make updates in DB:
I have the query to retrieve selected record in textbox. How to use this query to update record: I want when I enter sumit in textbox1 and click submit button then the record with ID 1 will be updated to name sumit
Dim SQLData As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection("Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|Database.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True")
Dim cmdSelect As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand("SELECT TOP 1 Name FROM Table1 Order by Id DESC", SQLData)
Dim dtrReader As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader = cmdSelect.ExecuteReader()
If dtrReader.HasRows Then
While dtrReader.Read()
TextBox1.Text = dtrReader("Name")
End While
Response.Write("No customer found for the supplied ID.")
End If
i am using a gridview which shows the data and a select column. when the user selects a record a detailsview is shown with the respective details and an edit button inside it. when the user clicks on the edit button the entire detailsview becomes editable and the user can now edit the selected record .here the problem starts cause when the user clicks on the update button there is an error stating that illegal variable/number or parameter not found.i am using sqldatasource to bind the gridview and detailsview with an unique RequestId fieldwhich detailsview sql datasource uses to bind the record uniquely.
View 3 RepliesI have a FormView which is bound to an SQLDataSource. When a user clicks on a save button the form, I need to write any changes made to the FormView back to the table.
I have a Stored Procedure on my MSSQL 2005 database that should be executed when the user clicks on the save button.
It appears the Update is firing, but when I trap the DbCommand object in the SQLDataSource's 'Updating' event, all of the parameters that should be passed to the Stored Procedure are coming through as NULLs. Consequently, the Stored Procedure isn't updating anything.
In the click event of the save button I'm explicitly firing the SQLDataSource's Update method:
The parameters in the SQLDataSource <UpdateParameters></UpdateParameters> section appear to be correct.
Can anyone give me an idea on what to investigate to figure out why it appears the Update is only picking up NULLs?
I've already spent hours in searching through the forum to be able to do the following:I have a SQL datasource defined with a checkbox in it. Purpose is to update one column (userid) behind the table for only that row when the checkbox is selected.This is the code I'm currently having:
i couldnt find a specific answer to this question, i am relatively new to .net :)
i have a gridview that is displaying data from a sqldatasource in my page_load event. i need to loop through the records and update each value of a particular column BEFORE being set into the GridView.
i have tried converting to a data set and looping through updating the values, however it seems that one i initially run my query the values get set right into the GridView and i can't update them after that.
Do I need to add one of the GridView functions like Databound and do the loop in there?
How can I bind radio buttons to an sqldatasource for update ?
View 2 Replies[code]...
This query works perfectly on the query analyser.
But when configuring the Table adapter ,I try executing the query and i get 0 rows affected.
What could I be getting wrong in this case.
NB:Existing GalleryID has been supplied.
Using a FormView with a SqlDataSource, I'm attempting to Update data
by calling a stored proc in code behind. I was having trouble getting parameters
using Update Parameters in the SqlDataSource, but found a working solution by
coding the parameters.
The problem now is I'm getting an "Updating is not supported by data source 'XYZ' unless UpdateCommand is specified'.
I am not sure if I am in the right spot here because this really doesn't have to do any datacontrol but hopefully somone can give me a hand with this.
Basically I have a bunch of TextBox controls on a page that are displaying the data I want but when I try to run an UPDATE query on the record I get nothing. The record values don't update and I don't appear to get any exceptions.....I am actually kinda really baffled on this one, here is what I have for the update code: [Code]....
Btw, if there is an easier way to do this with a control I am up for suggestions as I am just going off of some of my old VB6 ways
For right now, the View Account for an individual user has the following setup on the aspx page.
In the MembershipUserODS file i have the following:
And in the code behind page i have this...
The page posts, when you click the update button, but the data never changes / updates.
Is there a way I can automatically update a 'Date' column in my database table to the current date whenever any cell in that record is updated?I've started looking into table triggers a little bit and I'm wondering whether I can do it using this?
