DataSource Controls :: Searching TextBox Data In Sql Database And Binding The Result In Gridview

Oct 28, 2010

I have few textboxes and I want to search the text (partial search is also required) in the database and then show the result in a telerik grid. The grid has to be hidden initially and when I click the search button it should show up and display the results.

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DataSource Controls :: Stored Procedure With Multiple Result Sets - Binding To Gridview?

Feb 3, 2011

I am using a sql stored procedure which returns multiple result sets. By default Sql Datasource is binding the first result set to gridview. I want the second result set to be binded. I browsed all the properties in Sql datasource but could not find one to set this.

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Forms Data Controls :: Display Textbox In Gridview Without Binding It To Database?

Aug 17, 2010

When i navigate to certain page, gridview should be display.
Conditions is:

1)There is no data to display.(now only i am going to enter data). I am not binding gridview to any datatable/dataset

2)Initially it can show 10 or 20 empty rows.(all row should be editable. we should enter the value in that rows.)

3)When i click next button after entering 20 rows it should add another row. and so on..

i want a gridview like excel sheet.

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DataSource Controls :: Searching For Records Using A Date Value In Textbox?

Nov 3, 2010

I have two pages, the first is datepicker.aspx and it contains a textbox where I enter in a date in YYYY-MM-DD format and a button that performs a postback to results.aspx. Results.aspx has a gridview where I'd like to see records from the journal table in my SQL database that have the date I entered back in datepicker.aspx only the gridview never produces results.I'm using the following query in the datasource, if I test it in the datasource wizard it works and it also works when I run it directly against the database.

SELECT * FROM QM.Journal WHERE ([DateEntered] = @SelectedDate)

The @SelectedDate is setup as a FORM parameter in my datasource. Is there anything in particular that I need to do to the results.aspx page so that it grabs the date I put into my datepicker.aspx textbox?

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Forms Data Controls :: Binding Web Service Result Into Gridview/Data Source Is An Invalid Type

Apr 15, 2010

I having problem binding web service result into a gridview. I using Word Dictionary Web Service for my project. Below is part of my code.

Web References I using is :


Protected void Button1_Click(object sender,
EventArgs e) {
DictService ds = new DictService();
ds.DefineCompleted += new DefineCompletedEventHandler(ds_DefineCompleted); }
void ds_DefineCompleted(object sender, DefineCompletedEventArgs e){
GridView1.DataSource = e.Result;

The Error i get is : Data source is an invalid type. It must be either an IListSource, IEnumerable, or IDataSource.

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DataSource Controls :: Searching Database With Special Character?

Apr 12, 2010

I have a table that contain special characters and when the user search for nguyen I want to return string that contain Nguyễn or nguyen or any other nguyen variations.

I have absolutely no idea where to start and will be greateful if someone know any article that explain how I can do this.

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Dropdown, Textbox Search Mysql Database, Result In Gridview?

Feb 18, 2010

Let's say I have a gridview with some columns like, title, name, funding agency. Here's an example of what I want to do:

I want to display all the records in the gridview to start. There would be a dropdownlist that lets the user select whether to search by title, name, funding agency and a text box that lets them type in what they want to search for (and a button to start the search). After searching, the gridview would only display the records that matched the criteria.i already know how to connect datasets to the gridview, but i am using mysql database and writing code in to accomplish this task

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DataSource Controls :: SQL Database Data Binding?

Jun 3, 2010

new to this forum, and visual studio web development. Here is what I want to do: -From a webpage on my website, I would like to upload multiple photos to an sql database, but instead of having a container or field name for each photo, i would like to have multiple photos on one field, on each record.Then, I would like to display it back one record at a time, but with the capability of displaying all the pics from the one field holding the pics. Similar to the function in MS Access, where I can upload mutiple photos in one field and then display them back by just scrolling through them on the same record.

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Forms Data Controls :: Display Multi Textbox / Dropdowns / Checkboxes Search Result In Gridview?

Jul 28, 2010

I'm a complete novice in .NET. I am trying to implement a multi textbox / dropdowns / checkboxes search for a website using How do I pass the values of my form fields to my griedview and display the search result on the same page?

I've written a stored procedure and specified it as data source for my gridview and defined parameter source as my CONTROLS (textboxes, checkboxes n dropdowns) on the form. What I want is when a user fills out one or multiple fields on the form, how do I display data in the gridview on the click of SEARCH button? Also is it necessary to write a codebehind for my search button or we can achieve the desired result in some other way?

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Data Controls :: Search Multiple Tables In Database And Display Result In GridView?

Apr 5, 2014

I want make a search by which want find data and display in gridview.

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Data Controls :: Binding Data To Dynamic GridView Control With Textbox And Dropdown Using Dataset

Apr 27, 2016

I want to bind data from database to Dynamic Grid-view Control with textbox and dropdown using dataset.

I have successfully inserted data to database using this code but now i want to fetch inserted data to same grud view control. i have tried following code. but not getting ans.

string ID = 101;
foreach (GridViewRow row in Gridview2.Rows) {
string str1 = "Select * from VendorInvoiceDetails where Invoice_ID='" + ID + "'";
DataSet ds1 = GEN.GetDataByQuery(str1);

[Code] ....

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Forms Data Controls :: Binding To A Result Of A Querystring In A Repeater?

