Forms Data Controls :: Calendar Control Where A User Selects A Date And Then Inputs Info Into A FormView Control?

Sep 7, 2010

I have a calendar control where a user selects a date and then inputs info into a FormView control. Underneath the FormView is a GridView that shows all data from the SelectedDate on the calendar control. However, when the date is selected, all the information from the table ( from all dates ) is displayed.


And the code behind:


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Similar Messages:

Forms Data Controls :: Use Default Date In Calendar Control?

Jan 16, 2011

I have created a form where the user selects a date from an calendar control. I would like it default to 12/25/2010 if no date is selected, partially to prevent a stack overflow.

This is the code of the calendar control

<asp:calendar id="Calendar1" runat="server" SelectedDate='<%# Bind("startDate") %>'>

And this is what I added to the insert parameter. I've tried all different versions of the date including adding a time component but no joy.

<asp:parameter Name="startDate" Type="DateTime" DefaultValue="12/25/2010" />

This is the error:

SqlDateTime overflow. Must be between 1/1/1753 12:00:00 AM and 12/31/9999 11:59:59 PM.

Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlTypeException: SqlDateTime overflow. Must be between 1/1/1753 12:00:00 AM and 12/31/9999 11:59:59 PM.

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Web Forms :: Access Control Value In Calendar Control Selected Date?

Jan 12, 2010

I have a calendar control in which i am loading data from db using the below method.


What i want to achieve is in the selection changed event of the calendar.I would like to access the calendar selected cell value.I tried to look for a event in the selection changed method but unable to come up with any.Let me know if anyone came across this and able to access the value in the selected cell control value.

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Forms Data Controls :: FormView Clearing Value Set In Page_load / Initialize A Date Field In The FormView to Today's Date?

Sep 2, 2010

I have a page with a FormView on it. The page is strictly for adding records to a Table. I have the FormView bound to an EntityDataSource and everything works greate except for one thing.

I want to initialize a date field in the FormView to today's date. So, in my page_load event I have:

if (!Page.IsPostBack)
//Initialize SetupDate to today.
TextBox setupdate = (TextBox)fvJob.FindControl("txtSetupDate");
setupdate.Text = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString();

The first time this page loads, the txtSetupDate field is initialized.

Although, and subsequent loads of the page doesn't initialize the Text Box. I step through the code in the debugger and I can see that the code is executig, but something (the FormView bind?) is "clearing" the Text Box.

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AJAX :: Animation Tab Control / Fade In/out When A User Selects A Different Tab Panel?

Aug 6, 2010

I have a ajax tabcontainer which I load with tab panels at runtime. Now I am trying to do a fade in/out when a user selects a different tab panel. How do I approach something like this.

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Calendar Control - Display Date Inside A Textbox Control

Oct 23, 2010

NET. The calendar control is displayed in a popup window when pressing abutton and the selected date will be displayed inside a Textbox control.

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Web Forms :: Nested Formview - Link Parent Formview Control In Editmode With Child Formview Control In Insertmode

Apr 8, 2010

i have the following scenario: one formview. when in editmode there is a child formview linked to the other by a column value. i need to take the value of one of the values of parent formview controls and set it to a textbox of child formview in insert mode. I wish to know which event should I use in codebehind to bind both controls? (that escenario will have paging and must keep the binding as if it was master detail)

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Web Forms :: Assignment Of FormView Control In Design-time To User Defined Composite Control

Feb 1, 2011

i create a composite control as can be seen in code below, and add this control to webform, assign FormView1 to the HeaderControlName property, Run the page, the system will generate parse error message :
Cannot create an object of type 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.FormView' from its string representation 'FormView1' for the 'HeaderControlName' property. However, if i don't assign FormView1 in design screen and manually (through coding) assign FormView1 to the custom control on init, it works as expected.

