Web Forms :: LinkButton Inside UpdatePanel Not Executing OnClick Javascript?
Oct 12, 2010
So, I have a MasterPage, in which I have an ImageButton and an UpdatePanel. Inside the UpdatePanel I have a LinkButton.
As you can see, both components are asociated to the same OnClick event, which should open said PDF document in a new window using javascript (Code Behind of the MasterPage):
I build the path using the toolTip of the component that has been clicked,which has the name of the file that should load in the
new window.
When I run the application, and click the ImageButton, the new window opens and the file loads correctly. However, when I click the LinkButton, nothing happens (it should do exactly the same as the ImageButton).
If I set a breakpoint, and debug, when I click the LinkButton, it goes to the LnkRelease1 event (as it should), everything looks fine, but it doesnt open the new window, It doesn't execute the javascript window.open.
Very new to ASP.NET (using C# behind) and am having trouble figuring out the following scenario. I have a DataList that is populated (code below) and wanted each cell to be clickable. When the cell is clicked I wanted to know the unique ID for that cell. In my code behind, my OnClick method looks like this:
However I never get there. It seems as if the linkbutton always refers to some javascript callback function and just reloads my form. Am I using the wrong control for what I want to do? From this click I want to look up more information from the Key (will roll up the datalist or set visible to false, then supply the new data on the same page)DataList:
I have a LinkButton inside a GridView (via an TemplateField). No matter what I try, the LinkButton will not invoke its event handler. I have tried both traditional event handler ("OnClick")A OnRowCommand event handler at the GridView level.In both cases, I've debugged and it doesn't even catch the event handler.
I am using a MultiView inside an UpdatePanel with several views within it and a button on each that is supposed to validate the controls on the current view before moving onto the next view in the sequence (a bit like the Wizard control except I wanted more freedom).
I am using an LinkButton but the problem is that the LinkButton is not causing validation -- I have also tested with an ImageButton which isn't causing validation either. However, when I use a normal Button, the validation does work. I have grouped my validation controls into a ValidationGroup and made sure that CausesValidation is turned on.
i have two nested gridview inside an update panel. there is a button called btnPhoneEdit inside the child grid view. when the button gets clicked, it do cause partial post back as expected but it fails to invoke btnPhoneEdit_Click.
here is how my grid view looks like and how i add my custom data source to both parent and child grid view. [Code]....
I have a page with two ajax toolkit popupcontrol extenders, both have a Linkbutton inside the popup window, which is inside a panel and updatepanel. The difference is the second one (Linkbutton2) is inside a Gridview, which is also inside a Updatepanel.
The first one works fine, but the second one does not fire when click on it. The code is as follows:
I have a LinkButton inside an UpdatePanel that I do not want the client to click more than once before the UpdatePanel refreshes its contents. Right now the link button initiates a partial postback for every client side click until the update panel has time to refresh. This particular link fires off a very expensive process which I'd rather not have run unnecessarily. Is there a .NET standard way of doing this? Whats a good solution for this?
I have a UpdatePanel which is having a Datalist inside it , and in datalist i have a country dropdownlist whose autopostback = true , now it is causing postback which i want to trigger , but i am unable to set it as AsyncPostBackTrigger inside update panel because update panel won't find the dropdownlist as it is in datalist.
I have put my gridView inside an UpdatePanel with Timer control for auto refresh.The gridView has a linkButton column which is bounded to referenceNo column from database.
On click of this link button i want a panel to get visible. This Panel contains details corresponding to the referenceNo shown in differnt controls (mostly texboxes). Do i necessarily need to put the panel inside the Update Panel.If not how do i do it?
I have tried putting panel outside UpdatePanel, but it doesn't show panel on clicking the linkbutton nor does the values are updated inside this panel (if panel's visibility is set to true by default for testing purpose).
As you can see, nothing special; just colors and beautiful things.
I click on the blue Edit button and it fires the OnClick postback just fine.... in Chrome! But if I do the same in IE8, it just does nothing; doesn't even detect a click.
I removed the tag and kept just the word "Edit", and it works just fine in IE8 as a simple underlined link; the postback fires.
So, Why can't IE8 accept anything within LinkButton?
How do I setup a default setting so that if I do not set an OnClick (i.e the asp.net OnClick attribute) explicitly for an asp:LinkButton tag, it will not render an onclick(html attribute for javascript) attribute client side? By default, asp.net adds an onclick='doPostBack....' for the LinkButton.
