Forms Data Controls :: Add Multiple Columns In A Datalist , Without Adding Invalid Html Code?
Jun 27, 2010
I have the following code the form of a datalist,
<asp:DataList ID="DataList1" runat="server" BorderColor="black" CellPadding="3" Font-Names="Verdana"
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May 14, 2010
I'm just wondering if anyone can assist me with this gridview problem
I have this Sql statement that outputs a gridview like this
Job Location Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3
Job1 Location1 0 0 1
Job2 Location2 1 0 1
Job3 Location3 0 1 0
* These columns are placeholders
I want to include a footer total that looks like
Job Location Activity 1 Activity 2 Activity 3
Job1 Location1 0 0 1
Job2 Location2 1 0 1
Job3 Location3 0 1 0
Final Total 4
Im not binding the database to the gridview via design view I'm binding it programatically in the default.aspx.cs file
So far the only tutorials I've encountered are ones the have the database bound through design view and gridviews with only one column that can be added. In my particular example I have multiple columns that need to be added and I have already bound the data to the gridview.
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May 7, 2010
I use a datalist to display one record from a database
one field contains html tags
I bind it to a label in the itemtamplate
but i wont work , the formated text do not appear
It works with a detailsview , but it wont work with a datalist
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Jun 9, 2010
I have a datalist with 2 columns repeating horizontally. I need some spacing between the columns and am not sure how to do it. I can use cellspacing/cellpadding but that adds vertical spacing as well, which I don't want. Just horizontal.
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Oct 8, 2010
I am creating a page where I am required to have a list/customized view of the data returned, unfortunately a Gridview will not handled the way that I need to display the data. One of my requirements is that I need to have a Column Seperator. I know how to add a row to the gridview on the fly, but I am not sure on how to do that with the Datalist. Can someone please point me into the right direction?
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Aug 27, 2010
i have a datalist .
i used an object datasource to show data in datalist .
and my datalist have two or more repeated columns .
how i can make header for top of each column ?
not for each item and not for each row .just for each column .?
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May 18, 2010
I m working on DataList. I have added one DropDownList in HeaderTemplate od DataList
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Mar 5, 2010
I have started creating a DAL and have successfully bound my adaptor and the query within the adaptor to a gridview.
In lots of the intranet type apps I code in regular ASP for myself I often have a few columns with little icons in that do various things for that rows identity, such as drill down to more details, overlay a graph, text the person via an ajax call, send em an email via ajax and so on.
I think Ive got the hang of styling elements of each row depending on the data but Im completely at a loss as how to add a column which would have an icon whos url link properties would be dependant on the data.
ROW1 | Name | Email Address | ICONFOR EMAIL(with a querystring id matching the row id) | ICON FOR MORE DETAILS (with a querystring id matching the row id)
I realise I am probably looking at this the wrong way but its difficult when you are almost on autopilot doing these things in classic ASP.
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Nov 11, 2010
is there a way I can add a column dynamically from code behind to the gridview in my page?
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Jul 9, 2010
My datalist will not have any borders. The only line that will be displayed in the datalist is a solid horizontal line after each row.
I tried setting the border of the datalist to "0px none Red" and then set the GridLines to "Horizontal", but this only works in Firefox. IE8 draws the line in barely visible grayish color, an Chrome ignores the border attributes altogether and draws all the horizontal lines.
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Mar 2, 2011
I have a Gridview on my aspx page. On my page_load event I check for a record in the database, if the record exists for that row in the gridview I would like to add a new column in the same gridview and add a button control to it. This adding of new column in the Gridview should happen in the codebehind (c#). see the code I wrote for this, but when I run it, it does not create any column on the gridview page.
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Feb 2, 2011
I have a datalist on my page that allows a user to build up with orders. Each time an order is added I post back to the server, updated a dataset and then bind the dataset to the datalist.
I would rather do this on the client, for performance reasons.
Does anyone know of a way I can add a row to a datalist via javascript/jquery?
