Get LinkButton Text Using Javascript?

Dec 10, 2010

How can i get the text of LinkButton in .NET using javascript?

Tried .innerHTMl, .innerText, .value...all not working....

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Set Asp:LinkButton Text In Markup?

Aug 24, 2010

How would it be possible to set text of ASP.NET LinkButton like below:

<asp:LinkButton id="LinkButton_Select" runat="server" Text='
<p><%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Start")%></p>
<p><%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "End")%></p>

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Web Forms :: Image & Text Under Linkbutton?

Feb 14, 2011

I have a Link Button in C# inside it i set an image...........when i click on image its works... But when i click on text it donts work , here is my code


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C# - Populate A BulletedList With Text+LinkButton?

Jan 31, 2011

let me say i am an amateur in c# and so i would like to say sorry in advance if i am asking something obvious for the rest of you. :) I have this code that i use to populate a BulletedList in my page with the current roles in the site + some extra information.o far, since all these are text related, no problem.Now i would like to have a LinkButton control at the end of the role string which if pressed it will delete the role (and repopulate the list) (like the functionality that the admin tool in visual studio has)My question(s) is: Is there a way to do that in a bulleted list or should i use another control (like a gridview, although my experience with this is limited)

private void BindRolesToList()
string[] roles = Roles.GetAllRoles();


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Find Linkbutton Id In Javascript?

Jun 26, 2010

my linkbutton is in datalist, this datalist is in panel, this panel is in ajax updatepanelif linkbutton is not selected then need to alert a message...

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Web Forms :: Adding An Image To Text On A LinkButton?

Feb 17, 2011

I am trying to combine text and an image on a LinkButton:

<asp:LinkButton ID="btnTest" runat="server" Text="Book">
<asp:Image ID="imgTest" runat="server" Height="8px" ImageUrl="~/DropDownArrow.png" Width="10px" />

So far, this works.

However, if I change the text of the LinkButton in the code-behind, I lose the image.

btnTest.Text = "New book name"

I have tried removing the LinkButton's controls in the code-behind and recreating the image along with changing the text, but it still doesn't work. I get either the image or the text but not both.

Dim NewImage As New Image
With NewImage
.Height = Unit.Pixel(8)
.ImageUrl = "~/DropDownArrow.png"
.Width = Unit.Pixel(10)
End With
btnTest.Text = "New book name"

How can I change the text in the code-behind and still retain the image as well?

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Inner Image And Text Of Asp:LinkButton Disappears After Postback

Apr 4, 2011

I have a link button:

<asp:LinkButton ID="LinkButtonPrint" runat="server" OnClick="OnPrint_Click">
<img src="img/print-icon.png" alt="" />
<asp:Literal runat="server" Text="<%$ Resources:PrintPage %>" />

In code behind I add an onclick handler in Page_Load like this:

LinkButtonPrint.Attributes["onclick"] = "StartLoadTracking(this, '" + GetLocalResourceObject("Loading") + "')";

The rendered HTML is like this:

<a href="javascript:__doPostBack('ctl00$LinkButtonPrint','')"
id="ctl00_LinkButtonPrint" onclick="StartLoadTracking(this, 'Loading...');">
<img alt="" src="img/print-icon.png">Print page

If I click this button it is working OK (it will respond with a PFD file so no HTML is sent back to the browser), but if I click another button on the page (which makes a full postback) the LinkButtonPrint will not have the inner content, it will be rendered like this:

<a href="javascript:__doPostBack('ctl00$LinkButtonPrint','')"
id="ctl00_LinkButtonPrint" onclick="StartLoadTracking(this, 'Loading...');"></a>
If I remove the LinkButtonPrint.Attributes["onclick"] = ... line from Page_Load everything works fine (except my js function is not called, but that is normal).

What am I missing here?

This is duplicate of Link button image not visible after postback.

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Edit CommandName On LinkButton Using Javascript?

Oct 6, 2010

I have a series of link buttons in a repeater that switch pages

<asp:Repeater ID="rptPageLinks" runat="server"><ItemTemplate>
<asp:LinkButton ID="lnkNewPage" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("Page") %>'
OnCommand="SomeEventHandler" CommandArgument='<%# Eval("Page") %>' CommandName="Redirect"
OnClientClick="return confirm('Do you want to save your chanes before you navigate to a new page?');" />

What I want to be able to do is pass the result from the OnClientClick into the EventHandler, ideally by changing the CommandName (i.e. if they click 'yes' on the confirmation it changes the CommandName to "SaveAndRedirect", if they click 'no' it stays as 'Redirect').

