C# - Databinding Best Practice For User Controls In Web Forms?

Mar 3, 2010

I was wondering about some best practices for data binding in web forms. For example we have a control:

public partial class MyUserControl : UserControl
public override void DataBind()

If we wanted that control to bind its data automatically we would do something like this:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!this.IsPostBack)[code]...

In the first section of code if we do our data binding before the call to base.DataBind() (#1) then that means that, if for example we databind a ListView, we don't have to call ListView.DataBind() because when we call base.DataBind() on our control it recursively calls DataBind on all child controls. Also, we won't have access to any of the properties of the control that were assigned to it using the data binding code blocks <%# %>

If we do our binding on our controls after base.DataBind() (#2) then this means that DataBind is called on these controls twice. Once when base.DataBind() is called, and the second time when we are forced to call control.DataBind(). I can follow here that I don't know about?

EDIT: Looking at this page:

Use this method to bind data from a source to a server control. This method is commonly used after retrieving a data set through a database query. The method is primarily used by control developers; most controls perform data binding automatically.It appears that best practice is to bind controls data automatically. Databinding is for when we explicitly set a data source.

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<%#DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "NumberOfReplies")%>
<%#DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "NumberOfRepliesinPercent")%>


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text='<%#Bind("Question") %>'

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Mar 24, 2010

I am trying to create a Gridview in which I can update the Project Officer name in the Gridview from a DropDownList.

The Project Officer DDL comes from a seperate query (SqlProjectOfficerName) as the other information (SqlDataSource1)... as you can see below.

When I select EDIT, the DDL appears and I can select from the list of Project Officers, but when I select UPDATE, the name of the Project Officer doesnot change.

review the code below and assist as appropriate to write the Project Officer's name back to the table.


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Dec 27, 2010

I have a very simple form that contains a FormView Control Bound with a SqlDataSource, The DefaultMode of the FormView control is "Insert". I noticed that when I run the page for the first time, the databinsing and databound events of the FormView Control occurs after the PreRender Event of the page ! I know very well the life cycle of a page, but I dont know when the data binding occurs in the life cycle of a page and if it can differ from a control to another.

Is there an article or a tutorial explaining all those things.

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Forms Data Controls :: Getting Error As The BoundField Control With A Two-way Databinding

Jun 4, 2010

i have an Gridview with BoundFiled, for the bound field headertext alo coming from the table, but i dont know how to bind the headertext and data. i have used below code

<asp:BoundField runat="server" DataField="column1_data" HeaderText = DataBinder.Eval '<%# Bind("column1_text") %>'/>

but getting error as "The BoundField control with a two-way databinding to field column1_text must have an ID."

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