Forms Data Controls :: GridView Selected Row Highlighted / Keep The Gridview Rows Highlighted As The User Clicks Through The Grids?
Jul 16, 2010
I have a few gridviews on my page. Each gridview row click drives another grid. I need to keep the gridview rows highlighted as the user clicks through the grids. So it is eazy to figure out which rows are being selected on each grid. How can I do this.
I have a gridView where i have to show the follow the following details
InvoiceNo InvDate PendingSince InvAmt Inv1 01/01/2010 (Current Date - InvDate) 12000 Inv2 15/01/2010 (Current Date - InvDate) 20000
Can anyone tell me how do we get the highlighted field in a GridView. The other 3 fields are bounded fields. also tell me whether the highlighted field is a bounded or template filed.
Currently on the gridview i display a list medicine stock and if the medicine quantity less then certain quantity, it will be highlighted on the row. After that, i want to display a message said that the medicine need to be restock ? I have try using string builder however message does not come out.
How to implement the message to show that the medicine quantity is below 450 ?
I am working on grid view in C# VS2010. In the grid view I have added check box list. If i select a check box then a part of row should be selected and should get highlighted. Please refer to uploaded image. In this grid there are 3 rows: Groom, Clean n Pickup.Now if I select "Clean" then partial row of it should get selected (In image, Yellow color).
I'm trying to populate a gridview after the user clicks a button. In the button_click event handler I'm fetching the info I want to display on the grid. this is the code I'm using to do it...
Im building a navigation and want to display the current page (Default.aspx, OtherPage.aspx) the user is on with a class.Right now I just have a bunch of links as <a> tags.Here is a my menu:
As you can see the Default.aspx has the class active, but that is just something I put in.How do I do this dynamically?I know I can use Path.GetFileName(Request.FilePath) to get what page the user is on.
I'm trying to find out if or how it's possible to keep the MenuItems highlighted of a menu control as you navigate down the hierarchy.If I have deep menu, say 3 layers, I'd like to keep the path the user took highlighted.
I have a requirement in my project, wherein i have to move the records from one datagrid to another datagrid. Basically there will be a source grid and target grid with 2 buttons in betweeen. Data row have to be moved in between the rows based on the button click (buttons are in between the grids). Can we do this on client side using the Javascript, JSON?
i am trying to do is set my page up so that when a user clicks on a row in the gridview a hidden checkbox is unchecked... i am new to but never thought something as simple like this could be so difficult to work out... i've been on it for around 5 weeks now, i started this on my first day of the website, and have actually designed and written the entire site while still trying to work this out... i first did this on the selectedindexchanged event:
Dim cbox As CheckBox = CType(GridView1.Rows(GridView1.SelectedIndex).FindControl("CheckBox1"), CheckBox)
If cbox IsNot Nothing Then
If cbox.Checked = True Then[code]....
problem is the above code throws up errors...! once i take out the where clause it unchecks every checkbox and writes it back... is there a way i can say just uncheck the selectedrow checkbox and update that one row???
i'll admit there are better ways of doing this, and i'm sure the above code is a little messy,
I am looking to enable/disable controls (TextBox, DropDownList, etc.) in a GridViews template column based on the users specific access level when the user clicks the edit button. I have tried the following two methods:
I want some solution for my gridview to validated only selected rows.What is the senario:In my gridview there are 1 templatecolumn - Total Balance -txtTotalBalanceand1 another templatecolumn - Amount Received -txtAmountReceived There are checkboxes I want to compare only that row which is checked with txtTotalBalance with txtAmountReceived should not be greater than totalbalance.In current code all rows validating compare validator.That I don't want.Please give me solution-If possible then please send me the code also..
I m working on MOSS 2007. My project requirment is to fetch the data from list to gridview with check boxes in front of all rows. when we click the checkbox infront of rows then that rows will be move to another gridview & remove from first gridview. Then I have to search the rows by location. following is my code it fetches the list in gridview & move rows from one gridview to anothe
1. how to remove selected rows from gridview & list?
have a page that has a results gridview where I have all rows with a chekbox. when I click on the checkbox I try to create an excel filethis is method content:
DataTable MyData = new DataTable(); //recorrido sobre los elementos seleccionados6 foreach (GridViewRow row in gvwDbf.Rows)
The problem is that excel file is totally empty. When I trace on the error I find that (item on bold above) dt datable has current record as I expected but Mydata table has nothing inside. shouldn't I use import statement? How can I get the row copied? I intend to have a full table made by every record coming from parameters of each query which is performed inside a for each sentence
I would like to create those checked/selected rows in gridview to SQL server database with a button click.For example, an user checks 2 rows in the gridview, and clicks on the create button. I would want the selected row/s to be created to the database. How would I go about doing this?
Using a gridview with paging, sorting, inline editing, and selection enabled. I noticed the following:1. after selecting a row, then sorting, the selection sticks to the position in the grid, rather than the actual data. I would have expected it to either stick with the data, or clear the selection so nothing is selected. I would just assume clear the selection rather than have it actually change, like it is now. When a row is selected, I'm showing detail information about that specific row below the grid, so when a user does this, then sorts, the selected row changes and the new selected row's detail info shows below the grid. How should I go about stopping this? Hook into the gridview's Sorting event and set the selected row back to -1 (for nothing selected)? I assume that would work but I was compelled to post anyway to see if there is something else I should be doing...
2. I have not tested yet, but I assume the same thing would happen when paging occurs?3. another issue I'm having is when a user enters into edit mode for a row. This also does not clear a previous selection, so if a user had first selected a row, which shows the detail info for that row below the grid, then they hit the edit button for a different row, now on screen at the same time is a selected row (visible by selectedRowStyle), it's detail info below, and a completely different row in edit mode... this is a very confusing scenario for a user. I either need to ensure that any selection is cleared once in edit mode, OR sync these up so that the row in 'edit' mode also becomes the selected row... what do you guys/gals normally do for this situation? I'm thinking syncing up so that the row in edit mode is also selected sounds preferable... how would I do that?
I have an AutoCompleteExtender control tied to a textbox. If the user starts typing in it, a drop down pops up displaying the a list with the matching suggestions. If, while the list is being displayed, the user hits the Tab key, the textbox loses focus and its value gets overwritten with whatever choice was highlighted in the list.
The problem is when the user clicks outside the list, I want to achieve the same behavior. It currently keeps whatever the user had typed (before the choice list pops up), but I would like for the textbox to get the value of the last highlighted choice (just as if they hit Tab).
I'm able to capture the event, when the user clicks outside the list, but I can't seem to find how to get to the highlighted value from the choice list.
my problem doesn't involve any programming per se but it involves the interface of VWD so I hope I'm posting in the correct space. Anyways, most of the time when I scroll over something in VWD whether it be something in the Getting Started box or an option from one of the menu bar items a full-colored block will cover it and won't go away. This doesn't seem to be hurting anything but it is quite the annoyance. Has anyone else had this problem? How can I fix this? This does seem specific to VWD and no other application on my PC.
The page count is set to 10, when the user checks the checkbox(es), I will need to insert those records in a table. How will I know which row was selected? I found an example (untried) that is designed to loop through and insert the necessary records; but it does not address inserting records based on selecting rows via a checkbox. How do I put everything together.
How can i save selected rows of a gridview (appearing inside javascript pop up page) into another gridiew (appearing inside "other" java script pop up page) on SAVE button click??
I want to transfer gridview record to another gridview. Actually I have placed a checkbox column in 1st gridview. Now what I want that when i select the checkbox of any row the related row transfer to 2nd gridview and when I deselect it that row it returns to its previous position in 1st gridview. All these things I want to do using Javascript.