Forms Data Controls :: What Is The Best Practice To Search

Aug 3, 2010

I have more than 10000000 records, I want to search particuar records,What is the best way and practice to search.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Add Search Control For Detailsview For Search Page

Apr 19, 2010

how to Add Search Control for Detailsview for search page... simple solution required.?

and is it possible to give field names to each page numbering?

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Forms Data Controls :: Search Using A Full Text Search Catalog?

Nov 26, 2010

how to do a search using a Full Text Search Catalog. I would also like to have the results on the page highlighted?

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Forms Data Controls :: Best Practice For Gridview Creation/Maintenance?

Oct 7, 2010

I have been tasked with producing a web application for a new client. What they're looking for requires a Gridview with slave Detailsview within an Update Panel.

I produced this, including the Gridview in markup, as follows:[Code]....

However, although it works, it's been requested that I move most of this to code behind (for easier maintenance), which is causing me a few headaches.

What is the correct option here, since I see many potential methods?

Should I create an instance of the Gridview and Update Panel in markup, then define all events and columns in code behind? Create a new Gridview entirely in code behind and place it within the Update Panel? Create both in code behind?

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Data Controls :: Search In GridView Using JQuery Quick Search Inside AJAX TabContainer

Dec 2, 2013

I made a usercontrol consisting of an AJAX tab control, a textbox, and a gridview.  The gridview is pulling data from a SQL database.  When the gridview is outside of the tab control and I begin to enter text into the textbox, quicksearch begins to filter the information in the gridview.  When i put the gridview and textbox inside an AJAX tab control quicksearch does not work.  How do i need to structure the textbox and the gridview on an ajax update panel to get it to work?

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C# - Databinding Best Practice For User Controls In Web Forms?

Mar 3, 2010

I was wondering about some best practices for data binding in web forms. For example we have a control:

public partial class MyUserControl : UserControl
public override void DataBind()

If we wanted that control to bind its data automatically we would do something like this:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!this.IsPostBack)[code]...

In the first section of code if we do our data binding before the call to base.DataBind() (#1) then that means that, if for example we databind a ListView, we don't have to call ListView.DataBind() because when we call base.DataBind() on our control it recursively calls DataBind on all child controls. Also, we won't have access to any of the properties of the control that were assigned to it using the data binding code blocks <%# %>

If we do our binding on our controls after base.DataBind() (#2) then this means that DataBind is called on these controls twice. Once when base.DataBind() is called, and the second time when we are forced to call control.DataBind(). I can follow here that I don't know about?

EDIT: Looking at this page:

Use this method to bind data from a source to a server control. This method is commonly used after retrieving a data set through a database query. The method is primarily used by control developers; most controls perform data binding automatically.It appears that best practice is to bind controls data automatically. Databinding is for when we explicitly set a data source.

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Forms Data Controls :: Search Data In Textbox In Header Text In Gridview?

Apr 2, 2010

I have the grid view with boundfield with four columns. I created the text box when gridview row created event. I need to filter the data the gridview using the textbox and need to know the how to generate event for textbox.


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Forms Data Controls :: Code To Search The Data And Display It In The Grid View?

Feb 23, 2011

how to write a code to search the data and display it in the grid view when a search button is clicked ..

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Forms Data Controls :: Creating A Search Box

Feb 28, 2011

I've created a website in Visual Studio 2008 with a database and want to create a series search options that someone could use to search for specific things in the database. I've so far got one search parameter sucessfully working but I'm failing to figure out how to have multiple search options. How it works at the moment is there is a gridview linked to a SqlDataSource which is set up to work with a list box. The list box is linked to one column in the table. Each time someone picks a option from the list box it refreshes the page and returns the items with the the option selected in the gridview.

I hope the above makes sense. Now what I want to do is add further list boxes and text boxes offering a series of search options linked to a search button that then refreshes the page and returns the results to the GridView. How would I go about doing this? I'm relatively new to Visual Studio and still learning.

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Search

Oct 20, 2010

how to create a filtered dropdown list for the columns in a table and a search textbox relating to a gridview

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Forms Data Controls :: Search And Display Data Into Repeater And Navigate To Details Page Passing Value ID?

Jan 16, 2010

I have two tables: Book and author and they have one to many relation.One book may have more than one authors. Book table has Title column and Author table has AuthorName Column.

I have search page contains two textboxes: Title Textbox and AuthorName textbox to search the record.

When the user type something and hit the search button it display the Title when click the title ; it redirect to detailsPage.aspx Passing value ID.


Then in the Details page there are: Title, authors and other more from these table column.

My problem is:

When the user search and hit the search button, it display the number of matches Title only. I want to display authors related to this title in this page and other are same(when click the title go to detailspage.aspx)

How can I display the related Authors to each title in search display page (Not in details page, I know in details page) ?

