Forms Data Controls :: Can Specify A Fixed Number Of Rows By Index To Add To A Dataview
Feb 20, 2010
I have a table that contains about 8000 records and I need to be able to select any given sequence of 250 subsequent rows by a specific row index of teh table...
how I can go about that easily using a dataview without building a secondary table and just pushing the records I need into it?
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Mar 9, 2010
I need to retrieve data from DataView/DataTable. I need to retrieve the top4 records, then, 5th - 10th recoed.
This is how I do this, but I am looking for a clean code, doing it correctly:
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Jul 27, 2010
I am trying to create a gridview with a fixed number of rows (5). If the gridivew contains no items then five blank rows will be shown. For each row that a user enters then a blank row will be removed so that there will be a constant number of rows displayed. How might I go about doing this?
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Mar 29, 2010
I've searched for this several times but have never been able to find the answer with my search terms. Say you have a listview and a datapager set to 10 rows, but you only have 4 data items in the database at the time the query is run. Is there a way to force it to show a 10 row table (4 with data and 6 without)?
Everytime I search on this, I just find information on setting the number of rows for the datapager, which will not show empty rows if the data isn't there. Probably an easy solution, but the heck I can find it.
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Jan 29, 2010
I'm trying to filter a DataView to return all the rows whose column x starts with a number: The following works in SQL Server:
select *
from dbo.Page
where Name like '[0-9]%'
However, when I try this:
dataView = new DataView( someDataTable, "Name LIKE '[0-9]%'", "Name ASC", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows);
I get "invalid parameter [0-9] with Operator Like" error message. What is the correct syntax to achieve my goal?
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Feb 2, 2011
I want to check that the row index I specify is below the row count so it doesn't throw the error
Index 2 is either negative or above rows count.
how would I achieve this with my code?
Using connection As New SqlConnection(connStr)
Dim command As New SqlCommand
command.Connection = connection
Dim a As New SqlDataAdapter("SELECT top(3) name, (SELECT TOP (1) ImageId FROM Images WHERE(productid = products.Id)) AS imageId FROM Products WHERE beginnerdiscount = '1' ORDER BY Dateadded", connection)
Dim s As New DataSet()......
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Jul 13, 2010
A dataview is throwing an out of range exception when a page submit button is clicked. The strange part is if you change the data in the dataview by selecting a different person in the DDL the page works fine. Its only when the page loads and the default person in the DDL is when the DataView throws the exception.
The exception is thrown on the last line when I add DV.Rows(0).Cells(1).Text to the id_num parameter. I know there is a value in the dataview because it is displayed on the page. I can refresh the dataview with another person's information and the code works fine. This really has me confused. Here is a bit of the code behind.
Dim dashDataSource
dashDataSource.ConnectionString =
dashDataSource.InsertCommandType =
dashDataSource.InsertCommand =
"INSERT INTO tblAcadReferrals(all columns and parameter info here)"
dashDataSourceInsertParameters.Add("id_num", DV.Rows(0).Cells(1).Text)
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May 5, 2010
how i can generate a gridview with a fixed number of rows that is entered from a textbox
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May 7, 2015
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Oct 8, 2010
I am trying access the row index on this GridView, but the e.CommandArgument gives me a value of an empty string "" , so the the error handler kicks in. What do you think I am missing.
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Sep 7, 2010
I've implemented a ListView to display selected data from a DataTable. My listview is one row high and 4 columns wide. I've setup a DataPager to the left of it and another to the right to allow the user to access any item in the ListView.My problem is simple: When the user adds a new item to the DataTable, I rebind the data again { e.g. listView1.DataBind() }, and then I proceed to select that newly added item. BUT no matter what I try, nothing works! More precisely, I do this: listView1.SelectedIndex = #; where "#" is the appropriate index number.
