Forms Data Controls :: Read Three Tables And Display Correspond Value On A Single Grid?

Oct 12, 2010

I have 3 tables in single database with different strctures,3 tables have unique column(partno or Jobno) , on web form search button input control(textbox) and grid view.I am pulling the data based on column jobno from single table on to grid view using following code

VB.Net Code



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Similar Messages:

Forms Data Controls :: Display 2 Tables Data In One Grid?

Jun 30, 2010

i want to display 2 tables data in gridview (,mysql) for particular ID

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Forms Data Controls :: Using Multiple Tables Within A Single DataSet And Single SqlDataSource?

May 19, 2010

I have a stored procedure that returns 3 tables within the single recordset it returns. If I set a SqlDataSource to get data from this procedure, it works, but it only returns the first table. I want to have a GridView display the data from the 2nd or 3rd table using a SqlDataSource, but I can't figure out how to specify a particular table.

While there are some posts discussing this out there, I can't get a definitive answer about whether or not this is even possible (?). In a worst-case scenario, I can create another SP that only returns the 3rd table - but that creates a little maintenance headache that I would prefer to avoid.

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MVC :: Display Single View Data From Two Tables?

Apr 26, 2010

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Display Data From Multiple Tables In A Single MVC View?

Nov 30, 2010

I am having a hard time solving the following with an MVC view. My goal is to display data from multiple tables in a single MVC view. The bulk of the data comes from a table called Retailers. I also have another table called RetailerCategories which stores the retailerid from the Retailers table and also a categoryid linking to a Category table. Note that there are multiple records for each retailerid in the RetailerCategories table.

In the view I want to show a list of retailers and with each retailer I want to show the list of categories applicable to them. What would be the best way to accomplish this?

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Read Parent Grid Values In Child Grid

Mar 12, 2010

I have Parent/Child Grid (also called Nested Grids).

Parent Grid (PG) :: PG has two template fields. 1st template field has "Category ID" and 2nd template has Child Grid

Child Grid (CG) :: CG is populated in PG's RowDataBund event based on "Category ID". In CG's DataBound event, I am doing something which I need to display in CG's footer row.

Problem :: In the footer row of each CG, I have to show the "Category ID" which is in PG' row. How can I get hold of the PG's row which hascurrent nested grid (there will 'n' child grids, one for each 'Category ID' in the PG ) so I can read the "Category ID"

I was thinking if I could do something (DataBound event of CG) like this..

string catId = ChildGrid.Parent[get the index of the current row in PG].Cells[0].Text;

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Data Controls :: Any Chance To Add More Than One Grid Row In Single Grid Row

Apr 30, 2014

Is there any chance to add more than one grid row in single grid row like this.

<h1> Question</h1>
<table width="100%">
<tr style="background-color:Gray; color:White;">


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Forms Data Controls :: Viewing Grid With Linked Tables

Oct 16, 2010

My grid doesn't show on the web form when I configure its datasource to access the link table and display data from the receiver table. Both link and receiver tables are associated/linked in the .dml file. Any ideas why the grid doesn't show on the form?

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Forms Data Controls :: Dataset With Multiple Tables Bind To Grid

Jul 7, 2010

i m trying to bind my both grid with two tables which are in dataset i m trying but when i m binding my gridview it's always binding the second table see code


i already tried to bind both the gv1 and gv2 they both are displaying same table i.e department

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Forms Data Controls :: Want To Uncheck Only Single Checkbox When I Click On Button Which Is Ouside Of The Grid?

Nov 15, 2010

i have two checkboxes in two templete fileds in a gridview .but i want to uncheck only single checkbox when i click on button which is ouside of the grid,

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Forms Data Controls :: Getting Data Does Not Correspond To Valid JSON Error?

Apr 14, 2010

I have an Infragistics WebDataGrid on a user control. I add that user control programmatically to an UpdatePanel on a Content Form. Everything works great. I get data in the grid just fine. However, when I go to click any of the grid functions (Sort, Filter, Page, etc.) it throws a Sys.ArgumentException in one of the ScriptResource.axd dynamic files.

Here is the error:

"Microsoft JScript runtime error: Sys.ArgumentException: Cannot deserialize. The data does not correspond to valid JSON. Parameter name: data"

It stops in the following function:


I read about other people having this issue and they said it was due to dates or due to double quotes ("") being in strings? I am binding this datagrid to an Entity Data Framework object query like this.


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DataSource Controls :: Inserting Data Into Multiple Tables From A Single Web Form?

Jun 26, 2010

After creating a dataset, which has CRUD statements generated two or more tables, which Data Control should I use that will allow me to insert data into fields into 2 or more tables from a single web form. I'm trying to create a web form that will allow the user to input student information, such as general information, medical information, etc.

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Forms Data Controls :: Read Data From A Grid View?

Jul 16, 2010

I want to read the data from the grid view(Default1.aspx) for a particular row. How do I achieve this?

After that I want to redirect to another page(Default2.aspx) and display the data for that row in different controls of another page(Default2.aspx). how do I achieve this?

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Read Text File Data To Data Grid

Jul 7, 2010

i am having my text file data as follows


I would like read this data and place it to the Corresponding cell in data grid.

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Data Controls :: Adding Records To Two Database Tables In Single Form Page?

Jan 25, 2014

I a problem defining the variable @Bestilling in the codeBehind for adding the record to the database using a single form page. The database design with corresponding form are as below:

private void GridView1_BindData()
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connStr);
SqlDataAdapter dAd = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT kart_DemoOrder.OrderID,


I get error in the method: "GridView1_AddNewRecord".

Must declare the scalar variable "@BestillingID". Is there a way to use only one Add Method and not two as I did?

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Forms Data Controls :: Click Button Outside Grid View And Display The Grid View Upon Load?

