Forms Data Controls :: Copy Rows From Gridview Selected Items?
Apr 1, 2011
have a page that has a results gridview where I have all rows with a chekbox. when I click on the checkbox I try to create an excel filethis is method content:
DataTable MyData = new DataTable();
//recorrido sobre los elementos seleccionados6
foreach (GridViewRow row in gvwDbf.Rows)
The problem is that excel file is totally empty. When I trace on the error I find that (item on bold above) dt datable has current record as I expected but Mydata table has nothing inside. shouldn't I use import statement? How can I get the row copied? I intend to have a full table made by every record coming from parameters of each query which is performed inside a for each sentence
I am working with GridView/TelerikGrid control. It is having filter option. When I filter the data, I need to copy only filtered rows into Datatable for further processing.
Suppose I am having total 10,000 records. and when I filter on column say Dept="IT", I get 1000 records in grid. So these 1000 records only should get copied into Datatable. So How to achieve this ?
Cwhat can be done over this ? I tried number of properties for grid. But there is no property which will return fileterd data source. Also I am not able to go every page of Datagrid and collect the data. I can get data for first page only. If I need to collect the data by going to every page of gridview, what is the way for this ?
Im using Visual Web Developer 2008 and I have set up a gridview showing data from a sql database, it shows 3 columns, these are: item name, item cost and a check box column to allow the user to select certain items. I would like to have a text box that shows the sum of all the selected item costs.
i am trying to export gridview into dataset using Datatable but if u used "Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel" the datatable showing me sum error. is there any other way to export gridview in dataset???
I want some solution for my gridview to validated only selected rows.What is the senario:In my gridview there are 1 templatecolumn - Total Balance -txtTotalBalanceand1 another templatecolumn - Amount Received -txtAmountReceived There are checkboxes I want to compare only that row which is checked with txtTotalBalance with txtAmountReceived should not be greater than totalbalance.In current code all rows validating compare validator.That I don't want.Please give me solution-If possible then please send me the code also..
i am creating a print view using checkboxes that a customer uses to select which items they wish to print. I am having difficulty transfering the selected gridview items to another page. I was using crosspage post.
I m working on MOSS 2007. My project requirment is to fetch the data from list to gridview with check boxes in front of all rows. when we click the checkbox infront of rows then that rows will be move to another gridview & remove from first gridview. Then I have to search the rows by location. following is my code it fetches the list in gridview & move rows from one gridview to anothe
1. how to remove selected rows from gridview & list?
I would like to create those checked/selected rows in gridview to SQL server database with a button click.For example, an user checks 2 rows in the gridview, and clicks on the create button. I would want the selected row/s to be created to the database. How would I go about doing this?
Using a gridview with paging, sorting, inline editing, and selection enabled. I noticed the following:1. after selecting a row, then sorting, the selection sticks to the position in the grid, rather than the actual data. I would have expected it to either stick with the data, or clear the selection so nothing is selected. I would just assume clear the selection rather than have it actually change, like it is now. When a row is selected, I'm showing detail information about that specific row below the grid, so when a user does this, then sorts, the selected row changes and the new selected row's detail info shows below the grid. How should I go about stopping this? Hook into the gridview's Sorting event and set the selected row back to -1 (for nothing selected)? I assume that would work but I was compelled to post anyway to see if there is something else I should be doing...
2. I have not tested yet, but I assume the same thing would happen when paging occurs?3. another issue I'm having is when a user enters into edit mode for a row. This also does not clear a previous selection, so if a user had first selected a row, which shows the detail info for that row below the grid, then they hit the edit button for a different row, now on screen at the same time is a selected row (visible by selectedRowStyle), it's detail info below, and a completely different row in edit mode... this is a very confusing scenario for a user. I either need to ensure that any selection is cleared once in edit mode, OR sync these up so that the row in 'edit' mode also becomes the selected row... what do you guys/gals normally do for this situation? I'm thinking syncing up so that the row in edit mode is also selected sounds preferable... how would I do that?
I will have a gridview with checkboxes and some amount fields. I would like to display the sum of the amount in gridview footer depending on the checked items by the user.
I am trying to put the select command in code behind:
sdsAdd.SelectCommand = String.Format("SELECT Classes.ClassId, Committed, CallNumber, SubjectArea, CourseNumber, SectionNumber, GradingBasis, NumberOfUnits, NetId FROM Classes INNER JOIN EnrollmentAdjustmentClasses ON EnrollmentAdjustmentClasses.ClassId=Classes.ClassId WHERE AllFormsId='4' AND SectionId='1' AND NetId=@NetId AND Committed='True' AND EnrollmentAdjustmentClasses.FormId={0}", Request.QueryString["FormId"].ToInteger32()); gvAdd.DataBind();
When I do that, then click edit to edit the selected item, the item disappears from my gvadd. What am I doing wrong?
The page count is set to 10, when the user checks the checkbox(es), I will need to insert those records in a table. How will I know which row was selected? I found an example (untried) that is designed to loop through and insert the necessary records; but it does not address inserting records based on selecting rows via a checkbox. How do I put everything together.
I have a requirement in my project, wherein i have to move the records from one datagrid to another datagrid. Basically there will be a source grid and target grid with 2 buttons in betweeen. Data row have to be moved in between the rows based on the button click (buttons are in between the grids). Can we do this on client side using the Javascript, JSON?
How can i save selected rows of a gridview (appearing inside javascript pop up page) into another gridiew (appearing inside "other" java script pop up page) on SAVE button click??
I have a Gridview,when i select item from 1st grid it should load in the 2nd grid, here i have done for selecting from checkbox,but when i uncheck it is loading properly,
No you cannot add a third parameter in the Dictionary. It contain Key Value pair data.But if you want to add third parameter then simply use DataTable and add these in the DataTable row.Name of Builder , Title Of Buidler , Builder ID
So how to acheive that task ? so far i did like this :
public void AddNewCMP(string PersonName , string PersonID , string PersonTitle) { var dt = new DataTable(); if (ViewState["CMPDataTable"] != null) { dt = (DataTable)ViewState["CMPDataTable"];
[Code] ....
Now on button click i want to add six drop down values to AddNewRow(value1,value2,value3) method .... how to do that ?
I have a few gridviews on my page. Each gridview row click drives another grid. I need to keep the gridview rows highlighted as the user clicks through the grids. So it is eazy to figure out which rows are being selected on each grid. How can I do this.
I have a gallery upload page on which currently I have a table with two rows:First row: Gallery description multline Text BoxSecond row: Gallery Uplead FileUpload controlAt the bottom i have a submit buton to post the data on the database.I want to make it possible for the user to key in multiple gallery details before posting them to the database.I also want this page to always display one more empty set of the two rows described above.That is when the user clicks browse for uploading the second Gallery another empty set for the third Gallery need to be automaticall added.This implies that at the end when the user clicks the submit button there will be one last empty set which wont be posted to the databse.
I want to transfer gridview record to another gridview. Actually I have placed a checkbox column in 1st gridview. Now what I want that when i select the checkbox of any row the related row transfer to 2nd gridview and when I deselect it that row it returns to its previous position in 1st gridview. All these things I want to do using Javascript.