DataSource Controls :: Insert Data In Xml Format In Sqldatabase Particular Field?

Jul 8, 2010

i wants to insert below all the data in a sql table called studentbackup in a single field called descfield and retrive the information

through parsing.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?><studentbkup>
<studMstrDetails version = "0">

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DataSource Controls :: Post Web Form Data To Sqldatabase

Jun 7, 2010

What backend c# code should I use to post data (i.e., First Name, Last Name) to sql database? Here is the web form code, below:


Here is the backend c# code, below:


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Forms Data Controls :: Store Format Or Format Output Of Text Field Into Datalist

Mar 29, 2011

I have a text field that users enter information into a database (SQL Server). They are entering as little as a few sentances to multiple paragraphs. I can successfully display the data on my webpage, but the text field is not formatted very nicely. The output is all smashed together like one big paragraph. Ironically, when I also display the text as a tool tip it outputs as multiple paragraphs like it was entered. How can I format the output in the datalist to create a more readable text field? My datalist field is as follows:

<asp:Label id="WebDescriptionLabel" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("WebDescription") %>' ForeColor="Brown" />

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DataSource Controls :: Where To Find The Northwind Database And Add To Sqldatabase

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DataSource Controls :: Null Being Place In SQLdatabase Istead Of Information?

Jul 8, 2010

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DataSource Controls :: Insert Row Only When A Certain Field Is Unique?

Jan 3, 2010

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DataSource Controls :: How To Insert Date And Time To Datetime Field

Apr 10, 2010

how do i insert date and time together ? what is the format for this. i tried like this but its not working.

string startDtime = TextFromDate.Text + " " + Stime;
is this the right way ? dd/mm/yyy +" "+ 00:00
or i need to make a string that contain this : dd/mm/yyy00:00
its not writing any eror it just do nothing .

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DataSource Controls :: Insert A Picture Into An Image Field PictureBinary

May 29, 2010

How can we insert a picture into an image field PictureBinary?

how to do it in C# and/or T-SQL.

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DataSource Controls :: Insert DBNull Value Into Varchar 1 Null Field

Aug 12, 2010

My database includes a table with sever filds which are defined as (varchar(1),null), I tried using DBNull.Value, null, ' ' but cannot get a null inserted in that field of the database,


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Forms Data Controls :: Insert On Details View Causes Error Cant Insert Null Into Primary Key Field?

May 22, 2010

I am using Visual studio 2010 express and I have a details view databinded to an sql database table. When I use the Insert option on the view it causes an error due to it trying to insert a null into the primary key field. If the Insert function does not create a new primary key entry how is it created?

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DataSource Controls :: Insert ID Field Into SQL Table Programatically From Stored Procedure?

Oct 6, 2010

I have a table in SQL where I insert data (CatCodes) using C# code but I want to insert ID code (DealerID) with it as well. Following is my Stored Procedure and C# code:




As you can see, I am insering CatCode values in Categories table using string cbspecialities.

How can I insert DealerID the same way? DealerID is automatically generated in tblDealers table when "InsertExternalInfo" asp.SqlDataSource control runs "InfoInsert" SP.


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DataSource Controls :: Insert Into A Table Based On Another Tables Numeric Operator Field

Nov 11, 2010

I have a insert into statement thats inserting my numbers from a numeric text box on my aspx page. I am choosing the Amount Type then putting in a a number.

So i have a drop down that i select example Direct Charge then i enter 600.00 and click add it puts that in to the databse for me woot..

I then put in say Misc Credit and enter 200.00 it inserts in that into the database woot.

The look up table that has my amount types has a field called numeric opperator which is either + or - the Credit being a - and the Charge being a + then my stored procedure takes all my + numbers and adds them up and subtracts all the - numbers.

I want to change that so that it actuall be inserted into the table as a - number form the start. So I want choose Misc Credit enter 200.00 and click add then my event says o yea thats a credit insert 200.00 as -200.00

How can I do that?


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DataSource Controls :: Stored Procedure To Insert Value From A Text Field Into 2 Fields In Two Different Tables?

Mar 31, 2010

I want to insert username and password into two tables (say table1 as well as table 2) using stored procedure.

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DataSource Controls :: Insert Empty Time To A Datetime Field Instand Of 1988/xx/xx?

May 14, 2010

I have trouble of saving "no time" to a datetime field in my db by using objectdatasource.I am using a formview to insert new record by an insert method in an objectdatasource.


