Forms Data Controls :: Getting ListBox Value That The User Selects?

Apr 3, 2010

using 2008

I have a listbox and i want to use javascript to get the value that the user selects and load the selected name value into a textbox.

I am looking for the javascript event to use for this, does anyone know what that is?

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Forms Data Controls :: Modify Items In Gridview When User Selects A Given Record And Store Values Back In Database

Feb 25, 2011

Using SQL and C#. I have a gridview with a template field. I need to modify the some items in the gridview when the user selects a given record and store the values back in the database. ProjectID is the unique key in the database.Gridview is done as a table. How can I do it? Here is my grid view implementation.


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Forms Data Controls :: Change The Contents Of A Dropdownlist When A User Selects Option 0 = "Other"

Nov 2, 2010

I'm attempting to change my select statement when a selection of "Other" is detected. The problem is that the select that executes on the page is always the original selection from the datasource definition. I've found an example where the "SelectCommand" value is changed in the code behind, but it is for a case where the dropdownlist is not in a template. I'm thinking that I have to bind to the template, but I'm not getting it to work. (see the last couple of lines in the Page_Load code)

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<asp:DetailsView AutoGenerateRows="False" DataKeyNames="EmployeeTimeId" DataSourceID="sdsEmpTimeDetailsView"
DefaultMode="Insert" HeaderText="Add EmployeeTime"


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Forms Data Controls :: Calendar Control Where A User Selects A Date And Then Inputs Info Into A FormView Control?

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And the code behind:


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Forms Data Controls :: Detailsview Only Coming Up For First 5 Gridview Selects?

Jan 17, 2011

I have a gridview with a select button. There are 181 records in the gridview all coming from the same database table. When I select the first 5 rows the details view comes up, but after that it doesn't show... The information that it is pulling is the same for the first 5 rows as the other 176 rows. Why won't it show the detailsview?!

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Forms Data Controls :: Removing A User Selected In A ListBox From A Role In A Gridview?

Oct 27, 2010

I have a listbox (UsersListBox) which shows all the users and a gridview (gvRoles) which shows the users' roles when their username is selected in UserListBox. gvRoles is below. When I click the buttonfield in gvRoles, I'd like for my OnRowDatabound event to call up the gvRoles_RowDatabound method. I'm trying to get this method to remove the username selected in UserListBox from the role in the row clicked. How do I go about that using the roles and membership classes?


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Forms Data Controls :: Dropdownbox Which Selects Records Based On Criteria?

Aug 22, 2010

I have a dropdownbox which I want to use to search records based on a timescale. The gridview populates results based from that search.

So here is how I want to work this;

If a user selects "today" - a list of records input today are populated. If "this week" is selected, a list of all records added within that week from todays date is populated.

I created a forum on this issue previously but to no avail whatsoever. How do I work around this problem?

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Forms Data Controls :: DataSet With Stored Procedures (3 Selects Statements)

Dec 23, 2010

This is my stored procedures with 3 selects statements

Now I have to fill two dropdown from the forst 2 select statements and need to fill some label through the 3 statement for this I did this

Its working fine my

Now I want to bind others controls. But I am not getting that how dataset differentiate which data need to bind to which control. How I can do this.

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Forms Data Controls :: Get The Itemindex Of A Listview When Sql Query Selects Random Records?

Nov 18, 2010

i use this query as my sql query :


As you may know it gets 5 records by random. I use it with dataset and bind the listview to this dataset and in ItemDataBound i want to do some programming (like making some controls visible or invisible) i need itemindex.

but the question is : how can i get the itemindex of a listview when sql query selects records randomly?

View 8 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: ListBox, Array List / Update The Listbox Content?

Mar 26, 2011

I am designing a program that will let me enter the name of an item to swap and adds the swap to an array list when a button Add is pressed. Once the item is added to the array list a Sub Procedure should be called which displays the contents of the array list in a list box.

The system will also allow me to remove items from the array list using a Remove button

followed by updating array list.

I have done some part which puts item into the listbox1 which i named lstSwapList.I would need some assistance on the Sub Procedure to display the Value or Description on the other listbox2 which i have also named lstContent,if a value is selected from the listbox1.

I would also want to know how to update the Listbox content,However i hv added a sample of the way i guess it may be.

Any complete solution from anybody on the Sub Procedure and the Update Swap procedure will be greately appreciated.

