Forms Data Controls :: Display Multi Textbox / Dropdowns / Checkboxes Search Result In Gridview?
Jul 28, 2010
I'm a complete novice in .NET. I am trying to implement a multi textbox / dropdowns / checkboxes search for a website using How do I pass the values of my form fields to my griedview and display the search result on the same page?
I've written a stored procedure and specified it as data source for my gridview and defined parameter source as my CONTROLS (textboxes, checkboxes n dropdowns) on the form. What I want is when a user fills out one or multiple fields on the form, how do I display data in the gridview on the click of SEARCH button? Also is it necessary to write a codebehind for my search button or we can achieve the desired result in some other way?
I have atable for video files contains the following fieldsIDTitleDescriptionImageViewsUserCategoryI have a text box in the currency ofthe burden of private research is showing results in another page I called it asearch resultFirst of all, has a store of the research processso
'd Like to getthe results in the Grid viewAnd the results are imageany onecan tell me how to make my photo show and control of size in order to become like YouTube
Protected Sub gridview1_OnSelectedIndexChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles gridview1.SelectedIndexChanged Dim row As GridViewRow = gridview1.SelectedRow Textbox1.Text = row.Cells(1).Text Textbox1.Text = TryCast(row.FindControl("lblName"), Label).Text
When I click "select" Link Button will fill in textbox1, but I am getting this following error:Conversion from string "Sears Club" to type 'Integer' is not valid.
Means if i have two columns in database namely name & email
i wanna search the users or email by entering either name or email on textbox then after clicking the search button record will be displayed in gridview ?
Let's say I have a gridview with some columns like, title, name, funding agency. Here's an example of what I want to do:
I want to display all the records in the gridview to start. There would be a dropdownlist that lets the user select whether to search by title, name, funding agency and a text box that lets them type in what they want to search for (and a button to start the search). After searching, the gridview would only display the records that matched the criteria.i already know how to connect datasets to the gridview, but i am using mysql database and writing code in to accomplish this task
i know how do the paging with normal return query using row number in sql server, but i'm looking how to do the paging , sql server full text search returning result.
Can i use the same row number function or any good perfomance way?
whcih sql server full text search(FREETEXT,CONTAINS and etc) is best article site?
How to calculate a sum which get the data from a set of textboxes in page? Can write in code behind c#? Can assign the textbox value to a variable then calculate the sum at code behind them show the answer to the page? Or is it have to write javascript to perform those action?
I am stored date in "smalldatetime" datatype as in databse.How can i particular textbox entered date(dd-mm-yyyy) used to fetch the row information from databse and shown in a gridview.
I have a .net page in which i have a search button which populates the data in gridview. On Headder row of gridview i have a filter image button and when user clicks on it i need to have a div tag opened as popup and in which i have to load the data of first column data of grid view as list of checkboxs and when user clicks one by one the parent gridview need to be shortened out (reduce) basing on selected/checked item in div tag. Since the check box controls are added dynamically it need to happen in Page_PreInit, so what i am trying to do is on the search i am trying to post back the page which goes to the Page_PreInit and tries to create all these check boxes dynamically.
how to display result in gridview according to textbox only if textbox2 date value is greater than textbox1 ?
i have two textboxes and gridview ... if i type in Textbox1 : 2-Jan-2011 and in textbox2 : 1-Jan-2011 then in label1 the eroor message display else ..if textbox2 value is greater then textbox1 value then gridview will display records according to textbox1 and textbox2 from database ...
I am writing a search application for a large dataset of images of algae.
The search is in two steps: first some general search criteria is filled out. Next a list of species that fit the general criteria shows up and the user checks which species they would like to see. Finally a list of images comes up that both fit the general search criteria and belong one of the species that the user had checked. I'm trying to decide the best way to do this, I thought about two potential ways...
One way: I can add all the checked species to a WHERE clause in the SQL statement that gives me my image search results. I dont like this though... its possible the user selects 100+ species and this would make for a very very long WHERE clause.
Another way: I could leave my SQL statement so it only takes into account the general search criteria. Then when I go to display the results, maybe I could choose not to display a record if it does not belong to a species that was checked by the user.
I'm about to create a masterpage that contains a search field, the result from the search should be placed inside a contentplaceholder, but how do I build that? I added the search form to the masterpage (not inside a contentplaceholder), and then I added the eventhandler for the button that trigger the search. Now lest say I want to display the result in the contentplaceholder, how would I do that?
So, one of my end-users would like the option to search for a keyword and have all of the records that contain that keyword show up in a gridview. Is this possible? How would I do this? Are there tutorials somewhere?
I have a gridview that holds a bunch of companies (600 of them). I have a textbox under the gridview so people could type in a partial name of the company and basically do a search on the gridview. My problem is that when I run the page the only thing that shows is my search textbox, I'm assuming this is because I have setup the SQLDataSource to filter based on this textbox. I'd like the grid to be filled when the user opens the page and only filtered when the user type something in the textbox and hits go. Does anyone have an example of that in VB that I could look at?
i want to filter the gridview on textchange in search textbox. if i press "a" the gridview should filled up with record starting with "a". i have some code
SqlDataSource1.SelectCommand = "select * from DeptMaster where DeptName like '" + TextBox1.Text + "%'"; SqlDataSource1.SelectCommandType = SqlDataSourceCommandType.Text; GridView1.DataSource = SqlDataSource1; GridView1.DataBind();
its working while leaving the textbox but i want this code should execute on keypress event.
I have the grid view with boundfield with four columns. I created the text box when gridview row created event. I need to filter the data the gridview using the textbox and need to know the how to generate event for textbox.
I have few textboxes and I want to search the text (partial search is also required) in the database and then show the result in a telerik grid. The grid has to be hidden initially and when I click the search button it should show up and display the results.
* Products table, it is consists of these columns :
ProductId int
ProductNO nvarchar
CatalogeId int
BrandId int
MainSpecification nvarchar
DetailsSpecification ntext
Image imageand I want to desgin form for products, and this form contain these ToolBox
* DropDownList for CatalogeId
* DropDownList for BrandId
* DataList Control for displaying the Result Search
* Button
When the user visit Product Page for Example (productpage.aspx), then he see the two DropDownList , then choose one of Cataloge Name (Laptop , Printer, ....) , and choose one of the Brand Name (Sony, Toshiba, ....) , then Click the Button, and get the Result Search in Paging DataList
i am working with search page .. when i click the search button it will show some result like google.. when i click url it will show some personal information. But my problem is i will store data in line line by format. like our forms . but it will display only one single line as page width.. how can i store data in database like that and how can i get that data like to display what i am putting in textbox like this forms
I have a textbox and a gridview which is bound to a table what I want to achieve is a solution where lets say there are two records - e.g. "1. Book and 2. Red", i want a user to type in those words and the gridview shows the results as followed;
1. Book 2. Red
I have set up the sql data source and everything and my like operator is this.