custom control
public class CmdTest : CompositeControl
public virtual FormView HeaderControlName
object oObject = ViewState["HeaderControlName"];
return (oObject == null) ? null : (FormView)oObject;
ViewState["HeaderControlName"] = value;
protected override void CreateChildControls(
Button xx = new Button();
webpage.aspx (assign FormView1 in design time, it will generate error)
<Utils:CmdTest ID="CmdTest1" runat="server" HeaderControlName="FormView1" />
webpage.aspx (didn't assign FormView1 in ASPX, but assign it on Init Code, it works)
<Utils:CmdTest ID="CmdTest1" runat="server" oninit="CmdTest1_Init" />
protected void BsCmdTest1_Init(object sender, EventArgs e)
CmdTest1.HeaderControlName = FormView1;

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Forms Data Controls :: Accessing Formview Binded Control From Child Control

Sep 15, 2010

I am using a form view control which has two binded textbox. Now at this level it works fine and the textboxes show the values from database. But when i insert a panel inside the form view and move these two textboxes inside the panel, they dont show any values. What could be the reason for this?

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Forms Data Controls :: Unhiding Control In FormView Based On Another Control's Value?

Feb 8, 2010

I am attempting to show/hide a control (txtInpatientType) when a user views individual records on a FormView (frmData) depending on the value stored in another control (txtPatientType). For example, if txtPatientType.Text = "Inpatient" then txtInpatientType.Visible needs to be True. Very simple code follows.


txtPatietType and txtInpatientType are both ReadOnly. txtInpatientType.Visible = false by default.

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Forms Data Controls :: Dropdown Control Within A Formview Control?

Jun 15, 2010

I have a formview with an insert item template. I have added two dropdown controls that are databound to two different database tables to this insert template. However, when I click the 'InsertQuery' for the Accessdatasource neither of these controls are available as 'Parameter source options'.Out of interest, if I take these dropdown controls out of the formview and put them on the page they then become available to use.

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AJAX :: Calendar Popup / Calender Extender Control To Select Date And Showing That Date In A Text Box?

Dec 9, 2010

am developing an application using used calender extender control to select date and showing that date in a text requirement is when select date from the previous year (i.e 2009) from the calender extender control...then a message should show like"you should not select the previous year date" and immediately current day date should fill in textbox.

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Jun 3, 2010

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I have use date time picker in form how current date highlighted automatically date time control on page load...

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Forms Data Controls :: Getting ListBox Value That The User Selects?

Apr 3, 2010

using 2008

I have a listbox and i want to use javascript to get the value that the user selects and load the selected name value into a textbox.

I am looking for the javascript event to use for this, does anyone know what that is?

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Getting Both Time And Date From Calendar Control?

Feb 3, 2011

i am using calender control in in this i want to get both current time and current date. how can i do this? i am using the language c#.

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Get The Selected Date From The Calendar Control ?

Mar 10, 2010

I am creating a DatetimePicker User control. I just want to know how to get the selected date of the calendar ( control) control using jQuery. I used this code, but it's wrong.

$(document).ready(function() {
$(".UserCalender").click(function () {
var a = $('.CalenderDiv:selected').text(); [code]....

What's wrong with this?

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Put The File Upload Control Into The "insert Item" Template Of Formview Control

Nov 12, 2010

I'm using visual web developer and MS.Access and have the following created. 1. A formview control to enter data into the database 2. A File upload control that allows users to upload files. But however i'm unable to include the file upload control in the formview control. How can i achieve this? Below is the code for the page:

<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="NewRecord.aspx.cs" Inherits="NewRecord" %>

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Forms Data Controls :: Delete Row In Datatable Where Info For Add To Cart Control Displayed

Jan 20, 2011

I tried same method using C# and did not work for me. My case is very similar. Have my GridView Detail as thus

="No Record Added"

Within which I have my ImageButton Template as thus:

="return DeleteRow();"

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Forms Data Controls :: Get Info From Data Display In Repeater Control?

Mar 5, 2011

I having a data from database which display in form of link button at a repeater control.Nw i want to get the particular data from the repeater contorl and redirect it to its respective page to show its details.May i know how to do it?

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