Forms Data Controls :: Display Data From Two Tables And Post Back?

Mar 16, 2010

I have two tables. 1st contain topic and its id. 2nd contain topic name,its category and category list.

I want to display using asp .net datalist and vb script like the following

topic 1
Category 1
categorylist 1 of category 1
categorylist 2 of category 1
Category 2
categorylist 1 of category 2
categorylist 2 of category 2
topic 2
Category 1
categorylist 1 of category 1
categorylist 2 of category 1
Category 2
categorylist 1 of category 2
categorylist 2 of category 2

Also, i have tried displaying only Category 1, 2 .. which are Link button. When I click these button it shows category list. So here I am facing aproblem that everytime i click these buttons it refreshes my page which is very annoying.

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Forms Data Controls :: GridView Doesn't Show On Post Back

Oct 19, 2010

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I am curious of how to handle the autopostback to update 2 and 3 since they are part of the detailsview, there isn't a selected_index_changed event.

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Public Class GridViewTemplate

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protected void txtBDID_TextChanged(object sender,
EventArgs e)

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Forms Data Controls :: Navigation Menu Display Using More Than One Tables

Jan 8, 2011

My issue is,i have two tables

Table Maincategory:
Category name,

Table Subcategory:

My issue is, i need to display my Table(A) categoryname in my vertical menu such as


if i click ashok, with respect to its id,(say id is (1),it should pick the subcategoryname (2nd table's) name corresponding id(1) from 2nd table...and it should display as sub menu is it possible.

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Data Controls :: Add Dynamic Rows In GridView With TextBox And Keep Edited GridView Row Data On Post Back

May 7, 2015

I have 3 textboxes , 1 dropdown , 1 Button and 1 gridview .

Textboxes ID are :ACode , ADesc , ASeq
DropDown ID is :CPhase
Button ID is :AddRowBTN
GridView ID is :PhasesTempGrid

Now whats the story is ?After adding some data into textboxes , when a user clicks ADDRow BTN , that data gets saved into datatable , then that datatable gets binded to gridview and it shows my textboxes data in it .

What i want to achieve ?In my gridview i am use templateField and inside that template field there are textboxes ( Let the users edit the row without clicking any button ) .

Take an example of dummy data and problem persisting in there :for e.g i put some data in textboxes :ACode = "ABCD"ADesc = "EFGH"ASeq = "HIJK"Then i click Add BTN , it saves the data in datatable and show in gridview , now if i do this in gridview :ACode = "Edited ABCD"ADesc = "Edited EFGH too"ASeq = "WoW There"Then i click Add BTN , it removes the edited record in gridview and shows original data which had came earlier from textboxes :ACode = "ABCD"ADesc = "EFGH"ASeq = "HIJK"I don't want that to be done ... Simple is that user can enter data from textboxes , click the btn to submit into grid then he can edit the data like he want ... data must not get flashed , here's my coding i have done so far : 

public void AddNewData()
var dt = new DataTable();
if (ViewState["myDatatable"] != null)
dt = (DataTable) ViewState["myDatatable"];


here i havent added dropdown combo in gridview but you can do it so that it will save my time (Bind it just the way PhaseDropDown have bind)...

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Nov 22, 2015

I have a big form in which i have almost 10 update panels. some are having updatemode = conditional and others are always. Now by default when that page is opened i only show one dropdownlist.When that project dropdownlist (from which i populate the rest of the elements in my page) value is changed by user it takes long time to load the other elements. Also the other gridview which is also surrounded by update panel and mode in conditional takes long time to show edititemtemplate controls in edit mode. 

I am unable to trace the reason behing delay. Few days ago it was working fine and fast but now it is slow.

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Data Controls :: Display Data From Two Tables Into One Gridview Through Datasource

Feb 20, 2013

i have a problem in joining two tables the reason ismy first table persdata is having common field as pno (a single row in a particular person) and the second tables is also having pno(having muti entry for a person as this table is of qualification and a person may have more than 3 qualifications and their grading)sample persdata(table)pno name coy appt sample qual(table)pno qual grading recommendationi tried my best to do it and not able to proceedi want the output in a single row as in persdata to a gridview with all the qual combined in one coloumn and all the recommendations combined in one coloumn for a person.

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Data Controls :: Display Data In GridView Based On Two Tables

Nov 28, 2012

I have two tables Emp,Dept

EMP                          DEPT

EmpNo(PKEY) Id(FKEY) to Empno
Fname Location
Lname Date

I want to display Gridview columns like this ....

E.Fname,E.Lname, based on Id
Display E.Fname,E.Lnamebased ob Id

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VB.Net Code



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C# - Using A Timer Post Back, Which Controller To Use That Doesn't Post Back To Server?

Jul 14, 2010

Being new to ASP.NET I have run into trouble building my own Whack-a-mole program. I think my problem comes from using Buttons, which by themselves send post backs to the server, making the software unusable. The looks are in place, making new buttons show up in the grid, in different places by random. However, when a button is pushed - the score doesn't change (which I feel is strange).

Not so strange is that the Button doesn't work since it sends post back to the server - reloading the UpdatePanel. I think I should use a different controller like the CheckBox and style it hard using CSS (which isn't a problem). Is this the correct way to go, or should I make use of JavaScript AJAX instead?

Note to self: This technique shouldn't be used in a public application since it put too much unwanted pressure on the web server.


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How To Display An Image When AAsynch Post Back Is Happening

Jun 2, 2010

I have an Ajaxable application which has some UpdateProgress for each postBack events.

I want to display another Indicator in my SiteMapPath bar which shows a post back is happening no matter what.

For example when user clicks on a button an UpdateProgress display an Indicator Image in central part of application. I want to display another image ( for every postbacks not only for one) in top of application toolbar.

Currently I use a simple Flag out ther and I want to use an indicator instead of that flag when ever a postback happens

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Forms Data Controls :: Repeator Control Display History On Browser Back Button?

Dec 28, 2010

I have a repeator control which is displaying the search results and it contains 50 Records.Paging is Enabled for the Repeator control and hence i am able to see 10 records at a time.

Now my requirement is :

When ever the user clicks the browser back button after going to the the Last set of records from the result set (41-50 records) in the Repeator Control,the Page is displaying the First set of Records(1-10).

Expected Result :

Page has to display the Previous result set (31-40) after clicking the browser back button.

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MVC :: Html DropDown Helper, GET And POST Data From 2 Tables?

Mar 18, 2011

i am really confuse about the html dropdown helper. i cant reli find one info which describe clearly about every overload and how to use them.currently i gone through a problem which i spent one day and still cant resolve it, really hope can get the help here since i need to make tis work for my final year project..i have a food table, and a foodtype table. each food will have a type, so the FoodTypeID is the FK for Food table.i want to have a create and edit page for Food. on the page, i want to provide a dropdownlist for user to select the food typethe FoodTypeName column that store the food type description is at the FoodType table, so i need to get the value of FoodTypeID based on user selection on the dropdown.I had tried for hourssss to do this bt i either get a compilation or cant save the new foodType selected in db


in fact, i not reli understand wat should be put inside the model => xxx and the dropdown helper overload, i am writing this based on the mvc tutorial

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