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Forms Data Controls :: Header Text To LinkButton

Apr 27, 2010

I want linkbutton to have header text. Scenario is like when user clicks on proposal_id, in code behide i want to retrieve id. I am able to retrieve but i want header Text to be displayed. I am not able retrieve id using ButtonField.

Code :

<asp:GridView ID="gv" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="false"

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Web Forms :: Increase Space Between Underline And Text In LinkButton

May 15, 2012

I have linkbutton in my datalist i want increase space between text and underline in my link button how i can do it?

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Web Forms :: Make LinkButton Text Bold On MouseOver Using CSS

Sep 10, 2012

i have linkbutton in my page i want when users go on  text of linkbutton with mouse, linkbutton's text be bold.

how i can do it?

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Web Forms :: How To Change The Text Of A Linkbutton By Referring To It Through A Session Variable

Oct 19, 2010

I want to change the text of a linkbutton by referring to it through a session variable.

For example how could a normal Linkbutton1.text = "buffoon" be referred to by a session variable if the Session("LinkButton") = "LinkButton1" ?

I am envisioning something like: LinkbuttonByName(Session("Linkbutton").text = "bufoon" .... but don't know how

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Web Forms :: Getting Linkbutton Text Value From Link Button In User Control?

Nov 9, 2010

i have a link button thats text value is populated from a dataset value retrieved from a database. When the user clicks on this link button I want to somehow capture the text value. The trick is the linkbutton is within a usercontrol, and I want to do the processing from the user controls parent. I am able to get the ID of the clicked linkbutton with the use of Request.Form["__EVENTTARGET"];, however i need the text value, in this case its a job number.

I may be able to do this via javascript with the OnClientClick;

OnClientClick='<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem,"JobNo","test({0})")%>'

When I do this I get a javascript error saying "M10725"(which is my job number being clicked) is ndefined. I dont know what this means. Do I somehow have to give the linkbutton being click a value?

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Web Forms :: Getting Linkbutton Text Value From Link Button In Grid View?

Nov 23, 2010

I have a link button thats text value is populated from a dataset value retrieved from a database. When the user clicks on this link button I want to somehow capture the text value. The trick is the linkbutton is within a usercontrol, and I want to do the processing from the user controls parent.

I may be able to do this via javascript with the OnClientClick;


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Forms Data Controls :: Retrieve Linkbutton Text In A Function?

Jun 15, 2010

I am using a linkbutton iside a gridview.... i need to get the text of the link button in another function. how can get that ... i tried find control .. but its not working.... I created the link button from other function which executes just b4 this function...

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Forms Data Controls :: C# - Fetch The Linkbutton Text From Datalist?

May 20, 2010

i am using datalist control. in that, i have linkbutton in itemTemplate. i want to get the linkbutton value to textbox is in outside of datalist when i click the link button. below my design code there.

<asp:TextBox ID="txtKeywords" runat="server" Width="297px" AutoCompleteType="Search"/>
<asp:DataList ID="dlRelated" runat="server" Width="228px" RepeatDirection="Vertical">
<asp:LinkButton ID="lnkbtnRelatedLinks" runat="server" Text='<%#Eval("ProductServices") %>' OnClick="lnkbtnRelatedLinks_Click"></asp:LinkButton>

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AJAX :: Update Panel Linkbutton Text Disapears On Postback?

May 18, 2010

i have update panel with some wierd ie 7 issue, when you click a a - z link on the below url, after the async postback the linkbuttons disapear until you mouse over, not sure why this is happening.

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Forms Data Controls :: Change Text Of A Linkbutton In A Repeater?

Mar 17, 2010

I can't change the text of a linkbutton that is placed in a repeater. I want the text to change when I click the button.



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Web Forms :: Get Text Of LinkButton Inside Repeater Control When Clicked?

May 7, 2015

i want to fetch the text value of selected hyperlink control from repeater control.

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Web Forms :: Disabling LinkButton Using JavaScript After Click - No Postback?

Dec 7, 2010

I want to allow users to click only once on button. In fact, the button is a user control:


That button control gives us access to OnClientClick property of lbButton. This button is used on other user control:


As you can see - i disable button on client-side and then return true (to do a postback). That's for only sample purposes. This code will disable my button but there will be no postback. If leave only "return true;" inside onclientclick script then i'll have my postback. The conclusion is - i can't do a postback if i disable button. The question is what's the reason of such behaviour and can i do any trick to over overcome this issue. I figured out i can hide button and still perform postback. But why it can't be disabled? There was already a thread on similar topic : [URL] but answers weren't satysfying. User Participant gave his solution there but i'm not fully understand his idea. Could someone explain to me why it can't be done my way and if it can be done by any other method?

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JavaScript Function In Linkbutton Not Firing In FireFox Browser?