I understand this may not be possible using a datalist, so any other type of client side list tool.
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May 7, 2015
I want search with multiple names in Name coloumn. example I have pass the criteria to Name cloumn is 'Atul', 'Mayur', 'Suraj' this three names how to pass in a query.
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Aug 18, 2015
I have a question in gridview, I want to combine my two or more records into a single cell with two rowsfor Example i have a ID, Name, Year Start, and Year End for Column name in database and i want call it into my gridview that the Year Start and Year End will combine to Year like:
In Database
ID Name Year Start Year End
1 Yourname 2010 2015
In Gridview:
ID Name Year
1 Yourname 2010 2015
in a year column i want it to two row..
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Apr 23, 2012
How to dynamically assign a datasource to a DataList ?????????
For example suppose that we want to fetch data from the database table accordingly user interest and then bind the data to DataList Control........... How to do that?
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Aug 18, 2015
I want to bind three column with one row in gridview in with c#,
i want like this,
Name | Info
name | lastname
| phone number
| address
I get this by default
name | last name | phone number | address
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Oct 22, 2010
I have a datalist control
In it, I have a hyperlink that im binding the url, and the text to from a mysql database
here is my code so far
<asp:HyperLink ID="HyperLink1" runat="server"
NavigateUrl='<%#Bind("topicid") %>' Text='<%# Bind("title") %>'></asp:HyperLink>
Now, the problem is, the field "topicid" returns a number, such as 3. I want to add the following text before it: viewTopic.aspx?id=
So, ideally, i want something like this
<asp:HyperLink ID="HyperLink1" runat="server"
NavigateUrl='<%# "viewTopic.aspx?id=" + Bind("topicid") %>' Text='<%# Bind("title") %>'></asp:HyperLink>
But, when I do it that way, I obviously get an error.
So, is there any way to solve this problem without having to modify the database?
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Apr 13, 2010
I'm trying to add some basic HTML markup to my code-behind, just a H1 and a few breaks separating strings in the message.Body, but can't seem to get it going without errors.
Probably a straightforward thing, or not intended usage at all,
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Jan 21, 2010
I have a scenario in which I want to display Multiple Columns in ListBox. I am working in .NET 1.1I am binding data to ListBox from DataTable. Example: I have Two Columns in Table ID, Name. So I want to display ID and Name in a Single LISTBOX.
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Jan 30, 2010
I have a webform that functions as a kind of a timesheet. The way it works now is that a user selects a project from a dropdownlist, the enters a date and the amount of hours worked. After that the user selects the link button "register" and the worked hours are registered and the result will be shown in a datalist (for each project a new one). Is there some possible way to show a user in advance all the projects he is authorized for in a datalist or so, so he can fill out the hours for all the projects at once? Now the selection for a project from the dropdownlist is a problem for some users cause they have a lot if projects and it is quit a workload on the manor now.
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Jan 26, 2010
I know how to store and retrieve images into the sql database. My question in how do I iterate over the retrieved images to convert to a byte[] array and bind to the image control in the datalist?
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Mar 30, 2010
How to align the data from a datalist horizontally on a page. Currently i have the date in a linear pattern with code below. Current formatting:
A Acityname1 Acityname2 B
Bcityname1 BCityNAme2 ------
I would like the formatting horizontal in 4 columns, as below.
ACityName1 BCityName1 " "
ACityName2 BCityNAme2 " "
ACityName3 BCityName3 " "
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Jan 8, 2010
i want to bind data to html page using datalist control ...
or is there another way to bind data to simple html control ....where i am feching data from sql server ...
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Mar 17, 2010
I add a table or div inside to datalist itemtemplateı want to change dynamicly table or div id's value from codebehind databound event. ex : I want to add itemindex value to table or div id which is inside itemtemplate
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Jul 26, 2010
I have three column and I need to flexible data listing not like datagrid.
which data component can I use?[URL]
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