- How can I uncheck a checkbox using client side code when the other checkbox is checked? - Is there a way to check server side on form submission that at least one check box is checked?
I have a gridview with two checkbox columns (Freeze & Display) with 10 rows, when i check the Freeze checkbox in 5th row, then all the rows from 1st to 5th row will get checked, and then "Display" checkbox will get automatically checked and get disabled for the first 5 rows. Then when i uncheck the 3rd row Freeze checkbox, then the row below from 3rd to 5th row should get unchecked. Is this functionality can be implemented.
In my gridview in header section i have checkbox when ckeck all checkbox get checked/Unchecked bt when i added update panel to gridview postbback gone bt ckeckall not functioning properly the script i use is..
1. Branch name --> uses checkbox 2. Sub Branch Name --> uses Checkboxlist
both column data are fetched from database the table luks like this
1. (checkbox) Branchname1 (checkboxlist) ALL Subbranchnames 2.(checkbox) Branchname2 (checkboxlist) ALL Subbranchnames
if i select checkbox of branch 1 all my subbranches checkbox list should be selected and viceversa
same for branch2
I am using a javascript code which in which if i select a branch name everything in my page is selected including branch2 n its corresponding subbranch..
I have two checkboxes: cb1 and cb2. They are both hooked up to an onClick event which checks if at least one checkbox is clicked. If this is not the case, it throws an alert and reverts the change. If a legal change was made (e.g. cb2 was checked, followed by cb1 being unchecked), the function calls the server function checkChange() which needs the object and eventargs.
I'm having trouble with the following:
Reverting the change: how can i find out which checkbox was clicked without adding an extra javascript function for the second checkbox? This has to be a scalable solution as more checkboxes may be added later. How do I call the server function checkChange(). I am aware of "this.Page.GetPostbackEventReference" but I am confused as to the parameters it takes.
I have 11 asp.net checkboxes in my asp.net webusercontrol ..
i want when checkbox1 is check thenrest of all checkboxes will be checked and if checkbox is uncheck then rest of all checkboxes will be unchecked how to do it if all my checkboxes are inside webusercontrol panel1.
i have got a HTML table which contain a check box in and other checkboxes in i want that all 's checkboxes should be checked /unchecked on basis of 's Check box..
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> function SelectAll(id) { var frm = document.getElementById('tblemail'); for (i=0;i<frm.elements.length;i++) { if (frm.elements[i].type == "checkbox") { [code]...
I have used treeview control with checkbox for my web application tool in listing the categories. I have used java scripts to select only one checkbox to be selected in my treeview category. Now after completing my operation i want to uncheck the checkbox ( tick mark) in the treeview checkbox control? Can any1 suggest some solution...? I am trying this for past 1 week...
while comeing back from page2 to page1 I need to load the checkboxes in the same state when the page navigated from Page1 to page2.Below is the code that I have written.All the loops and conditions get executed as expected,but when the page loads all the checkboxes are unchecked,even thouse which were checked.I am not able to understand why the code is not giving the expected result?
how to disabled and uncheck the checkbox values from database fields..if i have entry in my database records as :Name Seats DateSumit 1,3 11-Dec-2010Sanjeev 2,4 12-Dec-2010Manish 1,3,4 11-Dec-2010I want on page load event the default date for todays is 11-Dec-2010 then checkbox1, checkbox2, checkbox3, checkbox4 will be disabled and unchecked state for 11-Dec-2010as you see on the above database structure the seats for 11-Dec-2010 is 1,2,3,4 so the chekbox1, checkbox2, checkbox3, checkbox4 will be disabled..
Check box's event CheckedChanged is not firing when uncheck the check box :This checkbox will help in checking the checkbox list and whne uncheck it will uncheck the checkbox list.I am using AJAX for this page post backs.Here is the html code for check box:
Now what I want to achieve is, when user clicks IsComplete checkbox, she must enter the date of completion. So, I want a validation (client side) on DateOfCompletion if the checkbox is selected (checked). And, I also want to use Validator Callout Extender if possible.
Checked list box in form application in asp.net ,it contain 6 items but i want adding two more items one is select all,and other clear all, select all press mean -select the that 6 items,and clear item -press mean deselect the all items.
I want to select all checkBox in Gridview when click to header checkBox.I have created design such that CheckBox is not available to header of Gridview.It is in other table. Below is design of gridview.