WCF / ASMX :: Get Any Unique Value From User?

Mar 11, 2011

I want to get any unique value from client pc in web service

I have one web service and Silverlight application, i want to get any unique value from client when client request to web service

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Jan 14, 2011

I have a UserControl (basically a custom menu) that has some properties on it that I store in the view state. My pages may have multiple instances of this control, so to keep the values unique in the ViewState I concat my names with the control's UniqueId. However, when the properties are set the UniqueId does not exist yet, it returns the control's ID, in the case below, mnuFormNote. So then later when they are read it doesn't return the correct value because later the UniqueID is set so it attempts to read from a different ViewState location.

So, my question is am I doing something wrong or just missing something? If not, is there a way around this?


So when the page loads, and ShowEvents is set to False the property set actually does this: ViewState("mnuFormNoteShowEvents") = False. But later, when I attempt to Get the ShowEvents value it is doing this: ViewState("ctl00$ctl00$mstrContent$iepointMasterContent$dlForms$ctl00$dlStudentForms$ctl00$mnuFormNoteShowEvents"), which is nothing, so it returns the default of True. I need this value to be unique.

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And the 'Select' parameters will aid in making a 'unique' combination per user selection to populate the GridView it is bound to:The problem that is occurring is that GridView search results are indeed cached, but the cache is a little too public and shared between all users currently running the application. So if user1 creates a search that populates the GridView with 100 results based on some unique dates and CategoryID, and then user2 in a separate browser does another search with different dates and a different category

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Mar 21, 2011

How generate the unique no. 1,2,3 and so on .... on button click of each new user ..

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Oct 10, 2010

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Actually I need to retrieve the cookie back from my log file, so I thought if I do this it will be saved to my log file.

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How To Display Data In Following Format?

In the Format below abc has multiple occurance which count is displayed in brackets as 2669.


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Way To Capture Unique Constraint Exception And Provide User-friendly Message

May 4, 2010

Using vb.net/asp.net 2005 and SQL Server 2005:I have a unique constraint setup to prevent users from entering duplicate email addresses in my online system.When a user tries to edit an existing email to one that already exists (add a duplicate) it shows the following<ERROR>Cannot insert duplicate key row in ojbect "dbo.someTableName" with unique index.....The statement has been terminated This prevents the user from adding duplicates which is good but I would like to provide a more user friendly exception message and I do not want to show the table and field names to the user.

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WCF / ASMX :: WCF Storing Authenticated User Information?

Jan 15, 2011

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I don't want to use asp.net session state because I plan to run this WCF as a Windows Service. Is there something (class, Assembly) I can use that can save user information and retrieve it per request or do I have to create a custom solution that will create an entry in a database every time a client authenticates to the WCF service.

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Nov 7, 2010

am new to web services and have a quick question. I've some data (an c# class object) that needs to be shared between two different users (of my web service) . all the methods in the web service have a parameter called "sessionkey" which can be used to know what data to share.

i need to know how/where to store this data ?

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.NET: Programmatically set user and password to consume an OAS web service?

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Call An Asmx Webservice Without Extending User Session?

Jan 25, 2011

In my ASP.net 3.5 application I'm calling an asmx webservice that is part of the application. Calling the webservice entends the user's session timeout, which is undesirable in this case.How can I call a webservice on my server without extending the session timeout? Is there a way in IIS to designate it as being outside of the session scope? (apologies if I'm using incorrect terminology) Can I designate a directory in the ASP.net web.config file as being outside the session?

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WCF / ASMX :: The Current Configuration System Does Not Support User-scoped Settings

Aug 8, 2010

I am trying to connect forex trade server from my asp.net application. I am using MT4 Api for connecting. Its installed successfully and added to .net code library. But when i trying to create object of MetaTrader Class i got exception

The current configuration system does not support user-scoped settings.

There is no compile time error in code. I am getting run time exception.

There are the urls where i got some hope for solution but could not able to implement.


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WCF / ASMX :: FaultException Was Unhandled By User Code - "Server Was Unable To Process Request"

Mar 3, 2011

I have created a web service that interacts with my DAL. It has the usual kind of methods, create, retrieve, update and delete. I have published this web service to our live Windows Server and I can see the web serice URL. The web service works on a few method calls but does not work specifically for one object. I am getting the following error: Fault Exception was unhandled by user code. "Server was unable to process request. ---> Data is Null. This method or property cannot be called on Null values."

To summarise: Web service is live, I can see it in my browser. Some method calls work. One specific one does not. I have verified that the method works (it is just calling a SQL stored proc that does return data).

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