Forms Data Controls :: Insert DetailsView Dont Show Read-only Data After Insert?
May 7, 2010
I have a problem with DetailsView linked with Database, DetailsView is Insert/Edit enabled, and adding/ediditng data works, however........ when I add a new record (DetailsView in Insert mode) and press INSET instead going to record I have just created in Read-Only Mode it shows me blank form, it looks that the "linking" field is null.
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Jan 17, 2010
I have some ImageField in my DetailsView and when I changed it to Insert mode then ImageField is also became the textbox that allow you to type something, and my question is how I can make ImageField to be read only when I changed DetailsView to Insert mode?
<asp:DetailsView ID="dvNew" runat="server" AutoGenerateRows="False"
AllowPaging="true" DataKeyNames="ID"
DataSourceID="DataSourceNew" Width="600px" Font-Bold="False" AutoGenerateInsertButton="True" >
<asp:BoundField DataField ="name" SortExpression ="name" HeaderStyle-ForeColor="Black" > </asp:BoundField>
<asp:ImageField DataImageUrlField="Image1Path" NullDisplayText="No Image"
ReadOnly="True" ItemStyle-Height="250" ItemStyle-HorizontalAlign="Center"
ItemStyle-VerticalAlign="Middle" ItemStyle-Width="250" >
In my code file
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
DataSourceNew.Selected += new SqlDataSourceStatusEventHandler(DataSourceNew_Selected);
protected void DataSourceNew_Selected(object sender, SqlDataSourceStatusEventArgs e)
if (e.AffectedRows == 0)
View 4 Replies
Jan 27, 2010
In my detailsview, I have an emptydatatemplate set up to allow users to enter new records. The code works. However, once the record is inserted, the detailsview defaults to a standard insert screen. I know this will cause confusion for the users. I would prefer the detailsview to either show in edit mode or a read-only mode. I have used detailsview.changemode and detailsview.currentmode in the custom sub created for the add new button of the emptydatatemplate- neither of which do what I was hoping. It would be even better if when there was no data, it defaulted to the insert screen (which seems like that should be an easy, no-brainer way for .net to function) but it doesn't. Or, I don't know how to accomplish it.
I don't want to force the user to click cancel after inserting an item through the emptydatatemplate just to be able to use the detailsview for other records.
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Jan 12, 2010
I have a gridview and detailsview that are connected. When I delete records everything works fine except when I delete the last record in the gridview. I want the detailsview to revert to insert mode when I delete the last row in the gridview. Instead the detailsview shows up blank. I want to show the detailsview in insert mode after last row in grid has been deleted? How can do I this?
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Jan 10, 2011
PLZ find below my transaction. i feel that something is wrong in those lines especially in the insert in the table BARCOD0F .the gridview dont show the new updates .i closed the page and relaunch everthing but the updates are not considered
at the first sight my code is right???
View 3 Replies
Apr 18, 2010
Is it possible to code DetailsView to go to the new record I've just insertted? Currently it appears to default to the first record, utlimatly I'd like it sorted Last name, first name and upon an Insert it should go to that new record on pageload.
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Mar 23, 2010
I am using DetailsView to INSERT new records. I have a field "Paid Date"(date) that needs to be pre-populated with the current date. 90% of the time, the user will use the default date, however, there are times when the user will need to change the data as needed. I want to add this default in the code-behind. I DO NOT want to use template item.
View 3 Replies
Mar 13, 2010
public static int Insertclient(
int Cod_client,
string Nom,
string Tel,
string Adresse)
2- InsertClient.aspx.cs:
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Collections;
3- Database:
4- clientDetailsView :
5 - My request :
When cod_client already exisits , i want to mention that in result message.
View 6 Replies
Oct 18, 2010
I figure that this should be relatively straightforward, but I still can't get it to work. I have a gridview and a detailsview to set up shifts for students and teachers. I would like to be able to insert new shifts using a detailsview. I will limit the students, teachers and location to items that are in a dropdownlist. The problem is that when I handle the iteminserting event. the e.values collection doesn't contain all of the fields I want to populate. How do I add the new fields to the list. This is my codebehind:
Sub On_Inserting(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As DetailsViewInsertEventArgs)
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Oct 13, 2010
I have a detailsview in insert mode. I want to prompt the user to enter data in all fields, if left empty. Could someone please find a few minutes to show me how to do it?
