Forms Data Controls :: Sort Gridview Using Manual Binding?
Jul 1, 2010
I have a manually binded gridview, which I set AutoGenerateColumns=False. I then tried to set AllowSorting=true at runtime, but it wont work.
My gridview are created during runtime.
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Jun 23, 2010
I have a manual binding to a grid view. After that, I found out the Grid_View.Columns.Count still give me 0.
I tried to set this:
After I set this value, the gridview become empty. Wonder if the False causing the column count to be 0.
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Mar 30, 2010
I have a GridView or DetailsView and its bound to a CslaDataSource.I noticed that the "Object_Select()" event is fired automatically with every time the page is loaded or refreshed.How I can perfrom mnaual biding between the DetailsView Control and CslaDataSource ?I want to control binding via code using the DetailsView.DataBind() method in certain cases only.
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Sep 23, 2010
Just spent about 8 hours googling and looking through this forum for a solution on how to make sure that I can dynamically sort. Here is the situation.
I have 1 Gridview that displays 10 different scenarios based on what button is clicked.
I am also returning only top 10 records. I am doing all of the data binding pragmatically. So I have BoundFields, HyperLinkFields etc.
I also want to sort some records. When I change DataSource SQL statement the gridview somehow remembers what the last sort value was and it errors out saying that value "x" cannot be sorted because it does not exists.
I tried this:
Tried setting gridview1.sqldatasourceid = null; gridview1.allowsorting = false; gridview1.databind();
Here I get an error that says that the data source does not support sorting? Doesnt it say gridview1.allowsorting = false;
I also tried gridview1.sort("", SortDirection.Ascending); This does nothin... except query my database one more time because i have a onSorting event that looks like this:
Here is an example of just one of those SLQ statements inside GetSQLQuery:
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Sep 7, 2010
I have a FormView that I user for updating a record. There is a link button that when fires should perforom the updating via BLL and DAL. I am not using built-in ODS and I will not condsider using it. I have all my grids and formviews populated manuualy by calling methods that fetch the data from the database. For instance my details view is populated like this:
protected void DlMembers_ItemCommand(object source, DataListCommandEventArgs e)
if (e.CommandName.ToString() == "Select")
DlMembers.Visible = false;
lblError.Text = string.Empty;
lblError.Visible = false;
fvMemberDetail.Visible = true;
MemberBLL getMemberInfo = new MemberBLL();
int Ident = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument.ToString());
fvMemberDetail.DataSource = getMemberInfo.GetMemberByIdent(Ident);
if (e.CommandName.ToString() == "DeleteSelected")
DlMembers.Visible = true;
lblError.Text = string.Empty;
lblError.Visible = false;
fvMemberDetail.Visible = false;
What I want to do if to capature my linkbutton on click event and do this (except that the runtime never reaches this method):
protected void MemberInfoUpdating(object sender, EventArgs e)
TextBox id = (TextBox)fvMemberDetail.FindControl("txtIdent");
if (id.Text != string.Empty || id.Text != "")
TextBox txtFN = (TextBox)fvMemberDetail.FindControl("txtFN");
TextBox txtLN = (TextBox)fvMemberDetail.FindControl("txtLN");
DropDownList ddlAddress = (DropDownList)fvMemberDetail.FindControl("ddlAddress");
TextBox txtEmail = (TextBox)fvMemberDetail.FindControl("txtEmail");
TextBox txtHPhone = (TextBox)fvMemberDetail.FindControl("txtHPhone");
TextBox txtWPhone = (TextBox)fvMemberDetail.FindControl("txtWPhone");
TextBox txtMPhone = (TextBox)fvMemberDetail.FindControl("txtMPhone");
DropDownList ddlPos = (DropDownList)fvMemberDetail.FindControl("ddlPos");
DropDownList ddlIsAdmin = (DropDownList)fvMemberDetail.FindControl("ddlIsAdmin");
bool blIsAdmin = false;
if (ddlIsAdmin.SelectedValue == "True") blIsAdmin = true;
TextBox txtComments = (TextBox)fvMemberDetail.FindControl("txtComments");
MemberBLL updateMemberInfo = new MemberBLL();
bool UpdateOK = updateMemberInfo.UpdateMemberByIdent(
//Display error - no user id cannot update record
The linkbutton looks like this:
<asp:LinkButton ID="UpdateButton" runat="server" CausesValidation="True"
OnClick="MemberInfoUpdating" Text="Update" />
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Apr 1, 2011
My Grid is bound to a collection type datasource. When I try to sort the Columns in the Grid I get Javascript error saying sorting event not implemented. Why is the default inbuilt sort functionality not working which worked fine when I directly used a sqlDataSource using smart tag. Do I have to write some code to achieve sorting ?