Case for use:
There is a LinkButton tag on the page. For this page, if the user has one friend, I only want to run client side code if the button is clicked and would not for any reason want to make a post back. If the user has more than one friend I would want a click to trigger a postback.
Using any asp.net Ajaxtoolkit
Dynamically switching the control type (i.e. if friends == 1 use a asp:Hyperlink)
-I want to avoid this because it is not scalable. There might be many cases where I want an asp:Link tag to do a postback or to not do a postback depending on the user context or user attributes Using OnClientClick (I am using jQuery would like to avoid this)
The javascript generated by the asp.net SciptManager control seems to have a bug and cant handle hidden UpdatePanels. A javascript error is thrown when a control within one updated panel tries to make another update panel visible. Is this a bug with ASP.Net ajax? And does anyone have any ideas how to get around this? heres is an example of what im trying to do
this is the javascript error that gets thrown when clicking on the "LinkButton1" link. This error comes from the javascript that is generated by the asp.net ScriptManager control
Error: Sys.InvalidOperationException: Could not find UpdatePanel with ID 'ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_UpdatePanel2'
I have a rquirement thay in grdivew need to show the 2 custom ads and 3 google ads, so i have written an user control and inside that using the adsense script, and binding the gridview manually with 2 custom ads and then calling the user control with few functionality. But i have used ajax to ignore the post back So while clikging on paging the google ads are not loading as they are loading from javascript.I came to know that we cannot call javascript inside updaetpanel means Ajax, this is an urgent requirement for me,
I am using the following code to load user control on to ASPX Page, which under a Master Page:
The user control name is passed as a parameter on the URL.
Inside the user, there is a LinkButton. The link button has a simple server side code for OnClick event.
Everything is working fine on the production machine, but, on the Development machine, I can see incorrect behaviour. I have started making some development changes on the Development Machine since several months back, and it will be very difficult to find out what caused the problem.
When I click the LinkButton inside the user control, the user control is removed from the parent page, and the OnClick event of the LinkButton is not firing.
I did debug, and found out that after I click on the LinkButton inside the user control, then the Page Load events for the master page and the ASPX page are working fine, and the IsPostBack is set to true, but the OnClick event of the LinkButton is not firing.
I am having trouble with getting the Jscroller2 too work inside an updatepanel after I have added a marquee as a newsbanner. - (The marquee is running outside the updatepanel)Beforer the marquee was present I could trigger the JavaScript with:
Now the Jscroller2 only works when the page is loading the first time and not after the updatepanel has updated.So my question is how do I get the Javascript to fire after the updatepanel have updated when a marquee is present?
I have a asp.net listbox server control that is connected to a jquery plugin that can handle a client side click event for each of the checkboxes it renders.
Whenever I click on a checkbox the click event gets triggered and I make a call to
__doPostBack("UpdatePanel1", ""); so that i can update the updatepanel and rebind the checkboxlist inside it.
is it possible to do the rebind first, and then update the updatepanel? how do i do that? because now, the rebind happens on the second time i click on the checkbox.
I have a listview with a linkbutton in it, whenever the user clicks on the link button, I want to retreive the value under:
In my code behind I have
if I change txtstartdate.text = "Testing..", it would work fine with no problem, so everything is working except just finding the value of the username
I've got a rather difficult one here. I have a JavaScript jquery toggle button inside an update panel. Right now i'm using <form body="onload"> to recall this javascript to re-apply the button state after each partial postback. It works, but it requires two clicks sometimes.
The problem is... after a few clicks, it is significantly slowing down the PC, and I can see the clicks trailing half a second to nearly a second. If I have a group of buttons, all those click events are just catching up to my clicks. It is rather amusing but I suppose it has to do with the fact that the postback is calling the <body onload=" event> each time after the button is clicked.
I have two update panels and one javascript control.
When the javascript button is clicked, it forces a partial postback on UpdatePanel2. UpdatePanel2 is populated with dynamically created buttons that have javascript effects (jquery) but when click can also induce a postback. My problem is that, when clicking on these dynamic buttons, the whole page does not do a partial post back but rather UpdatePanel2 itself does a partial postback and everything is gone.
However, what I want to do is be able to tie each of the dynamic buttons in UpdatePanel2 (After being dynamically created) and make them an asychnonous triggers to UpdatePanel1. So that when clicking on these dynamic buttons, ONLY UpdatePanel1 is doing a partial postback refresh. UpdatePanel2 stays put and remains the same.