Jan 20, 2010

when i click the link button in Masterpage the window has to close. This function is working properly in IE but in fireFox or chrome or Safari Other than IE in all browsers postback is happening.

my code :


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Javascript - Extremely Laggy Responsiveness Of LinkButton In FireFox

Feb 28, 2011

I have a little problem with a LinkButton in a UserControl based application. In Firefox, one single click on the LinkButton does not do anything. You have to press and hold the LinkButton for approx. 800ms to successfully trigger the PostBack.The Focus outline is lagging too. When i click on that LinkButton, the outline-change needs approximately the same amount of time you have to hold the button the trigger the postback. the webapplication and the LinkButtons are working perfectly in IE and Chrome the javascript libraries (external and internal) are currently neither obfuscated nor compressed Here's the markup:

<li id="liMemberGetPerson" runat="server" class="inactive clear">
<div class="tab clear">
<div class="tab-left"></div>
<div class="tab-main">
<asp:LinkButton ID="lbPersonArea" runat="server"
Text="Person" CausesValidation="false"
CommandArgument="MemberGetPerson" />
<div class="tab-right"></div>

Edit: the "code-behind":

protected void OnMemberViewAspectChange(Object sender, CommandEventArgs e){
AppAction currentAction = HistoryManagerFactory.GetCommandManager().GetCurrentCommand();
AppAction newAction = new AppAction();
newAction.ViewType = ViewType.MemberView;
newAction.AspectType = (AspectType)Enum.Parse(typeof(AspectType), e.CommandArgument.ToString());
newAction.ObjectID = currentAction.ObjectID;
newAction.Mode = currentAction.Mode;
ChangeAspect( newAction );}

The ChangeAspect() method call renders the corresponding View ( UserControl ). I have tried the following without success: Disable the Firefox Client Caching Disabling PartialPage Updates (disabling the UpdatePanels) If anyone has ever encountered this problem, i'd be very thankful to hear about any possible solutions.

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Internet Explorer - LinkButton Tooltip Gets Overriden By Image Alternate Text?

Aug 27, 2010

I'm using a lot of LinkButtons in my web application with text and images inside them. All LinkButtons are set with a ToolTip and all images inside the LinkButtons are set with an alternate text.

<asp:LinkButton CssClass="button button-input" ID="btnSearch" runat="server" CausesValidation="False" ToolTip="Search">
<img id="imgSearch" runat="server" src="../../../images/icons/magnifier-left.png" alt="search-something" width="12" height="12" />

The problem is that in Internet Explorer the alternate text of the image is shown instead of the ToolTip of the LinkButton. In Firefox this problem doesn't exists, it always show the ToolTip of the LinkButton.

This is the produced XHTML:

<a href="javascript:__doPostBack('...','')" title="Search" id="..."><img width="12" height="12" alt="search-something" id="..." src="../../images/icons/magnifier-left.png"></a>

Is it possible to overcome this issue? Removing all alternate texts will resolve the issue but a better (more standard) way is always welcome!

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Web Forms :: LinkButton Inside UpdatePanel Not Executing OnClick Javascript?

Oct 12, 2010

So, I have a MasterPage, in which I have an ImageButton and an UpdatePanel. Inside the UpdatePanel I have a LinkButton.


As you can see, both components are asociated to the same OnClick event, which should open said PDF document in a new window using javascript (Code Behind of the MasterPage):


I build the path using the toolTip of the component that has been clicked,which has the name of the file that should load in the

new window.

When I run the application, and click the ImageButton, the new window opens and the file loads correctly. However, when I click the LinkButton, nothing happens (it should do exactly the same as the ImageButton).

If I set a breakpoint, and debug, when I click the LinkButton, it goes to the LnkRelease1 event (as it should), everything looks fine, but it doesnt open the new window, It doesn't execute the javascript

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Javascript - Cancel Postback In Linkbutton When Binding To Jquery Click Event?

Jan 25, 2011

I have a linkbutton to which i am binding to the click event using jQuery, however the page still posts back no matter what i try...

According to this i should be able to use event.preventDefault However nothing seems to work and it always posts back, but i do get the alert

Here is my example

<asp:LinkButton runat="server" Text="TEST" ID="lnkTest"></asp:LinkButton>
$(document).ready(function () {
var lnk = $('#<%=this.lnkTest.ClientID %>');
lnk.unbind('click.test').bind('click.test', function (event) { alert("Click"); event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); return false; });

Okay after some further investigation it seems that this does work as expected when i run it in a standalone page, however we are using this script, and it appears that it is causing a conflict..

That script moves any href='javascript:... into the click handler, im guessing that the order the handlers are assigned may have something to do with it...

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