Forms Data Controls :: Clicking On Gridview Item To Retrieve Info From Database?

Feb 4, 2011

I am Working on a project(, i have a gridview to display names of "Patients". Each patient has a unique "labID",

I have stored the patients "diagnosis" information in seperate tables( stool,urine, blood etc)

what I need is to retrieve this info when I click on a patients name in gridview.

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Forms Data Controls :: Retrieve Changing Checkbox Value On Clicking Submit Button

Dec 6, 2010

I am trying to edit data using checkbox value. Firstly, I created popup window which using querystring some data from main page. In popup window, I want to change the checkbox value. For example, I made setSpare column and given the value to show bit data type such as 0 or 1 using checkbox(false or true). If some data has non setSpare(means 0), it wil lbe come out uncheckbox. If I want to check it and clicking submit button, It was not change. I am going to show the code below.

public partial class AddSpare : BasePage
string ObjectId;
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
ObjectId = Request.QueryString["ObjectId"];
protected void displayComInfo(string ObjectId) // it informed relative data on web through using DB.
string query = "usp_ShowComputerList";
using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["SCSConnectionString2"].ConnectionString))
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(query, conn);
cmd.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure;
SqlParameter paramobjectId = cmd.Parameters.Add("@ObjectId", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int);
paramobjectId.Value = ObjectId;
SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
if (dr.Read())
ModelTxt.Text = dr["Model"].ToString();
ModelTxt.ReadOnly = true;
ComputerTxt.Text = dr["ComputerName"].ToString();
ComputerTxt.ReadOnly = true;
userTxt.Text = dr["UserName"].ToString();
userTxt.ReadOnly = true;
ntTxt.Text = dr["NtLogon"].ToString();
ntTxt.ReadOnly = true;
HDDTxt.Text = dr["HddSize"].ToString() + "GB";
HDDTxt.ReadOnly = true;
RAMTxt.Text = dr["MemorySize"].ToString() + "GB";
RAMTxt.ReadOnly = true;
SerialNoTxt.Text = dr["SerialNo"].ToString();
SerialNoTxt.ReadOnly = true;
TextBox1.Text = dr["Spare"].ToString();
inputChkSpare.Checked = (bool)dr["Spare"]; //(bool)dr["Spare"] display false or true.
catch (Exception ex)
MessagePanel1.Type = MessageType.Error;
MessagePanel1.Text = MessagePanel1.Text = "This is an error." + ex.Message;
protected void okBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string query = "usp_SetSpare";
using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["SCSConnectionString2"].ConnectionString))
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(query, conn);
cmd.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure;
SqlParameter paramobjectId = cmd.Parameters.Add("@objId", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int);
SqlParameter paramspare = cmd.Parameters.Add("@spare", System.Data.SqlDbType.Char);
paramobjectId.Value = ObjectId;
if (inputChkSpare.Checked == true) // if I change the check box, it does not bring the changed value. It will bring the above value(already displayed thing)
paramspare.Value = "1";
else {
paramspare.Value = "0";
cancelBtn.Value = "Close";
okBtn.Enabled = false;
MessagePanel1.Type = MessageType.Information;
MessagePanel1.Text = "This computer is spare from now.";
catch (Exception ex)
MessagePanel1.Type = MessageType.Error;
MessagePanel1.Text = MessagePanel1.Text = "This is an error." + ex.Message;

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Retrieve Image From Database Into Gridview

Sep 5, 2010

How to Retrieve image from database into gridview

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Get Select Item Index In Listview Without Clicking Button

Apr 8, 2010

I trying this solution in visual basic but it dosent work, im getting a error:

RegisterForEventValidation can only be called during Render();

In the line:Dim script As String = Me.ClientScript.GetPostBackClientHyperlink(btn, "", True)


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Storing Item Info And Item Data In The Same Table?

Dec 15, 2010

I have a site where users can save images together with a couple of info fields about the image. The images are stored as binary data in the same table as the rest of the image info. So far pretty standard.

Now, the users should be able to upload a document, describing the image in more detail, along with the rest of the image and its' info. Size ~2MB per document.

My question is: Should I store this document (binary data) in the same table as the rest of the images or should I create a new table holding only the documents. There would of course be an id reference in the image table to the document in the document table.

I have a search function joining a couple of tables, including the image table, when searching for images. I need to know if there's a difference in efficiency between these two solutions. I always fetch the document data separately but if I don't win anything in having the documents in a separate table I'll just put it with the rest of the image info.