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Jul 25, 2010
I have a Formview binded in the code file to a generic list. Now, upon editing of a record, I wish to access the Keys and NewValues out of the FormViewUpdateEventArgs parameter of the ItemUpdating event handler method. From what I've tried and searched over the internet as of now, I've come to know that updated values are only available if the Formview is set a data source control on the markup page else they'd be null. Is this true?
Secondly, at this moment I am casting the sender object to formview and individually filling each object property by using FindControl method to find and retrieve values present in the controls. Is this the best way to do this task? As an example, this is what I am doing atm:
FormView currentForm = (FormView)sender;
ListObject.ID = new Guid(((HiddenField)(currentForm.FindControl("hdnID"))).Value);
ListObject.Name = ((TextBox)(currentForm.FindControl("txtName"))).Text;
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Aug 3, 2010
I would like to display a gridview in which:
I want to create 2 columns and 5 rows and want to give heading to those 2 columns and would like to manually enter the values in the rows, how ? (I don't want to connect this gridview with the database)
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Jul 22, 2010
I have created a GridView, but the DataSet is created manually.Do I loose the built-in sort functionality of a Gridview? ....because I'm getting an unhandled exception when I try and click on the header now to sort. So I assume the answer is YES.
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Feb 18, 2010
I implement a manual sorting codes. It works only for ASC sorting. If you try to sorting gridview again by the same field it does not work. I mean how to solve for the sorting function for DESC
my codes for sorting
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May 7, 2015
I have manually databinded my gridview , but problem is it won't show 2nd page index .... here's a chunk of code :
<asp:CheckBox ID="SARecords" OnCheckedChanged="SARecords_OnCheckedChanged" AutoPostBack="True" CssClass="tooltips" data-original-title="View all mapped phases." data-rel="tooltip" data-placement="top" runat="server"></asp:CheckBox>
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="ExistingMappedUpdatePanel" UpdateMode="Conditional" runat="server">
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Jun 3, 2010
I have a simple dynamic gridview with following code -
GV = new GridView();
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Jan 18, 2011
I have a gridview with data. I want a button which is not part of the gridview. Then if I press a button the gridview is sorted by two colums. i.e column1 ascending column2 descending.
I am not looking to work with a Sqldatasource as I use a data access layer. So the sort would have to be from a datatable and databind or directly with the gridview.
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Feb 28, 2010
i read Matt Berseth article also i downloaded this source. But i can not do sorting event. Everything is ok but sorting is not working.
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Jun 20, 2010
I want to create simple rating page where player's place,name and rating is displayed. I've created database with ID,Name and Rating Columns, binded Gridview to this database and created TemplateField "Place". With following code I've created numbered list for Place:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e){
for (int i = 0; i < GridView1.Rows.Count; i++)
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Feb 2, 2011
I have 12 columns in a grid i want sort 3 of them when user clicks on Header, how can i do this.
U want these columns to be sort WOnumber,DD,PO.
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Oct 8, 2010
I'm a newbie to .NET, so the solution might be really trivial. I have a database, I have an Entity Data Model, I add in my Index.aspx page an EntitryDataSource and a GridView. I connect them and everything works fine (the data is displayed as expected). The problem is that clicking on the coulmn name or on the pagination lists doesnt do a thing... Although I did set the properties AllowSorting="True" and AllowPaging="True". I also tried with another datasource type (SqlDataSource) and the same problem.
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Oct 1, 2010
Gridview does not sort on gvClaimDetails_Sorting
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Mar 9, 2010
i am having a gridview in which all columns get dynamically added, i applied sorting in it, all column added as boundcolumn get sort properly but two column which are added as templated column do'nt get sort. Though my dataview have these column as it is.
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Mar 14, 2011
i have the following code . .
i need to sort according to Due_By i mean most recent one shpuld come first . .
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Mar 24, 2011
I am using gridview created by visual components. I have registered gridview_onsortclick event during the page initialisation, but when i try to click on the header of any column, this event does not get fired at that time. This event gets fired only after all the controls, sorting query is generated, filling the current dataset is done. But the same event is getting fired before query is generated and dataset is filled,for the other page. And one more thing to add with it, I want the sort function to be done on the whole dataset regardless of current page. Why is there such a difference in both the pages?
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May 25, 2010
Is there a way to Sort a Gridview by a Calculated Column? I have a gridview with template fields using lablels and a linq datasource. Those columns sort just fine. I can not get the Calculated column to sort, because there is no sort expression to use...
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Apr 22, 2010
I have the following sorting code that works find when clicking on a column header in a gridview.
Now, I'd like to fire this sorted table & fire it on load instead of having the user have to click a column heading.
how to do that?
Here's my code:
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Jan 6, 2011
I have a gridview column named "Job Number" and the number is in this format: 01-04-11-3215, 01-04-11-3216 and so on...
Since the first few characters represent the date I need to sort on the last 4 digits.
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