Forms Data Controls :: How To Insert Data To Gridiew Without Using Datasource[means Temp Data]

Oct 18, 2010

in one on my page i am using to add the data from popup window to grid view without using the backend means databasethis is my popup window code



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No Invalid Port



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No Invalid Port Start No EndNo



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Text="Assign Filter Criteria" CausesValidation="true"></asp:LinkButton>

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DataSource Controls :: Can Not Insert The Data?

Jul 22, 2010

I'm using the following C# code to insert the data from my webform. I'm trying to add additional information inside the SQL server database which holds the information about my memebership system.I added a table to it with the following fields:UserId (F.k) , FirstName, LastName, StudentId, Status.My user does get created however my additional data doesn't get inserted.I recive no errors, so I really don't know what I'm doing wrong.Here is my C# code:


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Jun 14, 2010

I have a simple contact info webform with some validation rules developed in VS2010 that inserts a row in a SQL 2005 Express db.

However it does not always insert a row. (does for me !) There are no errors reported either in the browser or in the event log.

how I can narrow down the cause?

My code is faily simple. Basically the button calls the Insert command in the SqlDatasourcce , as generated through VS I do have one piece of code that forwards the user to a new page once the form is fillied in.


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DataSource Controls :: Insert Data Into Two Tables With Sql?

Feb 17, 2010

I have a details view form inserting data into one table successfully with no problems and picking up the ID parameter from a session.

What i would like to do is one insert SOME of the fields NOT ALL get inserted into another table.

Table 1 = course

table 2 = matrixoneantwo

I tried creating a datasource which inserted data into Matrixoneanttwo and called it from the detailsview_inserting event (sqldatasource.insert() but then i realised that this data source is seperate to my current one and therefore cannot use its parameters.

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Mar 5, 2010

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For this, which is the best way to do. Can we read and insert data into respective fields in no time.

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Apr 18, 2010

I have a web project with more than 100 input boxes , so in every INSERT and UPDATE to sql server in front of sql statement I must put the golden N word, so it will be in UNICODE mode. Do we have some alternative of this? How can i make it in EVERY UPDATE and INSERT to sql server in data layer level- make it like u insert UNICODE (without N word) How can you get MSSQL server to accept Unicode data by default into a VARCHAR or NVARCHAR column?

I know that you can do it by placing a N in front of the string to be placed in the field but to by quite honest this seems a bit archaic in 2008 and particuarily with using SQL Server 2005. Example:

cmd = New SqlCommand(sql, ConnectionFromEnum(whichDatabase))
i = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()


the question is : Am I suppose to make something with SQLCOMMAND to set- "enter evthng like it is UNICODE, with N auto"? or i must specify UNICODE by default in somewhere else? just to indicate that i already set in web.config

<globalization requestEncoding="utf-8" responseEncoding="utf-8" fileEncoding="utf-8" responseHeaderEncoding="UTF-8" culture="en-GB"/>

So global questions HOW TO MAKE INSERT AND UPDATE Unicode by default in every insert and update methods, without placing N word in front of literal string?

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Feb 11, 2010

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like user registration form filelds in sql db table

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how to do that?

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Nov 8, 2010

What is the correct code syntax to insert Row of Data.

How do we remove the syntax errors (i.e., '>' expected, and 'declaration expected')?

What is the correct code?

Read example, below:


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DataSource Controls :: Insert Data In Xml Format In Sqldatabase Particular Field?

Jul 8, 2010

i wants to insert below all the data in a sql table called studentbackup in a single field called descfield and retrive the information

through parsing.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?><studentbkup>
<studMstrDetails version = "0">

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