Forms Data Controls :: Use A DropDownList Within The PagerTemplate To Navigate To A Specific Record?
Aug 25, 2010
its possible to use a DropDownList within the PagerTemplate to navigate to a specific record? I have been able to place the DropDownList outside of the FormView and PagerTemplate and make it work, however, I can't get it to work inside the PagerTemplate.
I have a grid view and I was doing search based on the data user entered in TextBox. I can able to highlight the data in GridView but I would like to navigate to that row instead of scrolling and searching for the highlighted record.
Here is my code to search for a record in gridview.
i have design a web application having suppliers table using SqlDatasource..
i have a master page in my design and other form are bound to a context menu..
Now i have displayed the records in the gridview..all i wanted is after i select a record in the gridview it will display the selected record in detailview from another aspx form..
i was able to create the link to another aspx form but the data that it display is the first data from the gridview not the data that i select.
I have a gridview which i would like to design my own paging. i already have the first, next, previous, last linkbuttons and they work perfectly.But i need to show the total amount of records that are in the gridview (ie. Not total amount of records on each page of the gridview but all records on all the pages). I have set my gridview to display 5 records at a time.I need something like Pages 1 of 10 , Total number of records returned is 50 , Records 5 of 50. Can this be done?Also how do i make the index of the first page of the gridview = 1 instead of 0
I have Two fileds the names are QtyRec and QtyReq in my table when These two are identical(10=10) then corresponding recrod should not listed in Gridview. Can any one provide solution
Gridview Code is Public Sub retriveDataToDataGrid() Try Dim connectionString As String = "Database=pjt;" & "Data Source=localhost;" & "User Id=root;Password=prasad123" Dim query As String = "Select WONumber,paertno,mfgpart,manufacturer,QtyRec,QtyReq,QtyShort,Duedate,Notes from ilist order by WOnumber" Dim connection As New MySqlConnection(connectionString) Dim da As New MySqlDataAdapter(query, connection) Dim ds As New DataSet() If da.Fill(ds) Then GVIL.DataSource = ds.Tables(0) GVIL.DataBind() End If connection.Close() Catch ex As Exception Console.WriteLine(ex.Message) End Try End Sub
Might be easier just to show the code, then explain what's happening:
When I click either the pager buttons, the ProgressPanel displays, but the grid is not updated. However when I click the pager button again, the ProgressPanel is not displayed, but the grid data is updated. Below is my page code behind:
I am problem with gridview pager template,i have a dropdownlist in my pagercontrol butdl.selectedindexchange is not getting fired up if i am trying to bind gridview at code behind.But if iam using sqldatasource instead its working fine.
I am doing custom paging.I am adding my own LinkButton in the PagerTemplate. When I click the LinkButton it has to fire the GridView1_PageIndexChanging. How to do?
I have a Hyperlink on Page A and i would like to navigate to Page B that has TabContainer with 4 tabs. What i would like to do is to navigate from Page A to the 2. tab of Page B.
OK, I have dropdownlist bound to a datasource with the following query:
"select ccid, buname from tblCostcenter;"
I have the dropdownlist set to show only the "buname" column.
Now, when the user makes a selection for my dropdown, I want to grab only the selected value of the "ccid" column - even though "ccid" is not set as the text or value for the dropdown.
I have 2 pages , In which one of them is having wizard control with 3 steps..i want to redirect from other page to this page and automatically open Step No. 2 ..How ?
i have a web form to display information one record per page. I use database SQL server 2008 express. In my form; there is a textbox and next to the textbox, there is a button to search
when i click on the searchButton, it finds the correct record, the correct StudentID, but i can not achieve to navigate to the found record.
I have a situation where i need to update my Dropdownlist templatefield inside a GridView....but only for a specific cell. I have seen codes like this to loop through the whole GridView and update every rows in a specific column, but how do i do it if i only want to update one specific cell ? (If i know the index information of the cell, for example, I know i want to update the dropdownlist on Column 3 and Row 2)
I am working with 2008 and sql server 2005 . I get a situation where i have to delete data after 30 days. a suitable query how to do the same. I have go through different query but nothing going right for me.
How to start at a specific record and returning only the next 5 records with T-SQL command
That is my concatenated SQL statement but it obviously does not work because it only looks at the top 5 records in the entire table instead of what I intended which would be to look at the top 5 records starting with the record where PostNumber equals the value of lastPost. I have been searching for a T-SQL statement that will allow me to do this but I can't find one.
In my gridview I have a button which adds a new row to the grid. The problem i am having is that when the user clicks this add row button, it needs to go to the last page and add a new row there.
At the moment when I click the button i get an error saying - Index was out of range.
I'm sure this is because the method i am using doesn't know how to get to the last page... it needs to do this no matter what page the user is on
The method i use to add a new row is as follows: how i can adapt it to recognise the last page and row position in the gridview?
I have the selected DataKey in session from the ListView. I am able to set the selection back when I comeback to this aspx page containing listview. But when the selected item in the listview belongs to some other page (not the first listview page) then I need to also set the selected listview page to the one, where my item belongs. I use a listview and a datapager (with template paging) How can I find, in which page my item to be selected exists?
I am using paging to my gridview (pagesize=4) . now i am in (X) page and i want to get (X+1) page top record or (X-1)page bottom record , how i can get .
I have a delete button bellow my gridview and I want a pop up to show when no record is selected and tell the user to first select a record. The button click event would show the pop up, but my gridview data blanks out.
I want users to select a record in the GridView and then have that record open up in the Detailsview. How would I go about getting these two tools to communicate?