Forms Data Controls :: Getting Null Reference On Labels That Im Setting The Values To?

Mar 23, 2010

Why would i be getting NullReferenceException if im setting the labels with values?In my page_load i have the following:

Label hireMess = (Label)FormView1.FindControl("hireMess");
Label hireEnd = (Label)FormView1.FindControl("hireEnd");
HyperLink hyptry = (HyperLink)FormView1.FindControl("hyptry");

and right below that i have 1 condition to check for and then set the Text value of the 2 labels.hireMess.Text = "It Was Successfully!";hireEnd.Text ="You will be re-directed to your Pool in 10 seconds.";I compared the page to production and eveyrthing is the same and production doesnt have any issues.. not sure why its coming up null.The error comes up for the first label:Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Description:An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.Exception Details: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.Source Error:


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Forms Data Controls :: Selected Indexchanged Is Not Setting Labels?

Mar 8, 2010

What is wrong with this? I provided my selected indexchanged and gridview.


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Forms Data Controls :: GridView Returning Null Labels?

Feb 8, 2010

This problem is driving me nuts. I have labels inside a gridview. When i reference them, i keep getting a null error. This is definatly that it cant find the labels inside the template. below is my code that i am using.


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Setting The Src Of An Image Tag Getting Null Reference Exception?

Dec 6, 2010

We have a chart on a page that current is hard coded with test data, client likes and we are trying to now link to live data.I have tried different things in the code behind to build the url and keep getting Null Reference Exception even though when i debug the url is there and complete. I can take the value that i get in debug and paste directly to the browser and the chart works. so i know that im building the url correctly, but setting the .Src of the image in the page_load event doesnt seem to be the correct way to populate the image..Here is the complete link that is built in the code behind that is passed to the src of the image control.|DVDs+with+Scracthes&chdlp=b&chl=44|5&chma=40,60,0,40&chtt=DVD+Report&cht=p3&chco=751010|FFCC33 In the page load event i have the following:



I place a break point on the line where i set the src and as i step thru everything is correct and the src is being populate with the correct link, but when i step past that line, then i get the null reference.Now why is it that i can paste that link to the browser and it works.. and if i hardcode that link in the image src on my aspx page and comment out the code behind it works there also..

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MVC :: Post Method In MVC - Public ActionResult MyPost Obj.labels Is Null Whereas Name And Description Contains Updated Values

Feb 17, 2010

I am using MVC for the developement. My Model class looks like

class MyModel
string name;
string desc;
string[] labels;

When I bind this model to the view, all the values are displayed on the view successfully. But on Postback method public ActionResult MyPost(MyModel obj) obj.labels is null whereas name and desc contains updated values. why is it so?

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Forms Data Controls :: Change Values Associated With Labels

Jan 24, 2011

I have a gridview and there is a templateField with a few labels in it. I have a dropdownlist in a headertemplate and when the selectedindexchanged event I am trying to change the values associated with those labels. The name of the gridview is Gridview1. Here is the template field when it is first shown

<asp:TemplateField ItemStyle-CssClass="phoneCostsPhoneStyle" >
<div style="position:relative">
<asp:Label ID="lblDayCallPhone" runat="server" Text="Day:" CssClass="lblDayCallPhoneStyle"></asp:Label>
<asp:Label ID="lblDayCostsPhone" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("NATIONAL_DAY", "{0:C}") %>' CssClass="lblDayCostsPhoneStyle"></asp:Label><br /><br />
<asp:Label ID="lblEveningCallPhone" runat="server" Text="Evening:" CssClass="lblEveningCallPhoneStyle"></asp:Label>
<asp:Label ID="lblEveningCostPhone" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("NATIONAL_EVENING", "{0:C}") %>' CssClass="lblEveningCostPhoneStyle"></asp:Label><br /><br />
<asp:Label ID="lblWeekendCallPhone" runat="server" Text="Weekend:" CssClass="lblWeekendCallPhoneStyle"></asp:Label>
<asp:Label ID="lblWeekendCostPhone" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("NATIONAL_WEEKEND", "{0:C}") %>' CssClass="lblWeekendCostPhoneStyle">.........

