Forms Data Controls :: Dynamically Load User Control Based On The Count?

Mar 17, 2010

Im working with web application,I need to get multiple gridviews dynamically based on the count (which i get from database) for that i took a web user control and i added a gridview there . iwant to load that usercontrol in aspx.cs based on the count..

but im able to bind only one grid view...

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Web Forms :: How To Load User Control Dynamically On Webpage

Mar 29, 2010

how to load user control dynamically on page? I am loading user control in my page_Init() event under if(!IsPostBack) but when user post the with any button click then my user control is disapper?

If i am loading control without if(!IsPostBAck) then its fine, but each time a page is posted loading of control is not good because it will slow my web site?

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Forms Data Controls :: Display Some Xml Tags In Gridview Dynamically Based On User Selection?

Jul 17, 2010

i have displayed a xml file in the tree view form by binding i want a sample code to access the nodes which are being selected and to display dynamically in a grid view

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Web Forms :: Load User Control Dynamically On Menu Bar Click

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I am using 5 ,6 user control. I wanted to load diffrent user control on Click of menu bar. Means when I click on first link of Menubar 1 user control should load and 2 loaded when i Click on 2 link of menu bar. How to do that?

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Web Forms :: Load JavaScript File Dynamically When User Control Is Loaded

Jun 17, 2013

I have a tab control on my page  and on click of tab  user control is loaded dynamically.I need to load the javascript file  of that user control dynamically. I don't want to add the reference of my js file on parent in my .ascx page load event i added:

System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlGenericControl js = new System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlGenericControl("script");
js.Attributes["type"] = "text/javascript";
js.Attributes["src"] = "../../js/DatesJavaScript.js";
but it is not working.

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C# - Dynamically Load User Control?

Oct 26, 2010

I have this GridView that have it's DataSource as a list of previously selected products.
For every item on it, I need to Eval it's ID and load a specifc form that the user must fill, then after that i've got to update the GridView.

I have made those specific forms as User Controls, is this the best approach for this scenario?

If yes, how can I dynamically load them, in a way that I can make queries/postbacks then update back my gridview?

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C# - How To Load A User Control Dynamically In A Webpage

Nov 29, 2010

How to load a user control dynamically in a page?

I have a page that contains radioButtons. Each click on a radio button loads a user control (.ascx) in the page.

What I am doing is loading all controls at the same time, but set their visibility to false. When a user clicks a radiobutton I set the visibility of the specific user control to true.

As a result I am loading all the user controls on each postback.

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Jan 12, 2011

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AJAX :: Dynamically Load User Control Without Postback?

Aug 22, 2010

In my base page, I have a dropdownlist control which loads different usercontrols on selectedindexchanged event.

While loading these usercontrols, my page postbacks all the page. I used updatepanel but again same problem.

Is there any way to load controls without postback?

Here is my code:


View 15 Replies

Load User Control Dynamically Inside A Contentplaceholder?

Jan 12, 2011

My aspx page uses a master page. How can i load a control in my aspx page dynamically inside a contentplaceholder?

I got something like:

Select id

case 1
load usercontrol A

load usercontrol B

case else

load usercontrol C

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Dynamically Load User Control And Assign Property?

Jan 3, 2011

I would like to dynamically load a user control and assign one of its public properties OnLoad...

I'm doing the following from a parent user control to dynamically load the child user control...

UserControl uc = (UserControl)Page.LoadControl("~/Controls/MyUserControl.ascx");

What else do I need to do to pass a value so its public property is set OnLoad?

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Web Forms :: Load User Controls Dynamically?

Jul 19, 2010

i want to be able to load user controls and populate them with data from a sql database at runtime based on a status field in my database but im struggling to do this.

my default page.aspx holds the user controls (acts like a container). at the moment i had referenced all the user controls to load up when the page was loaded so:


i then created a procedure which reads from the database the "status field". so if the status field is "pending" then i want the uc:GRLOLApproval control to show up but im not sure where to put this code or how to do it. i want to be abel to load the control at runtime and run this code. in my default.aspx.cs code i have done the following in the page load:

i tried to reference te user control in my default.aspx page by doing: protected GRLOLApproval GRLOLApp; but it wouldnt recognise it because it not been reference in the source do i reference it so that i can read the data from my database and write to the fields in uc:Collectionrequest. (I have exposed the properties in the uc:CollectionRequest that i want to access btw) have been working on this for days now and just cant seem to load the user control or access any properties.

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Web Forms :: How To Create Controls Dynamically Based On User Input

Apr 20, 2010

could u tell me add controls to a page base on user inputs,

i know the basic of creating a button dynamically but here I have to to add few controls based on user input and how to identify event for each dynamically create control.

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Forms Data Controls :: DetailsView Limit Entry Based On Row Count?

Mar 26, 2010

I have a detailsview form which passes data to a sql database. What I'd like to do is present a message when the number of rows in the destination table exceeds a specified number (40) or redirect the user to another page.

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Forms Data Controls :: Adding A Total Load Count To The Gridview?

Jan 13, 2010

I'll start off with a snapshot of the application i'm working on.

