Forms Data Controls :: Have A GridView Using LINQ And Need To Do Pagination And Sorting?
Sep 9, 2010I have a GridView using LINQ and I need to do pagination and sorting.
View 2 RepliesI have a GridView using LINQ and I need to do pagination and sorting.
View 2 Replieson my WebApplication I have GridViews filled with a LinQ-Query. Like this
Dim teamA = (From t
In datacontext10.T_TEAM
Where =
By t.sort)
GridViewA.DataSource = teamA
Now I want do enable automated Sorting and Paging? How could that work? Could I use a ObjectDataSource? Which control could do that for me?
Moderators Note: THIS ISSUE IS BIG FOR ME AND EVEN IF POSSIBLE, GET THE REPLY FROM THE DESIGNER OF GRIDVIEW. I have been looking for him for long. I am really fed up with reviewing a good lot of web pages on how we can possibly customize the gridview to enable sorting and paging. So many sites have listed out a lot of information and so many guidances. But the problem is that one works out fine and the other is a burden. I really feel bad about being given the job of customizing this kind of a gridview which has no user friendly approach to it. Also, this control is rendered without the pager links inside the <tfoot> tag. I have tried the Pear Pager in php. It is that good and easy to use and compared to that, the gridview in is the worst ever control i have ever tried so far.
1. i can use the images to indicate the sorting direction
2. I can have the custom pager like
<<Previous 1 2 3 .. 7 Next >>.
When i click the next when i am viewing the page at 3 , the pager links should change as
<<Previous 2 3 4 .. 7 Next >>
Kindly look into this type of requirement and firstly tell me whether this is possible with the gridview control. I would like this request even to be escalated to the designers of the gridview control also, so that Microsoft comes out with a reply THAT WORKS and not the kind of stuff like surfing through a lot of links and pages and finally wasting a lot of days precious time and still breaking the head with this useless control. I have spent a lot of time in searching for a perfect way. Not writing a code that is non-standard. I am really serious b'cos I have spent weeks in customizing this control. If I dont get a solid reply atleast now, I am going to generate all the output by HTML content by custom coding.
I have Gridview control which bind data from LINQ datacontext object which use store procedure. sort the gridview using LINQ datacontext object which use store procedure.
View 3 RepliesI am trying to hook up custom pagination with an ObjectDataSource to my GridView. However, this thing renders no data, but does render the column headers. The debugger clearly indicates a populated DataTable being returned.
I started learning LINQ, So i thought of just creating gridview with sorting and paging using objectdatasource using LINQ. So i got this link
[URL] which Brian Orrel tell us how to do using IQueryable Interface. but i have nearly 300 lines of stored procedure which joins nearly 20 tables. so i thought of creating a stored procedure and using that instead of IQuerytable.
my gridview shows multiple repeated pages for one page and I dont know from where come the problemand im treating the event of the paging well
Protected Sub GridView1_PageIndexChanging(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As GridViewPageEventArgs)
GridView1.PageIndex = e.NewPageIndex
If lstCustomer.Visible = True Then
I have created a website that has some gridview controls that call stored procedures in a SQL db and display the results of the procedures. Two of the gridview controls have sorting enabled, and one has pagination enabled.
The site loads for all users who have tried it so far.
However, one user gets a "webpage not found" (HTTP 400 Bad request) error whenever they click on the pagination links or sorting links on the gridview control. It seems like it's not a security issue because the website runs as a user with permission to the database.
I have the following questions regarding pagination in a gridview.. First as a beginner i used default pagination for all my gridviews..
After checking out some articles on performance they all focus on custom pagination...
Is it a bad practice to use default pagination of a gridview? When to use custom pagination over default pagination in a gridview?
I have been chasing this erorr all day and coming up blank. I created a stored proceudre(fairly complicated logic), added it to the context, and set the return type to a specific entity type.
It generated this:
public ISingleResult<ServiceTemplate> usp_ServiceTemplateSelectByFkID([Parameter(Name="FkId", DbType="Int")] System.Nullable<int> FkId)
IExecuteResult result = this.ExecuteMethodCall(this, ((MethodInfo)(MethodInfo.GetCurrentMethod())), FkId);
return ((ISingleResult<ServiceTemplate>)(result.ReturnValue));
I call it from my service with the following method:
public ISingleResult<ServiceTemplate> GetByFkId(int FkId)
return Db.usp_ServiceTemplateSelectByFkId(FkId);
I have tested the stored procedure and it returns the results I want. When I make the service call from the controller, it doesn't error out, however, it should return 4 records in this instance and instead, it returns the same 4 records (repeating the first record 4 times).
In addition, in my controller code, I am using the MVCContrib ToPagedList() method which doesn't appear to work with the ISingleResult interface (forward only cursor, I'm guessing). I have attempted converting the service results to IQuery, List, and Array, however, I still have the problem with the first record being repeated 4 times.
How to implement bootstrap pagination in gridview c#....
View 1 RepliesAccording below thread I used pagination for gridview
[URL] .....
here it shows paging like below
1 2 3 4 5 ... Last
and when I click on 5 again it shows
1 2 3 4 5 ... Last
I want when I click on 5 it shows like below:
5 6 7 8 9 ... Last
how I can do it?