I'm asking this since I don't really know how SQL Server handle tables when joing and searching in them.

I have about 10´000 users with a maximum of 10 images per user. (ASP.NET - SQL Server) (I'm not asking if I should store documents in the database, but how ;)

Example 1:
columns in imageTable - id, title, dateAdded, image (binary data), document (binary data)

Searching for items from a specific user I would join the userTable and the imageTable and select title where image id equals user id.

So, will there be any difference in the performance if the document is in the imageTable or in an own table?

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Forms Data Controls :: Retrieve Data From Database And Show In Gridview?

Feb 11, 2010

I want to get data from the database and display it in gridview. The gridview should be editable. Meaning the user can add, edit and delete items/rows in the gridview. Everytime the user adds/updates/deletes an item, the gridview is also updated. However, these changes will only be saved to the database once the Save button is clicked.

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Forms Data Controls :: Checkboxlist To Retrieve Data From Database To Display Results In Gridview?

Jun 23, 2010

I have a page where I will insert all the data into the database. The page where I'm having problems is when I select an item from the checkboxlist it only displays one item. The data which is displayed is only the one that was inserted with one selected item from the checkboxlist. The following code is the page I'm using to try to retrieve the data from the database. I am trying to do is when a user selects the first, second, or third, or fourth item. The corresponding data appears in the gridview. In my current code, the record which has one item selected appears. If the user has more than one selected it does not appear. It comes up as empty. Is there a way I can do it?


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Forms Data Controls :: How To Filter Item Of Database In Dynamic Rows In GridView

Aug 19, 2010

I have used this gridview in my project nad its working fine.

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Forms Data Controls :: Retrieve Value Of Select Item From Each Row?

Apr 8, 2010

In a gridview i have a TemplateField containing a radioButtonList. I have around 100 rows with data and each radiobuttonlist has around 5 options. I would like to have the user to select an option from the radiobuttonList and then in my button click event to record the selected value of the radiobuttonlist for each row. The area im struggling with is how could the click event of my button send the selected value for each row?

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Forms Data Controls :: Retrieve An Item In Its Original Type?

May 22, 2010

I've been looking all afternoon, but the best I've been able to do when the user selects a row is to get at the item with each field in Text format.I would like, ideally, to be able to get at the row in its original MyDataType that I bound. I'm using an ObjectDataSource, and the grid (a RadGrid in this case, but its much the same deal as gridview) know the type not only of the rows by also of each and every column.I'm stymied that I'm stuck in the days of error-prone referencing columns by their name. Instead of:


I'd much rather be doing something like


But for the life of me I can't figure out if its even possible. The grid is retaining viewstate, so it still has all of the data.

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Data Controls :: Retrieve Selected Value Of DropDownList In GridView When Dynamically Populated From Database

Oct 16, 2012

How to retrieve selected value of dropdownlist  in gridview when dropdown is added dynamically from database.

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Forms Data Controls :: Repeater And ImageButton - Pass Info From The Database Into The Click Event?

Jun 25, 2010

I have a databound repeater and in this repeater is an imageButton. How do I pass info from the database into the click event? For example, I've got the description, heading and price fields populating labels, but want the id to go into the imagebuttons click event in order to build a querystring.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Get Info Of Current Row In A Gridview

Jan 10, 2010

I have a gridview on which there is a colume of image button for user to select a particular row. When a row is selected, a modal pop up appears for user to edit data and finally uers hit update button (within modal pop up). I expect to update the selected gridview row with info on modal pop up. My question is how do I get the row number within the Update_Click event.

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Forms Data Controls :: Getting Radiobuttonlist Info From Gridview...

Mar 30, 2010

I've been hunting for a solution to grab the radiobuttonlist when they answer that particular question. It varies for the number of questions, but only one displays at a time, but there could be a radiobuttolist or checkboxlist based on the question type. I was figuring I could do this easy in the row command of the gridview, but that hasn't worked out so well since I can't get the datarow for some reason.

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Forms Data Controls :: Get Info On Gridview When Updating Dropdown On Row?

Feb 4, 2010

I have a gridview that has a dropdown on a template on the row. The user is wanting to change the value and update the record automatically. I know that when the value changes, I need to have the OnChange to trigger. I am not sure how to get the row so I can get the record ID so I can create a SQL statement to update this field.

Should I be using something other than the gridview?