View 1 Repliesmy requirement is to update a duplicate record in my website if anyone select a product more than one time then i have to check and update the quantity of that record.i use for loop for this but it is not working properly, it is running perfectly for one product but when i add another product it won't can i do this?Here is my code part which is run on add button click
if (sc.dtcart.Rows.Count > 0)
for(int i=0;i<sc.dtcart.Rows.Count;i++)
I have been able to successfully read a row of data from an SQL table using two column parameters. Now I would like to update this row with new information. Is this possible since the reader does not specify which row was read with the 'reader.Read();' command?
View 7 Replies[Code]....
After this and in the same procedure i want to update the inserted or the updated record which occared in the above code with the follwing update statment :
updating mark is completed successfully if the record is existed (Update Case) but if the record does not exist (new record) ... the update of the mark is not occured ..
I have this working on another project I have but cannot figure out why I can't get it to work on another. I have a dropdownlist box with employee names. When an employee is selected, I display the data (address, phone, email, etc.) in a series of textboxes. User can make changes and then click on an "Update" button where I attempt to update the database with the changes using the sqldatasource. The code works without any errors, but the database does not update.
Here's the sqldatasource code (the code behind follows):
Code Behind for the "Update" button control which was intended to update the database with sqldatasource3.update() command at the end:
I am creating a database frontend in aspx/C# using LINQ to MSSQL. It has two pages: a main page which lists all of the records, and a page that appears when the user click the "Edit" button next to one of the list items for the user to edit a record.The database table has about 70 user-editable fields. I need to make the edit page, allowing the user to update/insert records. There are a couple ways I can think of make an edit page:Using a LinqDataSource and FormViewUsing a LinqDataSource and DetailsViewManually retrieve the value for each field and set the value for each field directly from Linq (e.g. "projectIDLabel.Text = Convert.ToString(thisRecord.Project_ID)"What would be the best way to design this?
View 4 RepliesHow to update two tables in a single update query.
View 6 RepliesIs there any way to update multiple rows in a SQL query without using an foreach statement? In a single query.
View 3 RepliesI have select query like this :
im having a gridview in which im displaying records and status.....this gridview shows employee applied leave waiting for approvals..
so in gridview i have chabged the status button as radio button list and giving two choices as approve/reject HOD seect relevant button and update the grid...
how to do this?
1) do i need to place a button on footer and do some write code behind?
2) or any other easier way?
I want to update multiple rows of gridview (only price field. for that i have added textbox) on click of update button which is outside of gridview.I have done following way
<asp:LinkButton ID="lnkUpdate" CssClass="BlueButton" runat="server" OnClick="lnkUpdate_Click">Update</asp:LinkButton>
Up to this its working fine but when no textbox updated then no need to go in for loop so i am looking for confiramtion before updating rows please help me how to do that becausei am less aware with javascript. another problem is textbox value disappear when page index changed how i can retain that values.
I've got a routine that's supposed to be capturing data from an XML to a DataTable (which works fine), and then using that data to insert into MS SQL. I have no problems with the Inserting of records (via a different routine) but am struggling to update existing records - I'm not even getting any errors, and I can verify that the data is being assigned to the parameters.
Here's what I've got.
Shared Sub Sold(ByVal FullPath As String)
Dim SQLSold As String
Dim SC As New SqlConnection(CS)
SQLSold = "Update Properties SET Status = @Status, Price = @Price WHERE UniqueID = @UniqueID"
Dim DT As New DataTable
I have a query . I want to edit the grid view columns in which user click the edit button he will edit the column in the grid and after that i want to add update button so that when he clicks on updates button after editing the row. The row will be updated and the grid will show you the new update row.
Here is my following piece of code.
<asp:GridView ID="noticeDetails" runat="server" BorderWidth="1px" AutoGenerateColumns="false" PageSize="10" Width="100%" CellPadding="10"
AutoGenerateEditButton="true" onrowediting="noticeDetails_RowEditing" >
<Columns> <asp:TemplateField HeaderText="CampaignIDRange">
<ItemTemplate> <%# Eval("CampaignIDRange")%>
[Code] ....
Basically grid is about that when user enter values intothe grid, the values will show in to the grid upon click button.I added edit button it works fine but it will incomplete without update button method ...