View 2 Replies
Apr 25, 2010
I have a dropdownlist in the edititemtemplate of a detailsview. The dropdownlist is bound with an objectdatasource. The detailsview is bound to a seperate objectdatasource which connects it to the insert method. When the page loads the dropdownlist is bound properly. However, when I make a selection and select insert I get the following error: Could not find a property named 'DeptID' on the type specified by the DataObjectTypeName property in ObjectDataSource 'objCurrentProduct'. I've tried to remove the SelectedValue='<%# Bind("DeptID") %> attribute. I can then insert without an exception being thrown but the selected value of the dropdown is not recognized. Here is the code:
View 2 Replies
Oct 30, 2010
Scenario : I have two database tables with one to many relationship. eg:- City and Related news. So I have a gridview(Gridview1) which lists out all the cities and allows edit, delete of the gridview rows. Now since i wanted to display all news for the city, i have a nested gridview as a column in this Gridview1. This nested gridview displays all the news for the cities. And I have edit, delete buttons for this gridview too - So far, good - works fine.
Now what I would like to do is - To insert a new news item for a city. For this, I attached a detailsview to my nested grid(gridview2), and tried to insert. I need the primary key id of city table from the first grid (gridview1) to insert the news into the second database table and I could not access this value from the parent gridview. My gridview1 does not have datakeyname, it is programatically bound.
Also, When the gridview/detailsview is nested, it does not get listed in the event-handler list. So I cannot use say, detailsview1_iteminserting. I do not how to add this event handler
Has anybody done anything similar? When I started, it looked like a pretty straightforward thing - There must be some way to do this. But I just can't get it to work. How do you usually insert into the child table in a one-to-many relationship? Should i just be using two separate gridviews?
View 5 Replies
Oct 26, 2010
I'm inserting data into a SQL database through a detailsview. When a user inserts an incorrect data type or leaves a required field blank it shoots off to a big error screen. Is there a control that I can use that will allow it to give an error (with a little star or something) that says which field is incorrect without the big error screen?
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Dec 24, 2010
'' I try to add an TemplateField to my DetailsView control with calander control, in all modes. but can only add it to cell(0).how can i insert in the middle of the row?
Dim tmpfld As New TemplateField
Dim c As Calendar = New Calendar()
View 4 Replies
Aug 25, 2010
i have a detailsview in insert mode and that is bound to objectdatasource. now the class that is attached to objectdatasource is :
here ResturantId value has to be in session or from Dropdownlist and rest of the value from Detailview. So how to assign that value?
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Nov 17, 2010
How do I set the value of a field in a detailsview to the selectedvalue of a gridview on the same page? I am also trying to set today date as value of another field in the detailsview as well as UserID. I wrote the following codebehind for the date setting:
TextBox tb = (TextBox)DetailsView2.FindControl("TextBoxCreDate");
TextBoxCreDate is a template field in my DetailsView.
Unfortunately, I get a Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Error message.
View 4 Replies
Nov 19, 2010
I'm looking to find some command or control that will change fields in a detailsview insert a 0 if there was no data inserted into them. Some example code from my boundfield is:
<asp:BoundField DataField="Assignment_Travel_Time"
View 3 Replies
Oct 8, 2010
My web form contains a detailsview control that I have added a templated field to with a DropDownList in the InsertItemTemplate. The DetailsView default mode is 'insert. My detailsview is attached to a sqldatasource that has a stored procedure in the db to handle the insert. When I enter data in the fields and select insert all values from the detailsview are written to the table except for the selection that was made in the dropdownlist. I am using the ddl.selecteditem.value to populate my variable however when the insert method is envoked it doesn't send my value. The DDL value that I am capturing does not need to be written to the table it is just a flag for some variables that need to be set at the stored proc level. How do I get the DDL selected value to be sent with the insert statement?
