Forms Data Controls :: Remove "AMP" From URL With Ampersand?

Jun 12, 2010

My employer is using a WEB based terminal emulator for its employees; here is a sample URL: URL is the same for all users, with the exception of three parameters (host, service, title); these are user unique. The URL is saved as a favorite on each PC, but the users occasionally trash it; which generates unnecessary help desk calls. I'm writing a WEB page that will prompt the user for their employee number, it will return a GridView (select enabled) with Employee number, Terminal Name, and URL (multiple rows possible); we have a SQL table that contains that info. The user clicks select and a TEXTBOX is populated with the URL, it is displayed along with a label telling the user that they can copy/paste the text into a browser or hit the connect button (button hasn't been added yet).

The URL in the DB file looks much like my sample, above, and is displayed correctly in the gridview. However, when that text is copied into another string variable or directly into the TEXTBOX the word 'amp;' shows after each ampersand (see below). Any ideas on how I can remove that because if the user pastes this string into their browser, it does not work.

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