&#65279;The script below is what i have done so far.

Partial Class _Default
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
Protected Sub lstContent_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles lstContent.SelectedIndexChanged
End Sub
Protected Sub lstSwapList_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles lstSwapList.SelectedIndexChanged
End Sub
Protected Sub btnAddSwap_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAddSwap.Click
Dim SwapValue As String = "Sixty Pounds"
Dim Counter As Integer = 8
Dim SwapN0 As Integer
lstSwapList.Items.Add(New ListItem("300", "1"))
lstSwapList.Items.Add(New ListItem("ASP.Net", "2"))
lstSwapList.Items.Add(New ListItem("Programming", "3"))
SwapN0 = lstSwapList.SelectedValue
For Counter = 0 To -1
SwapN0 = lstContent.Items.Count
End Sub
Protected Sub btnDeleteSwap_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnDeleteSwap.Click
End Sub
Protected Sub btnUpdateSwap_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnUpdateSwap.Click
End Sub
End Class

Sub UpdateSwap(ByVal valueA As String, ByVal ValueBAs String, ByVal ValueC As Integer, ByVal ValueD As Date)

View 1 Replies

AJAX :: Trying To Display Selected File To A User Right After Selects

May 30, 2010

I am trying to display selected file to a user right after he selects. Which means I have to save it to a temp location and change image src (or ImageUrl if we are talking about asp:Image).

And I am trying to use AsyncFileUpload (from Ajax Toolkit) for that. Apparently it has "OnUploadedComplete" server event, but sadly it isn't working.

I have following code in code behind:


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AJAX :: Animation Tab Control / Fade In/out When A User Selects A Different Tab Panel?

Aug 6, 2010

I have a ajax tabcontainer which I load with tab panels at runtime. Now I am trying to do a fade in/out when a user selects a different tab panel. How do I approach something like this.

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Custom Server Controls :: Persist Data In A Dynamically Populated ListBox In A User Control

Aug 19, 2010

I am trying to persist data in a dynamically populated ListBox in a user control. Here are the details

I have a user control which contains a a listBox and button. On Page_Load of user control I am populating the ListBox control with some values. On Click of button, I am trying to fetch the values which I have selected in ListBox. Though this seems very simple and straight forward I am unable to fetch values.

My Page_Load Function

void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

My Click Function

Protected Void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string strValue = listBox.SelectedValue

I have placed brake point at Page_Load and on click function, I am seeing that the moment the breakpoint hits Page_Load function (before If (!Ispostback)) , listBox.SelectedIndex is becoming -1.

One more thing here is, I am placing this user control in an SharePoint application page to be specific checkin.aspx page . ( I know this should not be done, but that is the requirement for me)

View 5 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Master Detailed GridView Edit Selects The Wrong Row To Edit?

Mar 16, 2011

I have a page with 2 GridViews on it. The top GridView shows all the Bike Riders the bottom GridView shows all the Bike Lockers. I have set up both GridViews to be able to Edit the data. And the top GridView to Select.

When I click the Select buton on the top GridView I programically reset the DataSource for the bottom GridView to show the Locker for the Biker of the top GridView Selected.

So far everything works great. I select a Biker on the Top GridView and the Bottom GridView resets just showing one record for the bike locker.

The problem is that if I then click on the Edit button on the bottom GridView (The Bike Locker GridView) the GridView goes into the Edit Mode but it now shows all the Bike Locker records and the edit record is always the top record of the GrdView.

Here is my code Behind:


View 1 Replies

Configuration :: Website Db Selects Runs Extremly Slow On Windows 2003 (IIS6) When No Console User Is Logged In?

May 23, 2010

I have a really weird problem that I've been investigating for at least one week now. I deliver a website hosting both ASP classic and .NET 3.5 content in IIS6 on a Windows 2003 server environment with MySQL db backend. The solution has been installed on several servers (some hosted in WMWare) with no problems. On one specific server, also hosted in WMWare, the user experience great performance issues on the website. The problems are most seen when using database resources and is not limited to either .net or asp classic, but I am still not sure that the problem is only related to database calls.

Following components are involved:

IIS6 .NET FW 3.5 MyODBC 3.51 / 5.1 MySQL 4.x

Code executed on the server using all resources above runs smoothly when the IIS is not involved. The website shows times up to 2 minutes to execute code that takes 2 seconds outside the IIS. The exact same code is executed. Using profiling tools, I've seen that the great loss comes within calls to unmanaged code, for example when System.Data.ODBC namespace to calls into myodbc.dll.