I have a grid bound to a linqed SP thus:
Session["results"] = db.spGetCaseByNumberOrSurname(txtCaseNum.Text.Trim(), null).ToList();
gvResults.DataSource = Session["results"];
on the sorting of it, i would like to be able to do this..
protected void gvResults_Sorting(object sender, GridViewSortEventArgs e)
string sortExpression = e.SortExpression;
List<spGetCaseByNumberOrSurnameResult> data = Session["results"] as List<spGetCaseByNumberOrSurnameResult>;
if (sd == SortDirection.Ascending)
sd = SortDirection.Descending;
gvResults.DataSource = data.OrderBy(d => d.GetType().GetProperty(sortExpression));
sd = SortDirection.Ascending;
gvResults.DataSource = data.OrderByDescending(d => d.GetType().GetProperty(sortExpression));
sadly that doesnt do any sorting at in fact errors with "The data source does not support server-side data paging."
i use these code to paging my grid view
here pagination is like this
First 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 Last
I want my pagination be like this Previouse 1,2,3,..
Next, I mean if i have more than 3 page it shows like above and when i click on next it show like this
Previouse 4,5,6,.. Next
It has been more than 2 days since I had started searching for the answer and I still don't know how to do it.
I have empty gridview that is filled with data depending of the parameters given. The gridview is used to track changes user had made to the database.
In the first dropdown list the user selects from which table (or all tables) to display the data. From the second dropdown list the user selects from which column (or all columns) of the previously selected table to display data. In the first textbox the user enters the search term and in the third and fourth textboxes the user enters the date range in which the changes occurred.
After clicking button the data within the given parameters should be displayed. The problem is that data is displayed fine, but I can't manage to get sorting and paging to work so if possible, give concrete answer because I'm pretty sure I googled one half of the web during these 2 days. :)
Here is the code for the .aspx file:
Here is the codebehind:
To sum everything up... My question is: "How to enable sorting and paging for this code?"
I have been asked to replace DATAGRID with GRIDVIEW on WEBFORM1.ASPX. For Pagination, I am having problem due to lack of knowledge to replace page 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 8, 0 with NEXT , PREV like I did it for DATAGRID. Have to use NEXT and PREV because the GRIDVIEW Pagesize = 20 while the rows from the TBLSALESTRANSACTION exceeded 350rows
View 6 RepliesI got a web page, it has a tabcontainer, within each tab, there will be a gridview, all the tabs and gridview are created at run-time, i have only one code, that I will loop through to create all those tabs and gridview. When I apply the sorting, and I click on the column name on any grid, it returned an error saying index was out of bound. BUT, when there is only ONE grid view created, it is working fine, I suspect it mixed up all the grid view's id and so on. But I have assigned different ID to gridview
View 8 RepliesI'd like to sort a gridview using linkbuttons situated outside the gridview. For instance :
I have the gridview inside another gridview, i want to sort that both gridviews, I don't know how to achieve using 3.5 visual studio 2008 c# code behind. Following are my aspx page,
AutoGenerateColumns="False" AllowSorting="True"
EmptyDataText="No Records To Display"
Text="<img id='upimg' src='Styles/Images/appschg.gif'/>"
id="<%#Eval("code") %>"
OnSorting="Gdclmline1_Sorting" BorderColor="Green"
OnRowEditing="Gdclmline1_RowEditing" Font-Names="Verdana"
OnRowUpdating="Gdclmline1_RowUpdating" PageSize="1000"
EmptyDataText="No Records To Display"
Text='<%#Bind("phone") %>'> </asp:Label>
Text='<%#Bind("address1") %>'> </asp:Label>
/> <PagerStyle
/> <HeaderStyle
/> </asp:GridView>
that aspx page contains gridview that contain one more gridview inside in it.Now i want to sort out both the grid i.e)claimgrid and Gdclmline1 i want code in c#.
I'm trying to extend the GridView control to enable sorting and paging for any situation.
When using my control I am fetching data from a database and filling a DataSet with it, then binding the GridView upon every page load. My first question would be, is this the correct approach?
To sort the GridView I am overriding the OnSorting method which stores the sort expression and direction in the ViewState, then creates a DataView and utalises the Sort method to sort the underlying data. It then sets the Data Source to this DataView and rebinds the GridView.
Paging is handled by OnPageIndexChanging which simply sets the PageIndex property and again rebinds the GridView.
My problem is; when any control causes a postback my GridView is no longer sorted, presumably because it is persistently rebound. If I don't rebind it then the GridView is empty on postback since the data isn't automatically stored in the ViewState. I have considered saving the data source in the ViewState but I would assume that this is bad practice for large amounts of data? - also DataViews are not seralisable.
The only solution I can think of currently is to override OnDataBound and sort the data every time. This results in a double sort when paging triggers a postback which seems inefficient. Code illustration of this below,
I'm looking for the cleanest 'best practice' solution as this is a learning exercise more than anything else.
I am using GridView to display data using BLL
Grid view in my aspx file:
I'm trying to sort GridView but I have problem with converting DataSource to DataTable. Object of DataTable is empty. I don't know how to convert it.Do you have any ideas? Here is my code:
private void SortGridView(string sortExpression, string direction)
DataTable dt = GridViewDzialania.DataSource as DataTable;
DataView dv = new DataView(dt);
dv.Sort = sortExpression + direction;
GridViewDzialania.DataSource = dv;
i have a grid view can any one tell how to apply sorting in it
View 2 RepliesI set Allowsorting="true" but sorting is not working in my GridView.Here is code of aspx page:
I have a single gridview and multple objectDataSources. Based on the user's input I bind the correct objectDataSource to the gridview in the OnClick handler when they click 'search'. ThegridView/ObjectDataSource have customPaging enabled and all that works, but I can't get the sorting to work. The sorting works when I have 1 ODS dedicated to 1 GV, but since it is set on the fly, no dice. It complains that I need to have a 'GridView1_Sorting' event. I think the answer lies in some how sorting the data inside of the ODS programmatically, but I don't know.
View 4 Replies