Web Forms :: Navigate Through DropDownList Items Using Next Previous Buttons Using JavaScript And JQuery
May 7, 2015
Is there a way to click on the previous or next button to change the value of the DropDown list? Do we need to use the javascript?
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protected void lnkproceceed2tab3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
TabContainer1.ActiveTab = TabContainer1.Tabs[3];
its sitting in same tab i cant go to the next tab by a link button.
assume my page workflow is like below
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TabContainer1.ActiveTab = TabContainer1.Tabs[2];
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2- add address
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Feb 22, 2010
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Aug 7, 2010
I would I have dropdownlist with no items
And after the page starts I would like to kick a web service that returns 10 items at a time to fill the list unlit it is completed without lag on the web page.
I could I go and execute my own web service call the set those values, but I can have that run in the background to avoid interupting the User's expereince?
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Jul 4, 2010
I have 2 button links and 1 text like this:
Previous JULY Next
Every time i press Previous, a variable mymonth subtracts 1 , and when if i press
Next , the variable mymonth adds 1.
Previous LINK: <%# mymonth - 1 %>
Next LINK: <%# mymonth + 1 %>
All the schedule from the DB is shown, using the following SQL:
SELECT DISTINCT day(mydate) FROM schedule WHERE month(mydate)=" + mymonth + " AND year(mydate)=" + myyear + " ORDER BY day(mydate) ASC"
But my problems are:
- i want to show 3 months backwards from th actual month
- when mymonth is 1 (January) 2011 for example, it would show December, November and October from 2010
- If for example, we are in JULY, it would show until APRIL backwards, and when on APRIL it wouldnt show the PREVIOUS button.
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datalist was not clear.
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Aug 25, 2010
its possible to use a DropDownList within the PagerTemplate to navigate to a specific record? I have been able to place the DropDownList outside of the FormView and PagerTemplate and make it work, however, I can't get it to work inside the PagerTemplate.
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Jun 9, 2012
i use these code to paging my grid view
here pagination is like this
First 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 Last
I want my pagination be like this Previouse 1,2,3,..
Next, I mean if i have more than 3 page it shows like above and when i click on next it show like this
Previouse 4,5,6,.. Next
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I need to develop my own paging light control. Don't suggest me to use other paging controls.
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Jun 16, 2010
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1st dropdownlist is to retrieve all teacher list.
after select a teacher from dropdownlist1 then, 2nd dropdownlist will display student name under the particular teacher.
so, my prob is how to navigate it to "a.aspx" when I select a student name from 2nd dropdownlist.
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Sep 6, 2012
protected void DDLzone1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
here when i click on ALL item from ddlzone1 Â it just "ALL" item in ddldistrict
i want when i select "ALL" item from ddlzone1 in ddldistrict14 show all data from database
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Jan 5, 2011
I am having problem while using onclick="javascript:history.back();" with Aspnet. In the first page i filled some data and click search button it show some results, i click on particular result for its details which navigate to the 2nd page but when i click on custom back button it refresh the page and all data set to initial values,when i use onclick="javascript:history.back();" I get nothing but the page displays "webpage has expired."
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Feb 9, 2011
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