Jan 4, 2011

I have a repeater on which I need to bind the name returned by the querystring, the binding should be don on the following request : Request.QueryString("file_type")


basically the file type represent a foldername on the server, and this changes depending on the request

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Forms Data Controls :: Binding DropdownList In A GridView To A Datasource?

Sep 8, 2010

I have a Dropdownlist in an itemTemplate in a gridview. My gridView binds to dataTable1 (from which the selected value for dropdown comes from) and dropDown binds to dataTable2 (i need to get DataValueField and DataTextField from here).


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Forms Data Controls :: Binding A Label Inside A FormView To Another SP Result?

Dec 6, 2010

I have a label inside a formview that is not bound to anything.

Lets say I have a table of customers (with a key field called CustomerID), and then another table that has all their orders (with amount spent per order (OrderID) - based on CustomerID)

On the FormView there is a key field (CustomerID) (this is to be used as an INPUT parameter to a SP - which is to return the SUM of all the customers (Order_Totals). I could nest a view within a view I suppose to get this result, however, I just want a label to simply show this ScalarValue.

Basically, I want the label to show the aggregate (SUM) total amount each customer has spent on all orders. I have a SP called SumCost with two Fields (one a grouped by field CustomerID and the other a Summed Total of each customer's orders SumCost)

SELECT [SumCost] FROM [SumCost] WHERE ([CustomerID] = @CustomerID)

I test my SP and it works great, returning the value based on CustomerID - no problem.

My problem is getting the CustomerID passed into the SP on runtime (do I put it in FormView2_Databound) and putting the value into the label (CustTotalLbl) which is inside this form.

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DataSource Controls :: Filtering Data (searching) On Parameters (more Than 1 Parameter)

Feb 12, 2010

I want to make data-driven page and ability to filter data on some parameters, for example 3 text boxes and 2 dropdown lists and then show the results by the grid view control.

Actually I like input data in the text boxes and select item from dropdown list and then press "OK" Button and result (filtered data) show in the new page by the grid view.

What I have seen in the quick start tutorial is filtering by one parameter.

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Forms Data Controls :: Binding DropDownList Datasource In Code Behind For TemplateField In GridView

Feb 23, 2010

I am trying to bind the datasource of a ddl which is located inside the EditTemplate of a TemplateField.When is the best time to bind this datasource (after loading grid, before editing, ? (Note: I must do this in code behind).I am currently trying to bind it on the edit command:


The issue is that the list retrieved from the LoadLists method is null when passing to the LoadList method where the datasource is bound.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Stop Gridview / Datasource From Binding On Page Load

Jul 6, 2010

I have a datasource (quite heavy to run) and a Gridview on the page.

By default when the page is loaded the datasource and Gridview bind and display. However since the datasource is heavy I want on page load these 2 will not bind.

I want them to bind only on a button click. How to stop the datasource and Gridview from binding on 1st page load ?

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Forms Data Controls :: Present Data In A Gridview But Without Binding It To A Database?

Jun 15, 2010

with the code to present data in a gridview but without binding it to a database.

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Forms Data Controls :: Binding A Gridview With Huge Data From The Database?

Mar 1, 2010

what is the best way to bind a gridview with data from the database when the data is huge so that the application is fast?

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Forms Data Controls :: Searching Database By A Dropdown List AND Text Box

Aug 10, 2010

I am very new to coding in, I've never done anything before, but heres my problem, I have a Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Database, and basically I need to be able to search that database by 3 different things, basically there is tons of data, and I need to be able to search by a member ID, a location, and a group name So basically I wanted a drop down list, with these 3 column names, and than a search box where you can actually type in what you are looking for, than have the results display, I have been trying to do this with gridview, but I can't seem to get it to work correctly

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Binding Without Datasource Controls?

Jan 27, 2011

I m new in I want to use gridview with a custom business object.

Should i have property in my custom there a way to access object fields.

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Forms Data Controls :: Binding Gridview With Ajax Enabled Website And MSAcess Database?

Sep 18, 2010

i have problem while connecting to my MSAccess Database in App_Data Folder in Ajax enabled website.

How to bind Gridview with MsAcess Databse in Ajax enabled website?

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Forms Data Controls :: Adding Specific Number Of Blank Rows After Binding Gridview With Datasource

Jan 29, 2011

i hav a gridview ... now i need to add certain number of rows... say 5 rows .... which would b blank .. the rows consist of itemtemplate of textboxes.. here is the grid ...


now i am binding this gridview with certain data say :


now the problem is if the row contains 2 data originally ... then it alwz shows up with only two rows with binded data... but what i want is 2 (databinded rows ) + 5 (empty rows with textbox ) = 7 grid view rows .... now how to do it ... after i hav binded the textbox with data already....with some empty columns corresponding to the above code ?

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DataSource Controls :: Save Textbox Data In Database?

Nov 16, 2010

how can i save text introduced in textboxes to a database in visual studio 2010? Data base is managed with sql management studio 2008..

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DataSource Controls :: Inserting Data From TextBox To Database?

Jul 6, 2010

I have a textbox which the user writes a word into. They then press a button to add that word to a list which is stored in the database.

What is the code to do add their word to the database? Do I need code on the main aspx file or only on the code behind?

What I tried doing up until this point is that once the button is pressed, in the codebehind the following happens:


I get errors telling me that the column name Program is invalid (I have a table named Program with one column named ProgramName)

I looked at a bunch of tutorials but nothing is straight forward and simple, it keeps confusing me. I need the simple step by step instruction to do this. I'm using a SQL database and coding in VB

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