Data Controls :: Bind DropDownList Selected Items To GridView
May 7, 2015
With reference to : [URL] ....
No you cannot add a third parameter in the Dictionary. It contain Key Value pair data.But if you want to add third parameter then simply use DataTable and add these in the DataTable row.Name of Builder , Title Of Buidler , Builder ID
So how to acheive that task ? so far i did like this :
public void AddNewCMP(string PersonName , string PersonID , string PersonTitle) {
var dt = new DataTable();
if (ViewState["CMPDataTable"] != null) {
dt = (DataTable)ViewState["CMPDataTable"];
[Code] ....
Now on button click i want to add six drop down values to AddNewRow(value1,value2,value3) method .... how to do that ?
Girdview has dropdownlist TemplateField called ddlSate, how to bind state field value in sql table to selected value of ddlState dropdownlist control? For example the sql table has AL value for state field, (Note by default ddlState lists all states options with sqldatasource), how AL is selected in ddlState when binding to ddlState?
Secondly, when user selects different state like GA, how below update stored precedure works? that means how to find ddl selected value in update procedure as shown below question mark line:
I am trying to hide 2 buttons depending on the value in the dropdownlist. It works when the page is initially loaded but chokes when returning to the page sometimes. I have some pretty simple code in the Page_Load event within an If Not Page.IsPostBack statement
Im using Visual Web Developer 2008 and I have set up a gridview showing data from a sql database, it shows 3 columns, these are: item name, item cost and a check box column to allow the user to select certain items. I would like to have a text box that shows the sum of all the selected item costs.
I am using C# ASP .NET 2.0. I have a web form with two DropDownList controls. In my code behind I get data from a DataSet. One column is a string (Month), and another is an integer (StatusID). I am setting the selected item in the each DDL in the code behind by doing this:
I have a button with a Click event. What I want to do in the click event is be able to check if the currently selected item in each DDL (if the end-user changed the selection) is different from what was selected in the above code.
I have a Gridview,when i select item from 1st grid it should load in the 2nd grid, here i have done for selecting from checkbox,but when i uncheck it is loading properly,
i am creating a print view using checkboxes that a customer uses to select which items they wish to print. I am having difficulty transfering the selected gridview items to another page. I was using crosspage post.
have a page that has a results gridview where I have all rows with a chekbox. when I click on the checkbox I try to create an excel filethis is method content:
DataTable MyData = new DataTable(); //recorrido sobre los elementos seleccionados6 foreach (GridViewRow row in gvwDbf.Rows)
The problem is that excel file is totally empty. When I trace on the error I find that (item on bold above) dt datable has current record as I expected but Mydata table has nothing inside. shouldn't I use import statement? How can I get the row copied? I intend to have a full table made by every record coming from parameters of each query which is performed inside a for each sentence
<p>i m aslo facing one problem which in gridview in edittemplete mode I have put dropdownlist. in itemtemplate there is one label in. i have to bind same value to dropdownlist which is in label at itemtemplate/. for this i have write below code. but it shows me error which is object refrence not to set an instance of object.
I will have a gridview with checkboxes and some amount fields. I would like to display the sum of the amount in gridview footer depending on the checked items by the user.
I am trying to put the select command in code behind:
sdsAdd.SelectCommand = String.Format("SELECT Classes.ClassId, Committed, CallNumber, SubjectArea, CourseNumber, SectionNumber, GradingBasis, NumberOfUnits, NetId FROM Classes INNER JOIN EnrollmentAdjustmentClasses ON EnrollmentAdjustmentClasses.ClassId=Classes.ClassId WHERE AllFormsId='4' AND SectionId='1' AND NetId=@NetId AND Committed='True' AND EnrollmentAdjustmentClasses.FormId={0}", Request.QueryString["FormId"].ToInteger32()); gvAdd.DataBind();
When I do that, then click edit to edit the selected item, the item disappears from my gvadd. What am I doing wrong?
I have list of addresses and would like to bind ZIP Id to DropDownList.
when I use SelectedValue property it throw the error: 'DropDownList1' has a SelectedValue which is invalid because it does not exist in the list of items. Parameter name: value.
below is the code I have but I want to change the ddl.Deal(dropdownlist) to cbl.Deal(checkboxlist).. How can I loop throught each items if checked. and if all items are checked. to filter my data and show in gridview..
protected void btn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { myAPI.myWeb myAPI = new myAPI.myWeb(); myAPI.SearchParameters sSearchParameters = new myAPI.SearchParameters();
i have one dropdownlist and a button. one i click on the button other gridview will popup. in that popup gridview i want to select only one value and bound that value to dropdownlist. How can i do this?
I have a Gridview showing the MemberLastName, MemberFirstName, MemberBirthYear, MemberGender, MemberRelationship.
During Edit mode, I have managed to display a DropDownList for the Relationships.What I am trying to achieve now, is that, based on the Gender of the member I would like to limit the items in the Relationships dropdownlist.
e.g if the Gender is Male, then only display Male Relationships
What is the best way to achieve this scenario?Here is my snippet of code for the event. The code is commented out as it throws an exception.
I have requirement to bind ASP.Net DropDownList control in EditItemTemplate of GridView.
I preferred the tutorial:
i have followed same steps just but difference is i have a edit imagebutton with commandname="Edit".Also dropdown needs to be binded from different table(directory) and not the table through whicch grid is binded(details).
if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow && (e.Row.RowState & DataControlRowState.Edit) == DataControlRowState.Edit && GridView1.EditIndex == e.Row.RowIndex) { DropDownList DStatusEdit = (DropDownList)e.Row.FindControl("DStatusEdit"); string query = "select distinct status from directory"; SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(query); DStatusEdit.DataSource = GetData(cmd);
the page is running but when i click edit image button the dropdwn shows but no data in dropdown binded it is empty.
My gridview is inside update panel.
How can i achieve this?
Should dropdownlist in my case be binded inside rowcommand and how?
I have a problem ,i want to 2 dropdownlist box on a form and one will take loaded from data at the time of pageload and data of second dropdownlist box will change according to selected item in first dropdownlistbox ,and after that gridview will dynamicaly bind from some data according to choosen data of second dropdownlistbox .
I uses lots of code but i am not able to dynamicaly bind dropdown and gridview
GridView gvchild = e.Row.FindControl("gvOrders") as GridView; drplist = gvchild.FindControl("drp1") as DropDownList; // den also same error object reference not set to an instance of an obj