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Forms Data Controls :: Way To Set The Values Of Labels Within Modalpopup

Feb 12, 2010

What am i missing or doing wrong to accomplish this. I want to set the values of my labels within my modalpopup with the values of the item clicked on within my gridview. Here is my RowDataBound code, im sure i have to do this somewhere else, but you will see the 2 labels im trying to set. When they click on ibHT image button a modalpopup opens and works great, but the labels are always set to the first record in the gridview.


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Forms Data Controls :: Labels From Item To Add With The Labels Outside Of The Datalist?

Oct 25, 2010

I have a page with a datalist on it, with an image button and some labels in the datalist item(1,2)..

I have some more labels on the page which get their values from querystrings(17,18)..

I have more labels which are empty (34,35)

On image click in the datalist item, i want the labels from that item to add with the labels outside of the datalist, and the last lot of labels to show this number..

Currently it doesnt do this. Here is my code:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Label17.Text = Request["b1"];
Label18.Text = Request["b2"];
protected void ImageButton1_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
DataListItem item = ((Control)sender).NamingContainer as DataListItem;
Label Label1 = item.FindControl("Label1") as Label;
Label Label2 = item.FindControl("Label2") as Label;
Label34.Text = (int.Parse(Label1.Text) + int.Parse(Label17.Text)).ToString();
Label35.Text = (int.Parse(Label2.Text) + int.Parse(Label18.Text)).ToString();

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Forms Data Controls :: Update A Datalist Null Reference?

Nov 2, 2010

So I have followed this tutorial to try and me edit a record in a datalist.


When I click update after updating anyfield it throws a NullReferenceException was unhandled by the user code. Here is my code.

protected void DataList1_UpdateCommand(object source,

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Forms Data Controls :: Setting The Selectedvalue Where The Result Of The Query Is Null?

Aug 20, 2010

I have a query that references many tables, however the main record doesnt necessarily have records in the other tables. In my formview itemtemplate, i bind the values of the query but I'm getting an obvious error when the value is null. This is what I'm trying to do: (the field is a boolean btw). These fields are hidden so I don't really care if it gets assigned a temp value or something.


Error: BC30452: Operator '=' is not defined for types 'Object' and 'System.DBNull'.

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Forms Data Controls :: Null Reference Exception Was Not Handled By User?

Sep 2, 2010

Null Reference Exception was not handled by user Object Reference not set to instance of an object

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Forms Data Controls :: Null Reference Exception In Grid View?

May 19, 2010

i have null reference exception in grid view, in the

string s = ((Label)GridView1.FindControl("Label6")).Text;

i tryed this to e.Values["EventId"].ToString()

but still the some why is that?

the full code :


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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Update Not Working / Giving Null Object Reference Error?

Jan 14, 2010

I have a gridview,when i do it is giving me null object reference error.

I am posting my code for your reference -


My gridview code is -


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Data Controls :: Check For NULL Values Sum And Display Values In GridView Cells

Apr 3, 2013

i am using a gridview in my web page,i used to bind the database records to the columns are name,empid,company name,pl leave,sl leave,total leave taken here total leave taken is not a database fields,in the page i want to fill the records once loaded pl leave and sl leave is added and display in the total leave taken working properly when all pl ans sl columns fill with numbers,if some pl and sl leave having blank showing an error like input sting was not in correct format..this is my code


<asp:BoundField DataField="slno" HeaderText="SerialNo"
SortExpression="slno" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="ecode" HeaderText="Employee Code"
SortExpression="empcode" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="ename" HeaderText="Employee Name"


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Forms Data Controls :: Formview Insert Adds All Null Values - Update Doesn't Update Values

Apr 12, 2010

I have a typical gridview/formview master control setup. When I try to update or insert I don't get any errors but it also doesn't work. When I try to insert data all I get are null values and when I update, none of the values are updated. The formview looks like its working, but just doesn't. The primary key is an identity and it auto-increments by one.


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Forms Data Controls :: Insertion Of Null Values Using VB

Aug 4, 2010

I am having real trouble at the moment trying to input NULL values into a field. what I want is, using VB, the ability to insert into parameters NULL values.

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Forms Data Controls :: Setting Values Before An Update In Detailsview Not Working?

