Forms Data Controls :: Single Row Below The Current Row Which Is Embedded From Multiple Small Columns?

Apr 23, 2010

i have grid view with one line per row, I added new field with is large text box 100 chars + and I want it to be in single row below the current row which is embedded from multiple small colums, e.g. name, age, address, etc. What is the simplest and correct way to do it, I am using gridview with item template already.

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Data Controls :: Display Multiple Columns In Multiple Lines In Single Column In GridView

Aug 18, 2015

I have a question in gridview, I want to combine my two or more records into a single cell with two rowsfor Example i have a ID, Name, Year Start, and Year End for Column name in database and i want call it into my gridview that the Year Start and Year End will combine to Year like:

In Database

ID Name Year Start Year End

1 Yourname 2010 2015

In Gridview:

ID Name Year

1 Yourname 2010 2015

in a year column i want it to two row..

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Data Controls :: Display Multiple Columns In Multiple Lines In Single TemplateField Column In GridView?

Aug 18, 2015

I want to bind three column with one row in gridview in with c#,

i want like this, 

Name | Info
name | lastname

        | phone number

        | address

I get this by default

name | last name | phone number | address 

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Data Controls :: Bind Multiple Columns From Database To Single Column Of GridView

May 7, 2015

Select,tbl_midname.midname,tbl_last.lastname As name
From tbl_name
inner join tbl_midname on
inner join tbl_last on

name mid name last name
Pavan Kumar Roy

How to bind all 3 column data in on column.

I need this result

Pavan Kumar Roy

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Forms Data Controls :: Using Multiple Tables Within A Single DataSet And Single SqlDataSource?

May 19, 2010

I have a stored procedure that returns 3 tables within the single recordset it returns. If I set a SqlDataSource to get data from this procedure, it works, but it only returns the first table. I want to have a GridView display the data from the 2nd or 3rd table using a SqlDataSource, but I can't figure out how to specify a particular table.

While there are some posts discussing this out there, I can't get a definitive answer about whether or not this is even possible (?). In a worst-case scenario, I can create another SP that only returns the 3rd table - but that creates a little maintenance headache that I would prefer to avoid.

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Web Forms :: Small Gap Between Two Zones In Adjacent Columns?

Feb 25, 2010

I have a WebPartZone in each of two adjacent columns. There is a gap of about 4 pixels between the two columns that I cannot remove.

I have two zones with the following markup:


On running the page, the relevant source code is:

<%-- End of contents and div containers for Column 1 Zone --%>
...jText at the end of this Webpart.</span>
<tr>td style="padding:0;height:100%;"></td>
<%-- Start of div containers for Column 2 Zone --%>
<div id="ctl00_Main_MainCol2" class="box33" style="Width:39.9%;">
<div id="ctl00_Main_MainCol2Con" style="width:auto; margin-left:0.0em; margin-right:0.0em;">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" id="ctl00_Main_ZoneCol2">
<tr><td style="height:100%;">
<%-- The following 2 tables both have cellpadding="2" which appears to be causing the problem --%>
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" border="0" style="width:100%;height:100%;">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" border="0" id="WebPart_wp1787670866" style="width:100%;">
<tr><td cellpadding="0" style="padding:0px;">
<div id="ctl00_Header_WebPartManager1_wp1787670866"></div>
<%-- Start of contents of Column 2 Zone --%>
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="10" style="border: thin solid #000000; background-color: #8db3e2; width:
<td><span style="font-size: 12px;">Text at the beginning of this WebPart....

Two of the tables, which I think are rendered by the WebPartZones, have cellpadding="2". This seems to be giving the 4 pixel gap between the columns.

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Data Controls :: Filter GridView With Multiple Columns Using Multiple TextBoxes

May 7, 2015

I want search with multiple names in Name coloumn. example I have pass the criteria to Name cloumn is 'Atul', 'Mayur', 'Suraj' this three names how to pass in a query. 

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Forms Data Controls :: Populate Multiple Ddl From Single Sqldatasource?

Mar 4, 2011

I have a parts table (ID, PartName, Category). I have an Engine table that has 10 columns to specify the 10 main parts that comprise the engine (EngineID, PartA_ID, PartB_ID, PartC_ID...).

I want to make only one trip to the DB to pull all the rows, then filter by category for each PartA, PartB, etc ddl. how to do this?

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Forms Data Controls :: Multiple Columns In ListBox?

Jan 21, 2010

I have a scenario in which I want to display Multiple Columns in ListBox. I am working in .NET 1.1I am binding data to ListBox from DataTable. Example: I have Two Columns in Table ID, Name. So I want to display ID and Name in a Single LISTBOX.

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Multiple Hyperlink In A Single Cell?

Feb 23, 2011

How to add individual hyperlink on comma separated values in single cell? For Eg: I have customer name comma separated in a single cell. I want each customer name as a single individual link.

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Forms Data Controls :: Create Multiple Hyperlinks In Single Column In Gridview?

Mar 23, 2011

I have a requirement to create multiple hyperlinks dynamically in a single GridView Column. The number of hyperlinks are not not known in advance and will depend on the results brought up by a query. How do I create the same?

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Forms Data Controls :: Which Flexible Data Component Using For Multiple Repeat Columns

Jul 26, 2010

I have three column and I need to flexible data listing not like datagrid.

which data component can I use?[URL]

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Display Multiple Columns Under One Heading

Jun 28, 2010

I want to display my data from sql in a grid view. Here the problem is how do I display more than one columns under one column. For example, I have A, B, C, D, E, F columns in sql and then when displaying in Grid, I want to display as 3 columns A, B, C and under column "B" I want to Display D, E, F.