Feb 9, 2011

I am doing a online web application whereby user is able to enter in new template as well as search for template. The Add template is located outside the grid view and if user clicks on the button, it will load the grid view that is populated with data as there is a row of empty fields at the bottom. However when I click on the Add Template button, the grid view does not appear.

This is my business logic that I used it to search for records as well to click on the Add Template button to add in new records:




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Forms Data Controls :: Extract Value In Grid View And Display It In A Textbox In Grid View ?

Jun 8, 2010

i have a grid view which displays only one value and i need to extract that value and display it in a textbox?

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Forms Data Controls :: Navigation Menu Display Using More Than One Tables

Jan 8, 2011

My issue is,i have two tables

Table Maincategory:
Category name,

Table Subcategory:

My issue is, i need to display my Table(A) categoryname in my vertical menu such as


if i click ashok, with respect to its id,(say id is (1),it should pick the subcategoryname (2nd table's) name corresponding id(1) from 2nd table...and it should display as sub menu is it possible.

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Forms Data Controls :: Display A Single Row From Dataset Into Gridview

Jan 21, 2010

I need to know how to display a single row(or particular row)from dataset and display into gridview... i tried by using some codes, like the following, If strCourseLevelId <> "" Then Dim ds2 As DataSet Dim currentbundlenid As Int16 Dim prevbundleid As Int16 = "0" Dim bundlenos As Int16 = "0" Dim bundlecontent As Bundledata = New Bundledata ds2 = bundlecontent.GetBundleData(strCourseLevelId) If ds2.Tables.Count = 1 Then If ds2.Tables(0).Rows.Count > 0 Then With ds2.Tables(0) Dim strCnt As Int16 For strCnt = 0 To .Rows.Count - 1 With .Rows(strCnt) currentbundlenid = .Item("Bundleid") If currentbundlenid <> prevbundleid Then bundlenos = bundlenos + 1 End If If bundlenos = "1" Then GridView1.DataSource = ds2 GridView1.DataBind() ElseIf bundlenos = "2" Then GridView2.DataSource = ds2 GridView2.DataBind() ElseIf bundlenos = "3" Then GridView3.DataSource = ds2 GridView3.DataBind() End If prevbundleid = .Item("Bundleid") 'next write the main page content End With Next End With End If End If.

View 5 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Display Data From Two Tables And Post Back?

Mar 16, 2010

I have two tables. 1st contain topic and its id. 2nd contain topic name,its category and category list.

I want to display using asp .net datalist and vb script like the following

topic 1
Category 1
categorylist 1 of category 1
categorylist 2 of category 1
Category 2
categorylist 1 of category 2
categorylist 2 of category 2
topic 2
Category 1
categorylist 1 of category 1
categorylist 2 of category 1
Category 2
categorylist 1 of category 2
categorylist 2 of category 2

Also, i have tried displaying only Category 1, 2 .. which are Link button. When I click these button it shows category list. So here I am facing aproblem that everytime i click these buttons it refreshes my page which is very annoying.

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Forms Data Controls :: Display Certain Rows In GridView As Read-Only?

Apr 29, 2010

I have the following fields in an Appointment table:

ID(PK), TeacherID, DayID, TimeslotID, ParentID, StudentID, Remarks & Editable(bit, Default value=1)

I am developing an application to allow parents to book appointments to meet the child's teachers.

It is compulsory for parents to meet child's mentors, hence Appointments to meet class mentors are already pre-booked in the Appointments table.

Parents could still book appointments to meet other subject teachers. I have a column in my gridview to show parents the list of booked appointments. Parents are allowed to change the Appointment timeslot for an appointment they booked and are not allowed to change appointment time for pre-booked appointments.

Under the Remarks colum, it is stated that the following appointment is pre-booked by class mentor.

How do I make only those pre-booked rows read only since all the appointments belonging to a parent is under one GridView.

I found an example, but this is to only make the 1st 3 rows read-only and I don't think this is in VB coding. I'm usingASP.NET VB coding.

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Controls :: Read Table (Grid) Data From PDF / Convert And Export To Excel File

May 7, 2015

I have a file pdf, in file pdf of me has a table with many columns. How to Fill data from file pdf to columns of file Excel?I want fill data from file table of file pdf to file excel following format of file pdf.

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Forms Data Controls :: Read Datagrid From One Page To Display Using Label In Other?

Mar 19, 2010

I need to read data in DataGridView from one page to display using label in Other Page.I think here using QueryString concept. i cant remember the coding for QueryString and How to get Query string in another web page.Please give the sample coding using C# for me.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Read Data From Stored Proceedure And Display To Gridview Using Object Datasource

Dec 8, 2010

I have an object datasource which is using Business object as a myconnection

The method i have defined under myconnection is

DataTable getfn(String dtype,
String did,
String dprefix,
String dname)
datable table = new datatable(); then declared stored proceedure and defined parameters and assighned values

In the stored proceedure it has a query like select column1,coloumn2,coloumn3 As Call from table where
I need to take data from Call and display it to the gridview through object datasource .

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Forms Data Controls :: Display The Grid View Control?

Feb 17, 2010

1, select Itemname,
2,based on Itemname it ll get the avaliable qty and serial no,
3, while click the select button, all the values ll stored in to grid view,

upto this i did and even i have check weather the serial no avaliable for duplication, but now i have situation like, when i select more then one serial no, it ll stored in the new row in the grid, so the item name and aveliable qty , repeatedly so now i want to change the display format, like.,

Item name Avaliable Qty Serial No
AA 3 12345,36545,

before it look like :

Item name Avaliable Qty Serial No
AA 3 12345,
AA 3 36545
AA 3 78954

so tell ur openion, and and how to handle this, and while submitting i have to send this as an XML format.

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