Nov 23, 2010

Background: I open a page that has a detailsview control using Accessdatasource. It is automatically opened with the row I want to update as I get there by passing the key as a URL parm. The update works for all fields except 2 template fields I added. I added a field for update date and updated by which I want the code to populate in the code behind so the user does not enter it. I have the same login on another page using an insert and it works fine. I cannot figure out what is wrong on the update and I tried everything. The code behind is in the OnItemUPdating event. code behind:

protected void set_update_date(Object sender, EventArgs e)
TextBox tbdate = (TextBox)DetailsView1.FindControl("TextBox_update");


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Forms Data Controls :: Setting Default Values For A Column In A Girdview?

Jan 31, 2011

I have a gridview which I use to add items through the footer and the EmptyDataTemplate. There is a date field. I want to set the default of it to the current system date.

gridview template code is as follows...


Empty data template code is as follows...


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Forms Data Controls :: Default And Null Values When Inserting?

Nov 18, 2010

have a form where I insert record via DetailView control. I have some string fields. For each string field (nvarchar in sql) I have defined the Default Value in the SQL SERVER (2008) as ''. Also I have added to each InsertParameter of the DetailsView a DefaultValue="".Yet still, if the user enters no value for one of the string fields, NULL is inserted into the table.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Handle Null Values In While Loop

Apr 16, 2010

i am unable to handle null values in while .even i tried to handle condition is breaking and coming null value comming inside loop.


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Forms Data Controls :: Passing Null Values To ObjectDataSource

Jan 4, 2011

This is an ASP.NET 3.5 web app written in C# using VS2008 and connecting to an MS SQL backend. It is using ad hoc queries in a strongly typed dataset to pull from the database. This query (shortened for clarity) is designed to allow optional input of parameters (a requirement) or pull all records if no parameters are input. It works normally in SQL Server Management Studio with the addition of Declare and Set statements and it works normally in the TableAdapter's Query Builder:


The markup contains this ObjectDataSource, which is tied to the TableAdapter with the above query:


The problem I'm having is in passing null values to the ODS to feed to the query. Tying the ODS parameters directly to the dropdownlists and textboxes didn't work. Got an error message that there was a mismatched data type. Tried several combinations of code to feed the right values to the ODS parameters but couldn't find one that worked. Is the problem in the query or am I setting up the code-behind wrong? Here's the code:


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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Non-visible Values Always Go To Null?

Jun 24, 2010

Whenever you turn off the visibility of a column in Gridview, on Edit, the value becomes null because its never bound. The only way I know of stopping this behavoir is to put it in the DataKeyName list. Is there any other way to prevent this? I have quite a few columns that will not be displayed in this "release" but I want there for future extensibility. Also, in some cases these values will be used for calculations but the user should not see them. Is there no toggle property for "non-visible" items to remain "unchanged" or something of the sort?

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Forms Data Controls :: DataBinder.Eval And Null Values?

Aug 16, 2010

I have a hiddenfield in my datalist .....and its databinded like this

<asp:HiddenField ID="SecondLevelCategory" runat="server" Value='<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "SecondLevelID") %>' />

the problem arise when this datacolumn in my database have a null value, it throws an error can I get this to work so that DataBinder.Eval can take a null value?

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Forms Data Controls :: Old Values Populated As Null From ListView?

Mar 28, 2010

m using a listview and an object data source in my application, with optimistic concurrency control.i have only 2 columns in the listview: category_ID and category_name;when i try to delete an item, an error message is generated saying that one of the old values populated by the list view is null, i performed debugging, and found that the category_ID old value is populated correctly, while the category_name old value is populated as nulli can't find a problem in the code, i executed the delete command in the query builder directly and it worked fine,

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Forms Data Controls :: Formview Data - Pulling Data From A SQL Database In Cases The Rows Contain One Or More Null Values

Feb 1, 2011

Using a class component, an Object data source and a formview I am successfully pulliing data from a SQL database. In some cases the rows contain one or more Null values and I would like them to be ignored completely. My simple code follows:-

<%# Eval("add_1") & ","%>
<%# Eval("Add_2") & ","%>
<%# Eval("Add_3") & ","%>


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