Forms Data Controls :: Need A Gridview Where By A User Will Click A Link In A Row And It Will React Like Another Row Below Expanding?
Feb 26, 2010
I need a Gridview where by a user will click a link in a row and it will react like another row below expanding. This expanded row will containa number of other controls including a gridview. I have seen this in action on the MSDN subscription website. I was wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction as I do not where to is a link to something similar to the MSDN version [URL]
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Feb 19, 2011
I have a gridview , with a column as Hyperlink.I have employee id in this column.When I click this employeeid, I want to go to another page, and load data based on the employee id.How can I know, which employee id, I clicked so that I can load data based on this employee id.Can I use event bubbling for this?
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Jan 24, 2011
through clicking the title from gridview it willl update the status of the lecture from 0 to 1
0 means new while 1 means already opened..
this is my code
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Sep 28, 2010
I have Web page that uses LinkButton control inside Template Fields of Gridview.I am trying to work on LinkButton Click event and trying to preserve the Value of LinkButton that user click, and based on that value, i want to refresh tha page data.
I used CommandName and CommandArgument property of Linkbutton, but i can use that property only in GridView_RowCommand method by checking e.CommandName expression. But the problem with that Gridview_RowCommand event fire after all other page_load activity. So the value never used in the page_load event to refresh the data in all other control.I also tried to use OnClick Method, Session variable and Hidden variable. but when i run Response.Redirect method from Gridview_RowCommand, it clear all the Session and Hidden variable values. also tried (Response.Redirect(,false)) method but never got success.
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Jan 27, 2011
I have a gridview.In that one column has linkbutton.When i click on Link Button for selected row,The row willdisplay data in next page.
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Mar 24, 2010
On daily basis, I am saving a file in my PC. The name of the file is same but with different date including date. What I required to just there should be a gridview with hyperlink button(Download File) columns like this:
ReportDate Extent Status HostedOn HostedBy
DownloadFile 24/Mar/2010 0700 Hrs Daily Not Added --
DownloadFile 23/Mar/2010 0700 Hrs Daily Added 23/Mar/2010 James
DownloadFile 22/Mar/2010 2100 Hrs Daily Added 22/Mar/2010 Mike
DownloadFile 22/Mar/2010 0700 Hrs Daily Added 22/Mar/2010 James
When user click "DownloadFile" button then it should go to particular folder in server and download file. he task is very important and urgent for me.
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Feb 21, 2011
so i have a gridview wherein there is a linkbutton ... when i click the linkbutton it will insert data to database...
View 2 Replies
Mar 2, 2011
Here is my requirement -
1. I need to load a user control on link click event of a link button during postback of aspx page.
2. On button click event of a save button on that aspx page, I need to read the selected values from that user control on further postback.
If I write the loadcontrol code in link_click event, the control is not recognized at all in the button_click event. When I shift it to page_init and execute only during not postback, the user control loads with default values.
View 1 Replies
May 25, 2010
I have a link button in my gridview. It is populating correctly; however, being I am populating the values in the gridview using "Eval()" method I don't know how to get the value of the selected Link Button (which is only selected by a user actually clicking
the Link Button).
The user can click on the text directly (instead of showing the "Select" auto created). I want to be able to capture the item they have clicked on's Text property.
Example:Column 1
When the click on "Value2" I want the text property to be stored in a string variable (In this case the text would be "Value2"). In the past I have captured this through GridView.SelectedValue; however, I am not using autopopulate selected button so I need to do this manually and I am unsure as to how I will do this.
Here is my code for HTML and I have not created any code for C# (I want to capture the item using C# in my Grd_Tables_SelectedIndexChanged Event)
View 7 Replies
Feb 4, 2010
I want , load user control when click gridview hyper link can i do that?
View 4 Replies
Aug 18, 2010
I have an accessdatasource that pulls several columns from my users table including [userID]. Then I have a gridview that displays all this information by autofilling the columns. Finally I have added a column that I want to link to viewUser.aspx?userID=####. The #### would of course be from the query.
Here's my column that I've added:
<asp:HyperlinkField datatextfield="View User"
target="_blank" />
This is my first time using this so I'm not sure what's wrong. I don't understand the '{0}' part and that's also where the problem lies. On the viewUser page when I print the querystring("userID") it just shows {0} as expected. How do I get my userID in there?
View 6 Replies
Dec 16, 2010
I have searched and have found master detail tutorials.found other sites with links to controls you have to buy but i thought some time back i saw a great tutorial on building this setup and it was somewhat pretty simple and detailed in steps.
Here is what im trying to do and maybe someone can point me in the right direction to links or suggestion on controls to use that may already exist that are free,We have a search page that i have setup to handle a number of different searches as well as differnet result views..we have 1 search that returns/needs to return alot of much for a gridview layout.Currently i have it setup to return to
a formview and paging each record.BUT at the moment,in our test server we have over 400 no one is going to page thru 400 the 2 methods used are not going to work for after meeting and discussing it.we want to see if the following can be accomplished in a practical way.
