Forms Data Controls :: Use CollapsiblePanelExtender In Inner Gridview?

Oct 20, 2010

using 2005

I have an inner gridview and I'm trying to use a collapsible panel extender there but its not working, when I run the page it only displays some strange shaded images, here is the general idea of the code that I have, does anyone know how to use the collapsible panel extender in an inner gridview?:


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Web Forms :: CollapsiblePanelExtender Menu In Left Side - Sub Tabs

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*Main Menu

Like that. When i click on any Tab,it displays concern page in Right Side(ie.. in that page new page)

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C# - CollapsiblePanelExtender Does Not React?

Nov 24, 2010

I'm using a CollapsiblePanelExtender with a checkbox. I would want to make the panel expand/collapse as the checkbox is checked and unchecked. This works but the problem I'm encountering is that when page loads the panel is not expanding or collapsing accordingly to the state which is loaded from the DB. In other words setting the Collapsed property of the CollapsiblePanelExtender int the page_load to true or false does not seem to affect it.This is what I have:

<asp:CheckBox runat="server" ID="ServiceCheckBox" AutoPostBack="true" Enabled="true"
OnCheckedChanged="CheckBoxCheckedStatusChanged" />


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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview SelectedIndex / Unable To Access The Data In The Gridview's Selected Row

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I am unable to access the data in the gridview's selected row. I have done this lots of times but must be forgetting something.

Here is my gridview:


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AJAX :: CollapsiblePanelExtender Not Work In IE?

Jun 9, 2010

in DotNetNuke module,i tried CollapsiblePanelExtender, it work fine with FF,it alway explan with IE?

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AJAX :: CollapsiblePanelExtender And Iframe?

May 8, 2010

when i put Collapsible panel extender inside iframe(html control) i get this error: Sys.ArgumentException: Value must not be null for Controls and Behaviors. Parameter name: element iam using VS 2008

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AJAX :: Setting Up CollapsiblePanelExtender?

Dec 25, 2010

On the code below, I am having a problem setting up a CPE. When I run the program it does not look like the tutorial. When it collapsis nothing can be seen and the collapased text is not visable anywhere. On the tutorial there is a bar and arrow. Is that something I have to create seperately? Also, what kind of buttons should I use to toggel the panel. I would appreciate it if someone could post code showing how this works.


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AJAX :: CollapsiblePanelExtender ClientState?

Jun 25, 2010

I used CollapsiblePanelExtender in a web form and would like to keep its state either collapsed or expanded by user. When user navigates away from the page and then comes back a little bit later, he still see the panel collapsed or extended. codes:formA.aspx:

<asp:Panel ID="panelPetInfoExtender" runat="server" Width="100%">
<span>Pet Information</span>
<asp:Image id="img1" runat="server" ImageUrl="collapse_blue.jpg" />
<asp:Panel ID="panelPetInfo" runat="server">MY PET</asp:Panel>
<asp:CollapsiblePanelExtender ID="CollapsiblePanelExtender1" runat="server" TargetControlID="panelPetInfo" EnableViewState="true" ExpandControlID="panelPetInfoExtender" CollapseControlID="panelPetInfoExtender" Collapsed="true"
ImageControlID="img1" ExpandedImage="collapse_blue.jpg" CollapsedImage="expand_blue.jpg" />

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AJAX :: CollapsiblePanelExtender Extending?

Sep 30, 2010

I use two different collapsiblepanelExtenders with similar colapsedControlID which is not a matter here. ince both of them working but with some misbehaviour, for example if the first one is open and I click wherever on it , the second one extends. also by clicking on the second one it collapses.That means that some how an event triggers and makes them collapse or extend.I have a kind of editing panel inside each extandedPanel which are used to update something on the page. the problem is that by clicking on eachtextbox or fileupload, the second panel collapses again. before any other action. So that I can not enter the textboxes. I can do that if I use tab button on keyboard. but that sucks really.


it might be because the second extender is inside the collapsible panel itself. but why it doesn't stay in extended state?

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AJAX :: CollapsiblePanelExtender On Chrome?

Feb 2, 2011

I am using CollapsiblePanelExtender with following markup:


The expanded panel contains a table. This works fine in Firefox and IE. However, when the panel is expanded in Chrome, no content is shown or rendered in the expanded state.What could be going wrong here?

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AJAX :: CollapsiblePanelExtender Not Working?

Feb 2, 2010

I have 4 components in my website .

1.) A.aspx
2.) B.aspx
3.) c.ascx
4.) d.js

here is the sample code of my c.ascx



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AJAX :: CollapsiblePanelExtender On Chrome?

Jan 14, 2011

have used a CollapsiblePanelExtender on my page.It works fine in IE but when I open it in chrome. It doesn't show contents inside CollapsiblePanelExtender. I am using ajax toolkit with 3.5

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Forms Data Controls :: Access Controls Inside Gridview When An Event Outside Gridview Fires?