If user search "The Letters and life" in the Title textbox and hit enter data should looks like:

1. Author: Payne Paddy, sed ran, der virma and Caroline Barron.

Title: The Letters and Life of Elizabeth Despenser, Lady Zouche (d. 1408) [her letters and will provide a glimpse of her personal

2. Author: ayne manu, edd saan and fer wertu.

View 13 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Search + Sum + GridView + Edit

Jan 6, 2010

I would like to run a search and show the result on the grid view from my database.The search have many criteria , means user can search by first name and last name and amount .... Then i would like the user to be able to be able to edit and delete the records.And finally i would like to show a row showing the sum of some fields.

currently i have the following code, but there is a problem over the edit bitton, it's not showing the edit mode of the grid view [Code]....

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Search A Record From SqlDataSource

Jul 3, 2010

how to Search a record from SqlDataSource


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Forms Data Controls :: Highlight Search Keyword In

May 22, 2010

anyone got a sample highlight the search keyword in gridview using c# .net?

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Forms Data Controls :: Search A Gridview With A Text Box?

Mar 4, 2010

I have a gridview. I want to be able to search that gridview by lastname. I placed a text box, entered the SQL paramaterized query, and my button.

What should be the on_click event?

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Forms Data Controls :: Making Text Appear After Search

Jun 2, 2010

I have a page where my user enters a search term and submits it against my database. What I want to happen is when the result(s) return, I want headings to pop up over my gridviews. For example, I want "Photographs" to appear over my gridview for photographs, "Documents" to appear of my gridview for documents, etc...

When I run my page, those headers are already there, even though I have not conducted a search yet and my gridviews have not populated. If I go into properties and select visible=false, they never show up, which is not exactly what I want either. I have read about literals, textboxes, panels, and have confused myself.

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Forms Data Controls :: SQL: Show All Records In A Search?

Nov 16, 2010

This is more of an SQL issue (I think) rather than .net, but I still think it's relevant area.

I have two dropdowns; first one called categoryID which has a series of numbers, the second called userID - again with a series of numbers.

If I select from the dropdowns: categoryID 4 and UserID 5 I end with the correct search result, however I need an option to show all records.

E.g. Select all from the category dropdown combined with UserID 5 that would display all records from UserID 5 (or vice versa).

Note - I am using MS Access and the numbers are classed as integers not text.

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Control Search?

Jun 23, 2010

i know it seems like i have asked this question before in my previous post but does any one know how to find a control in a gridview but it must be done in the SelectedIndexChanged event ....the previous method i was given only seems to work in the onRowBound method...If possible is their a way you can determine which button was click since i have more then one button in my gridview

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Forms Data Controls :: Search For Gridview On Eventhandler?

Sep 3, 2010

I was woundering if there is a way to seach for a gridview on event handler.? I have three gridviews in which i can insert from and on my insertbutton codebehind, I want to check the gridview i am using so i could get the datakeynames for insert into the database.

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Forms Data Controls :: Search Content Whatever In Body Tag?

Nov 22, 2010

i want to search content whatever in body tag.

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Forms Data Controls :: Regarding Search Control In Gridview?

Mar 16, 2011

i need a search box control for gridview,

i have a gridview,

i just want to place a text box and if i enter any value in that, it must filter the exact match for that and must show the details in gridview. how can i do this. my control is firstname, i am going t ofilter using firstname

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Forms Data Controls :: Incorporating Checkboxes Into A Search?

Dec 14, 2010

I am writing a search application for a large dataset of images of algae.

The search is in two steps: first some general search criteria is filled out. Next a list of species that fit the general criteria shows up and the user checks which species they would like to see. Finally a list of images comes up that both fit the general search criteria and belong one of the species that the user had checked. I'm trying to decide the best way to do this, I thought about two potential ways...

One way: I can add all the checked species to a WHERE clause in the SQL statement that gives me my image search results. I dont like this though... its possible the user selects 100+ species and this would make for a very very long WHERE clause.

Another way: I could leave my SQL statement so it only takes into account the general search criteria. Then when I go to display the results, maybe I could choose not to display a record if it does not belong to a species that was checked by the user.

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Forms Data Controls :: Can Search Data Using Checkbox

Feb 21, 2011

Select the checkbox ,display the data from oracle database in datagrid then again deselect the checkbox, does not display the data in datagrid in C# coding.

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DataSource Controls :: Word Search In Sql Server Without Full Text Search On Particular Column?

Jan 27, 2010

I want a word search i doing the search like this , but it is giving character wherever there is in the string,if i give two character like ok it is searching for a full string where ever Ok is there select * from table1 where textfield like '%word%' this query would match word but also wordabc how can i make it aware of delimitions

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DataSource Controls :: Full Text Search -- How To Search Image

Mar 29, 2010

I am using SQL Server 2008 and Full Text search.

Its working fine for PDF / doc files but not working for .JPG files.

Basically i have some document scanned and stored it in varbinnary datatype in DB.

I am able to search for .doc /.xml /.pdf files .. but not able to search .jpg.

also i am not getting ".jgp" extension in result of following query

SELECT document_type, version, manufacturer
FROM sys.fulltext_document_types order by document_type

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