We want to setup the results to be returned initially in a gridview.. ( just a few key columns,kinda high level view ).then if you want to view details about any specific record,you can click on it or select it and the row is expanded to display the rest of the details.this will allow us to display all 400 records.25 or so per page of the gridview and allow them to chose what they want to see in more details.
Like i said i found a few examples online already,but not all of them are really detailed in the can anyone suggest a good source for accomplishing something like this.what would be cool.if possible is to open the formview that is already built under the selected record.kinda like CollapsiblePanelExtender that is within ajax
View 3 Replies
Oct 8, 2013
<a href="display.aspx?code=<%# Eval("code")%>"> click </a>
opening a new page with a parameter value as shown
a javascript with a url with any querystring is a normal.
i get the parameter  value in the Eval("code") only.
the new pages opens as a normal page and not as poup
View 1 Replies
Nov 16, 2010
I'm customizing a NopCommerce store, and am using a gridview to display and sort the products. All that works well. I like how the external pager (user control) works with the gridview, with one exception -- it uses the hyperlink control, so I lost viewstate, which I need to retain for both the search page and to retain the gridview sort options. Based on the page selected (from the pager control), I query the database and rebind the gridview. So, I switched the user control to use LinkButtons instead of Hyperlinks. This is the sample code for one of the buttons:
I set a breakpoint inside the lbCommandClick method, but it never gets hit. Reading other posts tells me that I would have to add the dynamic controls in the OnLoad method, but since this all happens based on other data on the page (say search results), I don't think I can do it onLoad. However, the link buttons do work to cause a postback, and my viewstate is saved correctly. The only problem is that I do not know which button was clicked. I could check Request.Params["__EVENTTARGET"] onLoad, but that is kind of a hack -- I'd much rather be able to set the event handler in the user control and use the CommandArgument property. But, what I have tried so far fails.
Especially one that would allow me to set the EventHandler in the User Control? (e.g. OnlbCommand="PagerLBPageChange" )
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Oct 29, 2010
Main Gridview[Code]....
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Dec 21, 2012
I am using Linkbutton inside the Repeater Control to display the paging ........and m calling Page change event on client click ....m attaching u code that m using it work fine in some webform but somewhere it didn't go the page change method on clicking page no. .....
I am writing ds code in source code of page......
<asp:Repeater ID="rptPager" runat="server">
asp:LinkButton ID="lnkPage" runat="server" Text='<%#Eval("Text") %>' CommandArgument='<%# Eval("Value") %>'
Enabled='<%# Eval("Enabled") %>' OnClick="Page_Changed" CssClass='<%# Convert.ToBoolean(
Eval("Enabled")) == true ? "LBR" : "Active" %>'>></asp:LinkButton></ItemTemplate>
View 1 Replies
Aug 25, 2010
I am working in a page, Where I have a button "Edit Grid". I would like to make all the row editable when user click this button.
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Nov 5, 2010
I have one parent gridview where each record will link to its details page (another child gridview in modal popup). May I know how do I store the values of the child gridview temporary (maybe in session) and repopulate the data into the parent gridview? Current problem is: once I click save in the child modalpop gridview, it binds the parent gridview before the child gridview data is stored in session. I want to store the data temporary until user click save in the parent gridview.
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Apr 14, 2010
i have a hyperlink button which i assign few value (eg: custId, custDetail, custProd) then when user click on the link, it will pass all those value to another page. my question here is how can i get those value to display in the other page??
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Dec 30, 2010
I am having a gridview with some button column. I have written some functionality in code behind for the button click. How can i display a confirm dialog in mid of the button click functionality and based on users response(Yes or No from dialog) i need to continue the remaining funtionality in the button click event.
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Jan 24, 2011
I have a gridview on my aspx page with four columns from sql server.
Now my requirement is, whenever user click on button a barcode should be generated from the gridview and displayed in control.
I m totally clueless to how to achieve this and where to start.
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May 18, 2010
I have a grid with edit link.
when user clicks onedit link , i want to show modal popup extender which displays text boxes for editing those data.
when user finishes editing the grid should again updated.
View 2 Replies
Jun 9, 2010
Here is what i am trying to do I have a multiview and two views in it so based on click event the link the views change
apparently they are not firing on first try. The reason i am doing this is the two views have tables with different images to be used in building my menu.
What am i doing wrong? or why is the click event firing on second try?
View 3 Replies
Jun 21, 2010
in my application i have to sort the gridview columns. here i set the showheader property of gridview to false.
i have link buttons on the top of the corresponding gridview columns.
here i had bind the DataField to the link button as
<asp:LinkButton ID="lbcontactperson" Text='<%#Bind("contactperson") %>' runat="server">ContactPerson</asp:LinkButton>
my requirement is when i click the link button the corresponding colums will be sorted.
how can we do this.
View 5 Replies
Feb 24, 2011
I have a link button on my page :
And here is it's click event :
So why does line 181 have to be instantiated ?
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