The tricky part is: If at least one console user is logged in to the server, the performace problems are not seen anymore. When the user logs out, the problem appears again.I have tried to reinstall all components above, tried different versions of MyODBC, tried different website authentication methods, tried to run website under administrator privilegies, installed various MS KB's with no success.

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Web Forms :: GridView Data / Table That It Selects From Database?

Mar 23, 2010

out of this code, do i see what table that it selects from my database?


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Outlook 2007 + C# - User Selects A Particular Mail And Clicks Menu Item - Display The Particular Mail Details

Sep 6, 2010

My requirement when user selects a particular mail and clicks the menu item it will display the particular mail details (To, cc, bcc, subject, Body, attachments...) in custom form.

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SQL Server :: Getting Data From Sproc With Two Selects?

Oct 11, 2010

Anyone know how to do this? I was thinking about making a sproc with something like

select * from users where @group not in member_of
select * from users where @group in member_of

Since I'm dead tired, that's not supposed to be a real query...just an approximation ;)

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DataSource Controls :: Auto-populated Listbox Based On Selection From Other Listbox?

Feb 22, 2011

I'm trying to auto-populate a listbox of zip codes from a database table state_zipcode_plans based on the state a user selects from the previous listbox. I'm getting the error: Must declare the scalar variable @state_code.


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Web Forms :: How To Restrict A User Not To Select More Then 4 Options In A ListBox

Aug 5, 2010

I am using a listbox

<asp:ListBox ID="ListBox1" runat="server" DataSourceID="_dsOccTypes" DataTextField="ListDisplay"
DataValueField="ListValue" Rows="6" SelectionMode="Multiple" Width="450"></asp:ListBox>

There are 10 options in the list box but I want the user only to select a maximum of 4. If user selects more then 4 then I want to display a message to user that they cannot select more then 4 options.

How can I achieve the above using some custom validator control?

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Getting Data From ListBox / Read The Selected Field From The Listbox?

Mar 14, 2011

how I can read the selected field from the listbox?I have MSAccess table attached to the app.I can get to the properties, but I don't know which property gets me the data of the specific field.In VB it would be "listbox1.Column(x)", where 'x' represents the column number in the listbox1.I am using Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2010 Express

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Forms Data Controls :: Using ListBox Within DetailsView?

Nov 16, 2010

I have a detailsview which is used to input data into an SQL database. Some of the fields contain drop down menus which are populated from the database.

I also have a form that allows the user to select mutiple values from a listbox (populated from an sql database) by moving the required items from one list box containing all the available items into a second one containing the selected items. There is also a text box which is used to filter on the available items. When this is passed through to a stored procedure to be put into the database, it is passed as a comma delimited string containing all the selected values.

This works fine on a separate form, however I would like to include it in one of the fields of the detailsview. This creates a BC30451: Name 'ListBox1' is not declared error. I have looked for hours on the internet to try and resolve this but cannot find what I need for how to declare the list for use within the detailsview.

Here is the code for both the working multiselect form and the code for when I have tried to integrate it into the detailsview:


Multi-Select (CodeBehind):




DetailsView (CodeBehind):


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Forms Data Controls :: Multiselection In Listbox C#?

Jul 13, 2010

I want to select the multiple items in the listbox.....for eg in my listbox there are five itemsapple,pear,lotus,red,blue.on button click i want to select two items from the listbox.

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Forms Data Controls :: Looping Through A Listbox?

May 11, 2010

I have a ListView which has Product Code,Desc, ColorCode, Size and Quantity as the columns as well as a checkbox

The listbox sits within a panel.

The user enters the quantity and checks the item(s) they wish to purchase. They accept their selection by clicking a button the sit within the ItemView

Once they have made their order and clicked the button I want to make the panel disappear and display the items on the page.

how to iterate through the Listview and how to grab the items and close the panel

View 14 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Getting Value From Listbox In Gridview?

May 18, 2010

I want to fill gridview dynamically ,and I filled it with dropdowns and textboxes. I gave values after filling.

My question is how can I get dropdownlist.value , it is dynamic and I have no id.

I have a datatable, which contains my dropdowns and textboxes.

I have a class that gives type of object

long showdrpdwnlist{
get{.. }


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