Here is my code behind:
DropDownList1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender
ByVal e
As System.EventArgs)
Dim temp
As DropDownList
Dim AccessLevel
temp = AddUserDetailsView.FindControl("DropDownList1")End
AccessLevel = temp.SelectedItem.Value
Label1.Text = AccessLevel
View 2 Replies
Mar 6, 2010
I am using 1 textbox with a Ajax Calendar extender to allow my user's to select a date graphically (exp: 12/15/2009). I have another textbox for the hour and minutes in military time(exp: 15:30). I think i have the code to grab the data from the 2 textbox's and combine them to be inserted into the field (exp: 12/15/2009 15:30). Here is my insert code for the Field:
However unless I make all the fields Nullable the insert fails, on top of that none of the other field that I have selected on the Detailsview Insert or Edit are inserted into there fields. Half of my fields have to be non-null values. So how do I fix this?
I can supply additional vb code and the aspx code if needed.
This is the error I'm getting: Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'Operation_type', table '/GAOSDB.MDF.dbo.BC_Perf_Log'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails. The statement has been terminated.'
This is the first non-null column.
I need to get this figured out because I have 30 other web pages that will be utilizing the same approach.
View 4 Replies
Feb 1, 2010
I have got a detailsview in my webpage that inserts an item into a database when I click the insert button.
Once this button is clicked, the detailsview dissapears. Why it does this I don't know.
Some of my code:
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Jan 19, 2011
I guess I'm not sure exactly how or where to do what I need.
First off - here's what I need - - when the user clicks on the NEW button in the detailsView, I have the captured in a variable and I need to set one of the textboxes (InsertItemTemplate) named 'txtNew' to that name.
I've tried using the ModeChanging (and ModeChanged) event:
dv As
TextBox =
If (e.NewMode =
Then ....
However, no matter what, 'dv' always shows as 'Nothing', so I can't change the text of it.
Where do I put the logic and what am I missing?
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Jun 23, 2010
GirdView and DetailsView in defautl.aspx. When i insert a new record using detailsview it works and gridview is updated. But i want jump to the right page in gridview after importing the record. How can i highlight the new row imported record in Girdview. I use ajax so gridview and detailsview are in updatepanel.
View 4 Replies
Dec 6, 2010
This would seem to be quite a trivial task, however I am having trouble retrieving the identity of the record inserted using the detailsview.insert() in the code behind. It would seem that detailsview.DataKey.Value would contain this value, but it is null after the insert is performed.
View 4 Replies
Jun 10, 2010
A TemplateField of a DetailsView can be assigned a value easily at any of many event handlers such as Load, PreRender, etc. when the page is loaded. However, after Insert or Cancel is clicked, all the fields are cleared. I cannot figure out how to assign a value to the field again in code-behind.
View 4 Replies
Aug 13, 2010
I wonder if there is a clevcer way of setting the correct page of a DetailsView after inserting new data? I have a DetailsView bound to a LinqDataSoure. Now, if I use this DetailsView to insert new data, everything works fine, except the fact that the DetailsView switches back to the "old" page index after leaving InsertMode.
This is somehow understandable, because it can't know which index the new entry will have, but unfortunately neither do I. So I was looking to the LinqDataSource_Inserted event where I can get the new Entry, but because the DetailsView.SelectedValue is read only, I can't just set it to the new entry. So. I might have to use the PageIndex property, but then I would need to know the index of the new Item, which I don't have either.
So, my only idea know is to store some information from the new entry, wait until everythings bound again, loop through the DetailsView to find my new entry an set it's index for PageIndex. But also here I have two problems:
1) The new entry (e.Result from LinqDataSource_Inserted) has not yet filled it's primary key, as this is of course created in the DB, so it's very difficult to identify the new entry properly
2) I don't know how to access each DetailsView page information without actually making it the active page.
So, my question, is there a clever way of doing this? In the past, I've been using SqlDataSource. Although the problem is basically the same, I could solve the two major problems by 1) Insert with Stored procedure which gives the new primary key back and 2) run through
to compare the keys. Both I can't get to work with LinqDataSource.
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