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DataSource Controls :: Insert A Date From Excel Sheet To Sql Server 2005 DateTime Field.

Jan 25, 2010

I want to read date field from Excel sheet and insert it into SQL Server2005.When I read date field it gives me a number say '40160' when the date feild is "08/01/2010"

How should to Read a date field from Excel Sheet Cells?

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DataSource Controls :: Format A Date Field In DataView.RowFilter To Consider Date Only - Not Time

Jan 27, 2010

I am filtering dataview using my Date Column but the result is not proper because the Field value also stores time, so I want to convert this Date Field to only Date during Filter. How can I achieve this? Here is my code. And the actual value I am getting in the Dataset Field "CreationDate" is a DateTime field which is like

2010-01-21 14:35:25.203
2010-01-22 12:55:18.033
2010-01-26 12:10:06.990

But I only want to neglet time value and want to compare Date only.


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DataSource Controls :: Retrieving And Storing Date Information To Database / Unable To Insert A New Date As Same Format?

Apr 29, 2010

I have some issues about retrieveing and storing date information to my database (ms sql server 2005).My data column is a DateTime, and i have set my web.config globalization culture is set to "en-gb"

When i retrieve date from the datebase it appears as dd/MM/yy, that's fine. But i cannot insert a new date as same format?! It will only accept MM/dd/yy or yy/mm/dd.Right now i'm using this code to correct the error:


Is it possible to change the date format on the database or something, so i dont need to use this code?

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Forms Data Controls :: Format Date Field In Repeater?

Jan 14, 2010

How can I format my date field like this "Jan 6 @ 7:42 AM" from my date field. My present date field is in this format "1/6/2010 7:42:00 AM".

I am using this in my repeater control.

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Forms Data Controls :: Format Integer Field In Gridview?

Dec 23, 2010

I have a GridView that records can be added to.There are only 2 fields in the table that the records come from which are date field and an integer field.The date field is fine "as is".The problem is that you can't format the integer field.I have tried every way that I can think off.The last 2 ways that I have tried have used String.Format because I am using EVal and with Eval you can supply anoptional second parameter to specify a format for the returned string.I have tried in both html and code behind , html gives an error message but the code behind (code behindthe RowDataBound method) doesn't give an error message:In the html looks like:

<%# Eval(("inFrmDate").ToString(), String.Format("{G}")) %>


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Forms Data Controls :: Date Format In Bound Field Of Gridview

Mar 13, 2010

I'm hitting a wall trying to format a boundfield of a gridview. I've tried suggestion about setting the htmlencode to false, but that didn't make a difference.The column I am trying to format is:<asp:BoundField DataField="FromDate" HeaderText="Start Date" DataFormatString="{0:MM/dd/yyyy}" HtmlEncode="False" />

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Format Amount In 00,00,000.00 In Bound Field Of Gridview

Jan 11, 2011

to format Amount in 00,00,000.00 in Bound Field of gridview?

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Forms Data Controls :: Iterate Through Row Data From Sqldatabase In A Tab Container (with Tabs) On A Button Click

Feb 24, 2010

I have sqldatabase tables.I am reading table data and putting in a tabconatiner(wth tabs containing textbox, checkbox etc) specific to a client. If a client has more than one row i want to iterate through the rows and read each row data. Basically I want to use a button-click to read the next row data at put it in the tabs and so on. I used sqldatareader and a while loop.I can read the data but while loop iterates through the rows and show the last row data / i want to use a button to go to the next row and show data.

SqlDatareader reader=null;
protected button_Click(Object sender,EventsArgs e)
//I want to read row data in this button click

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Force Control Input Format In Decimal Field In GridView

Mar 6, 2010

when updating a decimal field in a GridView all is fine when using e.g. "2.3" ("." to separate the fraction!)

However, when using "2,3" I get e formatstring exception!

I tried "regularExpressionValidator/RequiredFieldvalidator" but did not succeed! Tried also with FormatString like {0:n}.....


is this controllable by "Culture / UICulture" in web.config (played with it without success!

How do I best check for correct input i.e. force "." as separator

Can I use the "DataFormatString" property for the appropriate GridView field (like {0:n}) ......


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Data Controls :: Insert Using GridView Into Auto Increment Field

Apr 1, 2013

I have a gridview with the serial no , I want to increment the serial no automatically when i insert new row

How can i ?

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