Jan 10, 2010

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Show GridView Footer Visible, If No Data In GridView

Jan 17, 2010

I have a customized gridvew i.e. grvResult. There is a textbox and a InsertButton in the footer.

If there is a data populated into gridview it is showing GridView footer and inserting data but if there is no data in gridview then its footer also not visible.

I have tried in two ways to make footer visible but it is showing following error:

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Tried ways:



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CollapsiblePanelExtender Doesn't Work With UserControl?

Mar 2, 2010

Iam trying to use a UserControl named CheckBoxControl as value for the ExpandControlID/CollapseControlID attributes of the CollapsiblePanelExtender. It works fine when I use a normal CheckBox instead.

<uc:CheckBoxControl ID="ucHaftpflicht" runat="server" OnCheckedChanged="UpdateStatus" ControlLabel="Haftpflicht" />
<asp:Panel ID="HaftpflichtPanel" runat="server">
<asp:CollapsiblePanelExtender ID="CollapsiblePanelExtender" runat="server" CollapseControlID="ucHaftpflicht.CheckBox" ExpandControlID="ucHaftpflicht.CheckBox" TargetControlID="HaftpflichtPanel" />

When I run the site, most ajax controls on my site disappear and I get following errors in firefox script error console:

Fehler: Sys.InvalidOperationException: Handler was not added through the Sys.UI.DomEvent.addHandler method.
Fehler: Sys.ArgumentException: Failed to find element "ucHaftpflicht.CheckBox"
Parameter name: CollapseControlID

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AJAX :: Collapsiblepanelextender And A TabContainer With Two Tabs?

Jan 6, 2011

I have a Collapsiblepanelextender and a TabContainer with two tabs. the code works fine in FF and Chrome but fails in IE8. I am using VS2008 .Net 3.5 and the latest AjaxToolkit.

I am trying to control the collapsible behavior through tab clicking using javascript. here is the code to replicate my problem.

The aspx.cs code:


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AJAX :: CollapsiblePanelExtender Always Expanded In Formview?

May 21, 2010

I have several CollapsiblePanelExtenders in my formview (both EditTemplate and ItemTemplate). Everything works great, except that they always expand when I move from record to record. I'd like them to keep their previous state (collapsed or expanded). How can I do this with the Formview? Outside the Formview.

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AJAX :: CollapsiblePanelExtender Extra Div Wrapper?

Jul 15, 2010

I have this CollapsiblePanelExtender (below) the problem is that in firefox it gives a horizontal scroll bar under the control which has to expand.


Below is the generated HTML


If I remove the "overflow-y:hidden" from the generated div then the scroll bar goes away, which is what I want....

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AJAX :: CollapsiblePanelExtender With A ModalPopupExtender Window?

Jan 3, 2011

I have a page which consists of a CollapsiblePanelExtender. To be specific, I have placed all my controls inside a panel and specified the TargetcontrolID as this panel and this is working perfect..Now, I just included a ModalPopupExtender control in the same page and specified the PopUpControlID as this same panel. Query1: Can CollapsiblePanelExtender and ModalPopupExtender work together?

I have also specified the CSS for the panel and for ModalPopupExtender. Have attached a part of the aspx page below.


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AJAX :: Close CollapsiblePanelExtender Programmatically?

Feb 2, 2011

I've read in a few places that this should close a collapsible panel:

To open: cpe1.Collapsed = true; cpe1.ClientState = "true";
To close: cpe1.Collapsed = false; cpe1.ClientState = "false";

But it doesn't seem to work from me...

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AJAX :: Display CollapsiblePanelExtender But It's Not Working?

Dec 5, 2010

I am using this to display CollapsiblePanelExtender but it's not working ad I dont know why? there is no error and it workes when i set theCollapsed to True or False but not working when I run and want the user to click roCollapsed or Expand?

<asp:CollapsiblePanelExtender ID="collapsibleSkills" runat="server" Collapsed="False" TargetControlID="panelSkills" CollapseControlID="lblSkills" ExpandControlID="lblSkills" CollapsedText="[+] Skills :" ExpandedText="[-] Skills :" TextLabelID="lblSkills"

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AJAX :: CollapsiblePanelExtender Content Always Open?

Jul 1, 2010

I have a CollapsiblePanelExtender, and although the attribute Collapsed="true", the content panel is initially expanded.

When I click on the associated Header Panel, the Header changes (some text and an image are changed), and the content panel remains expanded. However when I click on the header again, the header changes (back to initial state) but the content panel momentarily collapses and then expands again.

Furthermore, I decided to copy Joe Steigner's demonstration word-for-word, and I get exactly the same result as before!!

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