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Get The Undisplayed Primary Key Info From A Databound Gridview

Jun 17, 2010

I have two gridviews, where the first is databound to a sql table (but does not display the primary key info), and want to filter the data displayed on the second gridview by using the primary key info from the first gridview table, indicated by the selected row in the first gridview - how I could achieve this? its kind of like using the gridviews as a menu and sub menu display!

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Forms Data Controls :: Select A Row In A Gridview By Clicking Anywhere On It?

Sep 7, 2010

I want to give my users the ability to select a row by clicking anywhere on the GridView.

So based on the selected Row i will change one particular column value based on my validation.

How can i add the click event on the GridView?

View 4 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Clicking A GridView Hyperlink To Go To Another WizardStep?

Oct 9, 2010

Within a WizardStep in the AccountManagement.aspx page, I have the following Gridview:


When a UserName HyperLinkField is clicked, I want to go to the another WizardStep.

With DataNavigateUrlFormatString="AccountManagement.aspx?user={0}, I think the page refreshes rather than posts back.

How do I get to another WizardStep? Do I have to cause a PostBack rather than a refresh?

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Forms Data Controls :: PageIndexChanging For Gridview - Error While Clicking To Page

Jan 19, 2011

i have a gridview which Pagesize set to 5. There will be some error while i click to page2, i knew it was caused by what but i got no good idea how to solve it.

Me.GridView.DataSource = DT.DefaultView
For x As Integer = 0 To DT.Rows.Count - 1
If DT.Rows(x).Item("status") = "Verifying" Then
Me.GridView.Rows(x).BackColor = Drawing.Color.Tomato
ElseIf DT.Rows(x).Item("status") = "Processed" Then
Me.GridView.Rows(x).BackColor = Drawing.Color.CadetBlue
End If

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Forms Data Controls :: Get Cellindex In Dynamic Gridview After Clicking A Hyperlink On It?

Jun 29, 2010

i have a problem with my asp project.i have a gridview that is created dynamically and all rows cells contain hyperlinks that are created dynamically also

all i wanna do is after clicking at any on this hyperlinks i can get the index of the cell where this hyperlink i clicked exist or even the text of the hyperlink i clicked but i don't know how i can do this

The eventhandler for the hyperlink is as follow:


i write in this code selectedrow.cells[0] but this is not what i want.What i need to replace 0 with the index of the cell i clicked

View 10 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Change Gridview Datasource By Clicking A Link?

Apr 20, 2010

i'm working in visual studio 2005 c#

how do i change gridview datasource by clicking a link ;

how do i insert code to the onclick evvent to change the data source ?

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ADO.NET :: Retrieve Data From Database And Display To Gridview?

Dec 15, 2010

I have a application which connects to database. I have like 97 thousands data on the database. When I search something from front end and display those matching results on the browser, it crashes everytime (for huge number of data).

I'm using Dataset to retrieve data from database and display those matching results on Gridview(or repeater).

e.g. If I search 'abuse' it matches 65 thousands records and I can't retrieve and display those on browser, the browser crashes everytime.

I can search and display whole records without crashing the browser?

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Forms Data Controls :: Finding Best Way To Handle This Scenario - Select Gridview Row And Show Related Info Below?

Dec 12, 2010

almost typical master-detail scenario except the 'detail' data I want to display below the gridview will be coming from both the table that is bound to the gridview (master) and a related table.

simplified example: tableMain with field1, field2, field3 bound to master gridview. I need to select a row from the master gridview and have a form display below with field4 and field5 from tableMain, as well as all fields of tableDetail where field1 of tableMain equals field1 of tableDetail.

Is this what a 'formview' control is for? or do I just arrange my own controls to accommodate the data? Would a formview work considering my source will be partially from both the main table and the detail table? This is one of the scenarios were I know I could come up with something using none of the databound controls (except the master gridview), but I want to use the controls provided when it makes sense to do so, and utilize their benefits etc...

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Forms Data Controls :: Store Gridview Datatable In Session And Then Retrieve From Session And Store Database

Nov 11, 2010

Its related to datatable in gridview store in session and then session retrive and store to database. basically i am using gridview here creating new row for button click and these row adding untill user's last entry then submit all these entry to database. so i want to use session variable to store this data temporarily and after final entry user click on submit button and all data shold be save in db.

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Forms Data Controls :: Pass Value From SQL Server Table To Textbox By Clicking Gridview Row

Mar 20, 2010


So it works fine i can hover on gridview rows. Now I need to add OnClick event. When Row is clicked I need to pass value from SQL server table to textbox. How can I Add something like onrowclickevent? where I can use clicked row arguments?

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