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Jun 18, 2010
I have a gridview control and in need to get the column name and the column index number
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Jul 29, 2010
I have the following problem, i am using gridview to display some table info,, and during RowDataBound event i am binding another DataList control placed on gridview template column,,, the problem is that the DataBind() event of the gridview gives "Index 1 is either negative or above rows count." error.
I debugged alot,, when you disable the DataList binding it works,, but why the 2 not working together i dont know!!.
Below my Code in
Code Behind:
using System;
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Apr 7, 2010
How to display Top 10 Records using DataView Or DataSet, Below is my code. I am using .net 2.0 and i don't want to Modified in my SQL query.
Dim ds As New DataSet
ds = tv.GetSearchLatestEvtHosting("", "", "", "", "")
Dim dtvCust As DataView = New DataView(ds.Tables(0))
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Jan 14, 2010
I'm using a table adapter to perform my queries. I'm sure I'm missing something really easy, but I can't figure out how to return the number of rows returned from a query to a dataset used for a GridView.Basically, I want to display a message "No records exist for your selection" by testing for ReturnedRows = 0.
Excerpt of C# code:
handoutDSTableAdapters.handoutTableAdapter handoutsAdapter =
new handoutDSTableAdapters.handoutTableAdapter();
gv_Handout.DataSource = handoutsAdapter.GetDataByDoctor(Int32.Parse(ddl_MD.SelectedValue));
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Feb 10, 2010
I am trying to follow an example from Lesson #25 of [URL] I am not trying to do paging as the above example is doing. I simply want to do a Query and return the the number of rows back in my code behind.
I have a DAL Typed Dataset with the following Query
FROM Reservation
WHERE (DateUsed = @DateUsed) AND (SiteID = @SiteID)
I have a BLL setup for the above as follows:
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May 30, 2010
How to control the number of displayed rows in a grid? Which property to change?
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Jan 19, 2010
I'm looking for the correct syntax to get me the last row of a repeater item and use it in a literal below. As you can see I have the item index syntax already. assume that there is a repeater control surrounding the literal already.
I have already bound the data so it will not use obitemdatabound .
<asp:Literal id="Rpt_ItemCount" runat="server"
Text = '<%# (int) DataBinder.Eval(Container, ItemIndex"))%>'></asp:Literal>
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Sep 13, 2010
I'm pretty new at ASP .NET but not to ASP. I've got a form I need to create where I don't know how many entries will be added. It has the following format:
"Age" "Duration" "Period of Duration" "etc..."
1-5 Months ago
6-11 Months ago
So the Age column always has the first 3 options and then an unknown number of Age values that can be inserted. I've created a table that has the first four fields (Last30days, 1-5months, 6-11months, age) and I was thinking I could just order by those 4 columns for display. The problem I have is I'm not sure on how to proceed. Does anyone have any good ideas on how to handle this situation? Ideally data entry people could use the same form for both entering and displaying the data.
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Apr 30, 2010
I've got a nested gridview and I'm looking for a way to determine the number of rows in a child gridview, so far no luck. Has anyone come across a solution for this ? Both of these gridviews are bound using ObjectDataSource.
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Nov 15, 2010
I have a Gridview and I want to return the number of rows (excluding header row) in it into label1.text.
How to write this code ?
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Apr 8, 2010
I have a listview, that shows 8 rows until creating another page to navigate to to see the rest. I can't figure out where the limitation of the number of rows is coming from
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Jun 10, 2010
I want to allow people visiting my website to have the ability to change the displayed data in a DataGridView from a Dropdown box and have it auto postback. So options are in the dropdown box 10, 20, 30
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Apr 30, 2010
I'm sure it was discussed hundred of times, but maybe this time will elucidate some new points )
The question is: do I need to limit number of selected rows in data source for GridView?
When I use paging in GridView does limiting selected rows make GridView work faster?
Now I use ObjectDataSource with Linq in functions.
Does this make sense or I can just use LinqDataSource without thinking of selected rows?
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