View 19 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Adding All The Values In Multiple Columns In A Gridview?

May 14, 2010

I'm just wondering if anyone can assist me with this gridview problem

I have this Sql statement that outputs a gridview like this

Job Location Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3

Job1 Location1 0 0 1

Job2 Location2 1 0 1

Job3 Location3 0 1 0

* These columns are placeholders

I want to include a footer total that looks like

Job Location Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3

Job1 Location1 0 0 1

Job2 Location2 1 0 1

Job3 Location3 0 1 0

Final Total 4

Im not binding the database to the gridview via design view I'm binding it programatically in the default.aspx.cs file

So far the only tutorials I've encountered are ones the have the database bound through design view and gridviews with only one column that can be added. In my particular example I have multiple columns that need to be added and I have already bound the data to the gridview.

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Forms Data Controls :: Splitting GridView Column Into Multiple Columns?

Jan 10, 2011

I have a gridview that is being populated by an oracle DB. The gridview have 2 columns now one shows years and the other is a checkbox column. What is happening is my years column is very long and I wanted to know if I could split the column in half. I want say from 1970-1990 in the first column. The second column will have the checkboxes for the first. I want the third column to have 1991-present day and the fourth column to have the checkboxes for the third column. Can the grid view do this or is this something I have to do in oracle and have the gridview just display it?


1970 chk 1991 chk
1971 chk 1992 chk
1972 chk 1993 chk
1973 chk 1994 chk

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Forms Data Controls :: Input Control For Multiple Rows And Columns?

Jun 10, 2010

I want to put an input table on a web page using ASP.NET. The input table has 3 columns: date, quantity, and price. The number of rows is variable, depending on user input. The code behind will read the data and perform the necessary calculations. The data will not go into a database. It would be nice to have some client-side or server-side validation for the data, such as required fields and range checking.

Which control(s) in Visual Studio 2008 will perform what I want to do?

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Forms Data Controls :: Multiple Checkbox Columns In Gridview Needs Validation?

Oct 26, 2010

I have a GridView which is databound and I added two columns which are checkboxes. There is no link between the two columns. On a check box click , I need to check to see any other check boxes on the same column checked, if so, show a javascript confirmation . If click ok, need to do postback to update the database.if cancel, no change. The goal is ,I need to make sure that only one check box is checked in a check box column.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Display Data From Multiple Columns Into One List

Jun 8, 2010

I cannot seem to resolve in my head! I have a database with 4 of the columns having TRUE/FALSE values and I want to list the columns with TRUE values in a vertical list. The problem I am having is that when I tried to make visible=FALSE, then I have a gap in the list.


I cannot see how to shape the SELECT statement to include only columns with a TRUE value and I cannot figure out how to filter a control to only display labels with a TRUE value.

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Forms Data Controls :: Displaying Images From Database In The Datagrid In Multiple Columns

Jul 29, 2010

I'am developing a commercial website using vs2005 and sql2005 in which i want to display the images from the datagrid in three columns,as

1 2 3

4 5 6

7 8 9

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Forms Data Controls :: Remove Multiple Gridview Columns Before Excel Export?

Mar 29, 2011

I'm trying to find a code to delete multiple columns because when you delete a column the next column takes his place so for example:

If you delete column 6 then column 7 becomes column six.

I tried the following code with an for loop & a while loop:

Dim field As DataControlField = gv.Columns(i)

But same case that the column 7 becomes column 6

The variable removeColumns is an array with the column number that need to be deleted.

If wanted I can also provide the Header Names


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Forms Data Controls :: Add Multiple Columns In A Datalist , Without Adding Invalid Html Code?

Jun 27, 2010

I have the following code the form of a datalist,

<asp:DataList ID="DataList1" runat="server" BorderColor="black" CellPadding="3" Font-Names="Verdana"


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DataSource Controls :: Using Multiple Columns In A Data Relationship

Mar 4, 2010

I have two tables - dt(Mods) and dt(Mods2) - I am trying to create a relationship between them. So dt(mods) has department, category and item columns dt(mods2) has parentDept, Parentcategory and parentItems Now I need add them to a dataset with a relationship key - Something like this but with three cloumns

Dim ParentCol As New DataColumn, ChildCol As New DataColumn

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Data Controls :: How To Create DropDownList With Multiple Columns

May 7, 2015

How can i create DropDownList which shows multiple columns and only one column selected on selection.

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Data Controls :: Database Design For Multiple Columns

Jul 23, 2013

The user enter the  name,address,country,qualifiction,experience the user enter more than one qualification, and experience the add another button click will add another qualification, and experience...i am confused in designing the database  how to design the database for this . i am design this tables .

==employee table==                     ===Qualification==                       ==Experience===

 employee_id                                  qualificatin-id                                         Experience_Id
 employee_name                            University                                           Company
 employee_address                         Degree                                               Year-of-0experience
 employee_qualification                    End_Date                                             employee-id
employee_Experience                     employee-id

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DataSource Controls :: Inserting Data Into Multiple Tables From A Single Web Form?

Jun 26, 2010

After creating a dataset, which has CRUD statements generated two or more tables, which Data Control should I use that will allow me to insert data into fields into 2 or more tables from a single web form. I'm trying to create a web form that will allow the user to input student information, such as general information, medical information, etc.

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