Basically, what's going on is i'm using a bunch of sqldatasources to track truck loads (shown) based off a date/ date range. As there are generally multiple loads that all have the same information, so the information is grabbed with a SELECT DISTINCT so that you're only seeing one entry per multitude of loads. From there, customers can select the load type they want to work with and it goes into more detail, such as who trucked the different loads in, where it came from, where it's going to, references, that kinda stuff.

My question is, would it be feasible to show how many loads there are in total per distinct select? For instance, the top entry actually has 14 loads that are similar to that entry. How would I go about showing it has that total of 14 loads that could be shown?

View 12 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: How To Load User Control Data In A Datalist

Jan 6, 2010

I have the follow code (i just listed the parts that might be the more important to understand my problem):

(Code Behind)

(Page .ascx)

The user control RatingControl shows the rating and the number of rates, the user control Pager is responsible for raising CurrentPageChanged when the page changes and BindData() is a function
that binds data to the Datalist control.

When the page is loaded for the first time BindData() marked with ** is executed , thereafter i only want to load data when the event CurrenPageChanged raises.

So far so good, but the problem is when the CurrentPageChanged is raised and call the BindData() function, the user controls are not loaded properly, and things that i can't understand happen, like the user controls not receiving the properties initialized when they are loaded, but the other controls inside the Datalist like lblDescription are loaded correctly with their data.

Summarizing, the user controls are not loaded correctly in this particular case when the DataBind() is called by an event.

I already searched in the internet, and i read about page life cycle, user controls and i still didn't understand why this happens and how to fix it.

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Forms Data Controls :: Bound Datagridview Loses Count After Code Based Deletion

Feb 19, 2010

I have a bound datagridview with the associated tableadapter, dataset and bindingsource. A different component in our application can add or delete rows displayed by the datagridview. When this happens, the underlying database edits are correct. The problem is that the datagridview seems to lose track of the data.

Currently, when we receive the event that our data has changed we do the following.


If our example had something like 5 items displayed in the grid and a row was deleted, the grid refreshes with 3 items shown. If we manually refresh our grid through a button calling the exact same code, it displays the correct results. Is this an asynchronous call? Should we be refreshing the grid in a different area?

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Forms Data Controls :: User Control In Gridview Dynamically Using Templatefield

Dec 15, 2010

I binded user control in gridview dynamically using templatefield (through code behind)

User control consists of 2 textboxes and one dropdown.

There is one button outside the gridview on the form. On click of that button i have to save the values of usercontrol's (child controls i.e textbox and dropdown values) but i am not able to get the values of user controls.

I am able to get User Control using LoadControl and child controls using FindControl but not able get values i am getting textbox values as blank and dropdown value as 0th selected index even though there is value entered by the user.

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How To Add Persistent Dynamic Controls Based On User Input (not On Intial Page Load)

Oct 13, 2010

I am familiar with creating and persisting dynamic controls on the first load of a page and on subsequent postbacks but I am having trouble with the following user initiated scenario...

In my demo I have a placeholder, two buttons and a literal


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Data Controls :: Display Count Of Specific Records Of GridView Based On Condition

May 7, 2015

I have to add the total no of present in grid view.


id name status1 s Present1 s Present1 s Present total 3

I need to show the present days as total.

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VS 2010 For Loop - Count All Correct Answers Of User Based On Radio Button Click

Dec 9, 2014

I am building this simple quiz application using and sql server for the database. Now what I want to happen is that when I click on submit button, it will count all the correct answers of the user based on the radio button he clicks.

I have two radio buttons and the correct answer for those two radio buttons is A, now if they click both A for those 2 radio buttons, they will get a score of two else if wrong, it won't count the incorrect answer.

Dim score As Integer = 0
If RbAnswers1.SelectedValue = "A" Then
For score = 0 To lbCorrectAnswerCount.Text.Count - 1
score += 1
Next score
If RbAnswers2.SelectedValue = "A" Then

[Code] ...

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Web Forms :: Dynamically Add TextBox Based On User Selection In DropDownList

Nov 20, 2012

I like to add textbox dynamically  based on the user selection in drop down box.

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Custom Server Controls :: Persist Data In A Dynamically Populated ListBox In A User Control

Aug 19, 2010

I am trying to persist data in a dynamically populated ListBox in a user control. Here are the details

I have a user control which contains a a listBox and button. On Page_Load of user control I am populating the ListBox control with some values. On Click of button, I am trying to fetch the values which I have selected in ListBox. Though this seems very simple and straight forward I am unable to fetch values.

My Page_Load Function

void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

My Click Function

Protected Void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string strValue = listBox.SelectedValue

I have placed brake point at Page_Load and on click function, I am seeing that the moment the breakpoint hits Page_Load function (before If (!Ispostback)) , listBox.SelectedIndex is becoming -1.

One more thing here is, I am placing this user control in an SharePoint application page to be specific checkin.aspx page . ( I know this should not be done, but that is the requirement for me)

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Forms Data Controls :: GridView_RowUpdated Event The E.OldValue.count E.NewValue.Count

Jun 4, 2010

In the GridView_RowUpdated event the e.OldValues.count <> e.NewValues.Count. 1 out of 5 columns has been converted to a template field.

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